Why Trump won the Debate

That was the very first question asked in the debate. And she didn't answer it.
She answered it with her plan, not Bidens. Because she was not president and we are better off than we were 4 yers go.
If your measure of winning and losing is personal attacks on your opponent, which it clearly is, I agree she won. Unfortunately for your cult, that was not what undecided voters were looking for in the debate.
Except that is what Trump did.
He was simply pointing out her laughable assertion that she's going to fix everything she ignored for the last 4 years.
The things he claimed were ignored have not been and she rightfully explained that they had to clean up a huge mess he left behind.
I was on vacation for the past four days, and missed the actual debate. But by most serious accounts, Trump won it pretty handily as I thought he would. I saw on poll where 6 of 10 undecided voters are now going for Trump.

The reason Trump won is because he bears the mantle of someone who has given their heart and soul, and almost his life in order to serve the American people. He sacrificed billions of dollars to serve the American people when he could be enjoying an easy retirement. But retirement and ease are not what Trump is about. Serving America is. When he speaks, he carries the gravitas of all he has endured; the nine years of relentless paid attacks from the left. kangaroo-court show trials by the Biden JD, and even an assassination attempt. In the debate, all this came out for the American people to see. Trump was authentic while Harris was prepped and sounded like her responses were wrote and memorized. She also avoided answering all of the few tough questions. She simply has not paid the price. She's never done anything and doesn't have the cred. Honest and real beats slick and packaged every time. So that's how Trump won.
Thanks for the chuckle.

Trump got his ass kicked. OSHA is looking into fining him for giving Harris a repetitive motion injury from kicking his ass so often.
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14. As President will you use your executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care — including those in prison and immigration detention — will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care? If yes, how will you do so?

Yes X No ⬜
She didn't single out imprisoned illegals for care.
Were you doing hallucinogenic drugs while on vacation? You are not back in your right mind. He made a public fool of himself, coast to coast on National Television, showing himself able to be manipulated by a younger, better studied candidate, with a quicker mind, with ease and poise, without her breaking a sweat. He tried to rely on the same tired lies and BS, his rallies are known for. He sounded like a crazy old man, utterly beaten, grasping a straws.
Well, I didn’t see the entire thing but I didn’t hear him tell a white nationalist hate group to “stand by” in this debate like he did 4 years ago. So, even though he got his doors blown off by Harris, this may have been an improvement.
Well, I didn’t see the entire thing but I didn’t hear him tell a white nationalist hate group to “stand by” in this debate like he did 4 years ago. So, even though he got his doors blown off by Harris, this may have been an improvement.
Trumpy claims it was his best debate performance.
MAGA is not just a sloganView attachment 1010210
"People are saying?"
Which people?
That's right up there with Trump's "everybody knows" for bullshit, gaslighting, misinformation.
Panels of everyday people the networks interviewed if you watched real news you would know it.... Everyone was waiting to hear Kamala's plan and never got it for anything... just what is an opportunity economy anyway?... do you know?...
I was on vacation for the past four days, and missed the actual debate. But by most serious accounts, Trump won it pretty handily as I thought he would. I saw on poll where 6 of 10 undecided voters are now going for Trump.

The reason Trump won is because he bears the mantle of someone who has given their heart and soul, and almost his life in order to serve the American people. He sacrificed billions of dollars to serve the American people when he could be enjoying an easy retirement. But retirement and ease are not what Trump is about. Serving America is. When he speaks, he carries the gravitas of all he has endured; the nine years of relentless paid attacks from the left. kangaroo-court show trials by the Biden JD, and even an assassination attempt. In the debate, all this came out for the American people to see. Trump was authentic while Harris was prepped and sounded like her responses were wrote and memorized. She also avoided answering all of the few tough questions. She simply has not paid the price. She's never done anything and doesn't have the cred. Honest and real beats slick and packaged every time. So that's how Trump won.
Well, if he really won, it cost his sorry ass five points in the polls! Bigly!!!

If you, as a partisan do not like her answers, who cares? The debate was the debate. There is not one discussion group, or poll, showing anything but trump was repeatedly trounced on the debate stage. Your own FOX NEWS had the show of hands on their stages by Trump supporter showing Harris easly beat the crap out that crazed old man, rambling, repeating himself, refusing to say Ukraine should win against Putin's Russian invasion, and devolving into insane conspiracy theories (out of the blue) that immigrants are eating cats and dog of American. In other words, repeatedly showing exactly what he is, is cognitive deficiency, lack of self control, the ease at which anyone (anyone at all) dangle a bait and watch him snap it up like a starving catfish with a big mouth. That means his is easy prey for any world leader needing to manipulate. His repeated failed attempts to lie or hide what he has said and done, immediately caught and taken advantage of repeatedly and consistently.

As a partisan, if you want to ignore the outcome of the debate, so be it. Vote for him and protect you cats and dogs from the alien threat if that is what is important to you.
Thanks for the long-winded non-reply. Just like Kamala! So let me try again. Please provide one difficult question Harris answered

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