'Eat Less Kittens' billboards are popping up in the Phoenix area

It is getting scary with Trump

Biden slowly slipped away
Trump keeps revealing the bizarre workings of his brain and lacks the filter to not reveal the things he keeps thinking

Windmills cause cancer
Electric Boats sink because the batteries weigh too much
You can get electrocuted from a boat battery
Migrants steal pets and eat cats and dogs
Democrats abort babies after they are born
He has a problem with words that have an "s" in it. They cause him to glitch. And of course he knows words, the best words like violent marbs gonna get you and that he wants to get to the oranges of the Mueller investigation.
It's sad, really sad......Why, they even fucked-up a Hitler parody clip.

LOL.....I never thought that this tread would have got the milage it has. I figured a few posts at best.

Boy, talk about some triggered leftists. :yes_text12:
Nobody expected you to get it, so don't sweat it.
Again with "We got him this time". LOL! you clowns and board maggots have been saying that since JakeStarkey was in diapers. Back in 2016.....it never quit.

Trump is almost always proven correct and the media lies to you nappy headed HO. The Picture of Black Hatian walking down an OHIO street carrying a dead Goose wasn't suddenly invented? Eating other stray animals is not impossible. They say they can't get enough cat in their diet down in Haiti.
That is a pub sub at Publix.


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Not surprisingly President Trump already proven Correct on Crime (again). Over 32% of the USA was not included. LA, PHX, etc.


It goes on to say that 52% of crime in New York City is currently downgraded to misdemeanors (unless of course you have to upgrade financial records crimes from misdemeanors to felonies in order to subvert the statute of limitations).
It is getting scary with Trump

Biden slowly slipped away
Trump keeps revealing the bizarre workings of his brain and lacks the filter to not reveal the things he keeps thinking

Windmills cause cancer
Electric Boats sink because the batteries weigh too much
You can get electrocuted from a boat battery
Migrants steal pets and eat cats and dogs
Democrats abort babies after they are born

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