Chain Rection: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics

You probably shouldn't. Black fertility rates are higher than white fertility rates.
For decades people with IQ's below 100 have been more prolific than people with IQs above 100. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by those of below average intelligence.
Again, please go to the hood and say shit like this.
By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites and Orientals. Negroes have higher illegitimacy rates, and much higher crime rates.

There should be no taboos and sanctions against drawing attention to these facts because they have important political implications.

Most obviously, they mean that there should be no affirmative action, and no racial reparations.
Fuck you.
That is your typical response to my courteous, fact based, and rational arguments. It demonstrates that you have nothing to contribute to discussions of complex and controversial issues. It indicates that you never went to college. You write like a high school dropout.
For decades people with IQ's below 100 have been more prolific than people with IQs above 100. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by those of below average intelligence.
SO you are upset the stupid people can get laid and you can't?

Man, you sound more and more like an Incel every day.

By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites and Orientals. Negroes have higher illegitimacy rates, and much higher crime rates.
You need to go to the hood and explain that to them. I am sure they will be immediately impressed by your compelling argument and agree to stop breeding.
That is your typical response to my courteous, fact based, and rational arguments. It demonstrates that you have nothing to contribute to discussions of complex and controversial issues. It indicates that you never went to college. You write like a high school dropout.
Once again, guy. Fuck you. Not because you are smart, because you aren't.

But because you are objectively an awful human being.
Once again, guy. Fuck you. Not because you are smart, because you aren't.

But because you are objectively an awful human being.
Insults, name calling, obscene words, and threats of violence are all you have.
You need to go to the hood and explain that to them. I am sure they will be immediately impressed by your compelling argument and agree to stop breeding.
My arguments would be over the heads of people who cannot read at a sixth grade level.
Insults, name calling, obscene words, and threats of violence are all you have.
I already dismantled your silly premise in post #1. (White people have always voted GOP)

The rest is just pointing out what a shit human you are.

You sirrah are as vulgar as you are ignorant.
Absolutely, I love being vulgar...

My arguments would be over the heads of people who cannot read at a sixth grade level.
Okay, go to a college campus, let me know how they fare there.

My guess is, not much better.
I already dismantled your silly premise in post #1. (White people have always voted GOP)
Are you saying that "all white people have always voted GOP." That obviously was not true when Franklin Roosevelt was elected, and re elected three times.
Are you saying that "all white people have always voted GOP." That obviously was not true when Franklin Roosevelt was elected, and re elected three times.
FDR was the exception, wasn't he.

By 1948, white people went right back to being awful (Truman only won because Dewey and Thurmond split the white vote), put Ike in office twice, and the only reason why JFK won was because blacks put him right over the top.

The only difference between FDR and modern Democrats is that FDR felt a need to pander to the worst white people, while modern Democrats know they don't have to.
The rest is just pointing out what a shit human you are.

Absolutely, I love being vulgar...
You are exposing what you are. You are one who thinks it is legitimate to suppress obvious facts about average, but durable racial differences

You hate the demographic that is the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population and make excuses for the race that has the lowest average IQ and the highest crime rate.
By 1948, white people went right back to being awful

Whites of European descent (including Ashkenazi Jews) have created the most advanced, the most affluent, and the most generous civilization in history.

That is awe inspiring, but it is not terrible.
You are exposing what you are. You are one who thinks it is legitimate to suppress obvious facts about average, but durable racial differences

If the facts are so 'obvious', why doe no university have a Department of Race Realism or use any of your heroes works as required textbooks?

You hate the demographic that is the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population and make excuses for the race that has the lowest average IQ and the highest crime rate.
I hate the Demographic that would get us into a nuclear war because of their religious fantasies.

Eventually, there will be a nuclear war in the middle east. Even it if is limited to that, the ecological and economic damages would be catastrophic for the world.
Whites of European descent (including Ashkenazi Jews) have created the most advanced, the most affluent, and the most generous civilization in history.

That is awe inspiring, but it is not terrible.
Try to stay on subject, buddy.

The subject is not "Hector needs to feel good about being white because he's never accomplished anything on his own."

The subject is, why do white people keep screwing themselves by voting Republican?
Try to stay on subject, buddy.

The subject is not "Hector needs to feel good about being white because he's never accomplished anything on his own."

The subject is, why do white people keep screwing themselves by voting Republican?
The strongest Republican issues are on race, crime, and immigration.

When I ask a blue collar white Republican why he votes Republican he tells me what it was like attending a black majority public high school. He tells me about black crime. He, his friends, and his relatives have been victims of black criminals.

Many lower income whites know that the GOP does not advance their economic interests. They vote Republican because social issues are more important for them.
The strongest Republican issues are on race, crime, and immigration.
You mean, playing on irrational fears.

When I ask a blue collar white Republican why he votes Republican he tells me what it was like attending a black majority public high school. He tells me about black crime. He, his friends, and his relatives have been victims of black criminals.

Oh, but I bet he forgets all about the shitty white kids he went to school with and the white people who commit crimes. High School is an awful experience, regardless. I went to a Catholic HS. I fucking hated it. Why? Because teenagers are almost by nature, awful people. They have nearly adult bodies but still the minds of children, lacking empathy.

As for crime. Crime has been dropping since the mid 1990's, but it still doesn't stop the racists from being racist, does it?

Many lower income whites know that the GOP does not advance their economic interests. They vote Republican because social issues are more important for them.
Then they are stupid. They truly are.

and so are you.

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