Poll: With two assassination attempts against Trump already...how many more will there be before election day?

How many more assassination attempts?

  • At least 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • No matter the amount of attempts, the it will never be treated like one attempt on Kamala would be..

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • The media is biased AF

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • ...as many as it takes.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
Bizzaro World...


The Right does nothing even in the face of pure tyranny.
What do you think will eventually happen given that?

America is so prime and such an easy target for a tyrant, hateful Leftist dictator that I'm just shocked we don't have one.....yet.
November may change that. It won't be Harris (or Trump). It'll be someone far more capable and unstoppable.

Maybe Taylor Swift. ;)
Taylor is trying to kill Trump with her horrible music

In fact, she is trying to destroy us all!!!
The hate filled rhetoric has already led to not one, but two assassination attempts on president Trump's life.

How many more attempts will it take before these atrocities get the weeks of 24-7 coverage an assassination attempt on Kamala, or Biden or Obama would garner...or at a minimum, calls for a reigning in of hateful rhetoric from the party of violence...the Democrats.

The assassin is a looney right wing republican, just like the last one. Why aren't they democrats if the democrats are the party of violence?
Run along now and dream up more ways to try and kill people.
I am not a nut case like you. I would never do that. The last thing this country needs is fanatics believing trump is some kind of martyr. They're crazy enough already.
What kills me are all of the pissed off Americans over inflation, immigration, and the wars abroad, yet no one tries to kill them, only Trump who is trying to stop them from continuing to destroy the country.

It shows you the power of the media that only talks about how evil Trump is.

Which makes me believe perhaps it isn't average people trying to kill him.

This video shows the shooters Facebook page scrubbed but people got screen grabs from his postings below it speaking about Afghan soldiers and has passports for them which smells like a cia operative.

And unless I am mistaken the guy fought in the Ukraine war. If that's true I doubt he was there doing your typical fighting.

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