“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

Economic decline?

You don’t get out much do you?
Interest rates at 6% were as low as 3% with Trump. Avg gas prices under Trump: $1.17 per gal, gas prices under Biden: $2.7 per gal. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics food and beverage averages shows $1 in 2020 has the same purchasing power as $1.22 in 2024. So, go shove up your natural ass.
Really, You think a comment like that is worthy of an adult much less a presidential candidate? Do really think that someone who would post something so juvenile is fit to be commander in chief?

lol you think you're and adult, racing inhere to post that drivel of a gossip mongering OP? Hilarious.
He's still got a very long way to decline before he reaches your peak level of IQ, but that's true of house flies as well so don't feel bad.
I wouldn’t comment on anyone’s IQ Trumper. You support a moron who is obviously mentally unfit. You know what they say about two peas in the same pod.
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Really, You think a comment like that is worthy of an adult much less a presidential candidate? Do really think that someone who would post something so juvenile is fit to be commander in chief?
Fake News!

View attachment 1012438


To think there are actually adults who have and will vote for this lunatic boggles the mind.
Why would they want this child to hold the nuclear code?
I wouldn’t comment on anyone’s IQ Trumper. You support a moron who is obviously mentally unfit. You know what they say about two peas in the same pod.

lol you probably think we will believe you made up the two peas in a pod thing yourself, too.

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View attachment 1012438


To think there are actually adults who have and will vote for this lunatic boggles the mind.
That is a call to his cult members to go after her. Bigly!!!

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