For those of you who think they are better off

Fauci recommended the lockdowns and democrat states kept them going. You don’t remember the ridicule DeSantis got when he defied the democrat lockdown status quo? Oh, that’s right. You’re a democrat. Your memory is shorter than a dog’s.
And trump ordered, so what are you trying to say?
And trump ordered, so what are you trying to say?
Trump was in no position to challenge Fauci the virology official with Pravda raging.
It was obvious at that point that the virus was a scam and the lockdowns were designed to ruin the economy and sway people to vote trump out. When that strategy failed, democrats used the virus to manufacture mail-in votes and steal the election that way.
Trump was in no position to challenge Fauci the virology official with Pravda raging.
It was obvious at that point that the virus was a scam and the lockdowns were designed to ruin the economy and sway people to vote trump out. When that strategy failed, democrats used the virus to manufacture mail-in votes and steal the election that way.
Interesting that my link, from one week after Fauci recommended ‘hunkering down’, was relegated to the rubber room even though it was spot-on and relevant.
That’s what happens when you have Marxist moderators like White Supremacist 6.
Trumps lockdown? lol, you mean blue city lockdowns. Also, there was a shortage of toilet paper because the people were filling their garages with toilet paper…thinking that apparently that toilet paper would never be made again..
Yes, fat Elvis lockdowns.

Why do you believe making excuses for them will exaggerate fat from them.

Yes, wages have been increasing faster than inflation in the United States, and real wages are now higher than they were before the pandemic

In July 2024, wages grew by 4.7% while inflation was 2.9%. Inflation has not been higher than wage growth since January 2023.

Real wages higher than pre-pandemic
Pure government cooked up bullshit.
Trump was in no position to challenge Fauci the virology official with Pravda raging.
It was obvious at that point that the virus was a scam and the lockdowns were designed to ruin the economy and sway people to vote trump out. When that strategy failed, democrats used the virus to manufacture mail-in votes and steal the election that way.
So, he just went along and ordered the initial lockdowns, due to being a weak leader? That is the narrative you really want to tell?
It’s true. You really believe that if Trump resisted fauci that the media would not go ballistic?
They are always ballistic. Who cares? Are you saying he handled the Covid epidemic well? Are you saying he did not publicly thank and congratulate China for handling in their country and alerting the world? Have you been injecting cleaners?
The blue cities carried on, after the Trump lockdowns ended. That is why they are rightly called blue city lockdowns. I am in Tennessee. We shut down when he said, and opened back up when he said.
Then why call them trump lockdowns? Most of the lockdowns were from blue cities and states.
Then why call them trump lockdowns? Most of the lockdowns were from blue cities and states.
We were in one ordered by him and then told by him when it should be over. Not all of them were Trump lockdowns and in many places, they didn't come out of lockdown when he said. Of course, some places were so riddled with the disease, coming out early might have been more devastating. It is not like they could just inject some cleaning fluid and clear it out of their systems or shine ultraviolet light inside to kill the virus. Those were really stupid ideas.
We were in one ordered by him and then told by him when it should be over. Not all of them were Trump lockdowns and in many places, they didn't come out of lockdown when he said. Of course, some places were so riddled with the disease, coming out early might have been more devastating. It is not like they could just inject some cleaning fluid and clear it out of their systems or shine ultraviolet light inside to kill the virus. Those were really stupid ideas.

You mean the 15 days to slow the spread. That was the cdc recommendation right? Trump was against extended lockdowns.

Really? The inject bleach thing? He never told anyone to inject anything, he was asking a question to the doctors who were in the room, about some kind of disinfectant.

Now. I will admit that with the “it cleans it up in about a minute” was something said about cleaning surfaces with a cleaner of some type, and maybe he got things jumbled together in his speech, but you would have to be silly to think he was suggesting people inject household cleaners into their bodies, and again, he didn’t suggest anything. He was asking a question to the doctors when he was talking about light and a disinfectant, and getting it into the body.

However, the transcript of the briefing clarifies that while Trump's remarks were erroneous and confusing, he did not at any point instruct people to inject disinfectants or any other substances (including bleach) into their bodies.
Pure government cooked up bullshit.
Just because you're poor and struggling more now because you only got a tiny raise and your landlord raised your rent bigly, doesn't mean that's the reality of most Americans.

Most Republicans are doing great. Especially the rich ones. They're trying to appeal to you poor idiots. Don't fall for it. Republicans do NOT care about the poor. Their idea of helping you is tough love. And they don't want your boss to pay you move stupid. And they want to make cuts to your ss and medicare.

Do you want the perfect example of how Trump fooled you guys? Remember he said he was the best president ever for blacks? Well based on the reasons he said that, Biden is now the best president ever to blacks.

You can't have it both ways.
They are always ballistic. Who cares? Are you saying he handled the Covid epidemic well? Are you saying he did not publicly thank and congratulate China for handling in their country and alerting the world? Have you been injecting cleaners?
Media is always pro-democrat. Trump was between a rock and a hard place with fauci and the media.
You are such a dishonest phony. That explains why you’re a mod here.
You mean the 15 days to slow the spread. That was the cdc recommendation right? Trump was against extended lockdowns.

Really? The inject bleach thing? He never told anyone to inject anything, he was asking a question to the doctors who were in the room, about some kind of disinfectant.

Now. I will admit that with the “it cleans it up in about a minute” was something said about cleaning surfaces with a cleaner of some type, and maybe he got things jumbled together in his speech, but you would have to be silly to think he was suggesting people inject household cleaners into their bodies, and again, he didn’t suggest anything. He was asking a question to the doctors when he was talking about light and a disinfectant, and getting it into the body.

I am aware, that his ordered lockdown was for only 15 days, and was to slow the spread of the disease and had no problem with it. I did my part and did not go out to mingle, and when we did need to go, we masked when not in our car or home, and had no problem with that either. After it was over, we went about our lives normally, though masking in stores. Having had and survived Covid, we were sensitive to others wanting to avoid the experience, as some had deadly consequences for people that were of weakened immune systems. Some of them, I supported, being a tested, lab certified Covid plasma donor.

Normally intelligent people did not consider injecting themselves with cleaning fluid or even ask if it were possible or intelligent, knowing automatically, it was not a good idea. In his position, at the time, one would think, if he had these questions, he would have asked in private, not risking looking crazily uninformed in public, but he tends to say any crazy thing that pops into his head, no matter where he is or how ridiculous, he sounds.
I am aware, that his ordered lockdown was for only 15 days, and was to slow the spread of the disease and had no problem with it. I did my part and did not go out to mingle, and when we did need to go, we masked when not in our car or home, and had no problem with that either. After it was over, we went about our lives normally, though masking in stores. Having had and survived Covid, we were sensitive to others wanting to avoid the experience, as some had deadly consequences for people that were of weakened immune systems. Some of them, I supported, being a tested, lab certified Covid plasma donor.

Normally intelligent people did not consider injecting themselves with cleaning fluid or even ask if it were possible or intelligent, knowing automatically, it was not a good idea. In his position, at the time, one would think, if he had these questions, he would have asked in private, not risking looking crazily uninformed in public, but he tends to say any crazy thing that pops into his head, no matter where he is or how ridiculous, he sounds.
You’re parroting demmunist propaganda.
You sound ridiculous.
Media is always pro-democrat. Trump was between a rock and a hard place with fauci and the media.
You are such a dishonest phony. That explains why you’re a mod here.
So, he is just lousy at navigating the waters of public opinion, due to lack of personal leadership ability or courage of convictions? Is that the narrative you seek? He couldn't help himself and lacked the ability to chart a conservative leadership position, when people got to see him live on every network? Judging by his debate performance, he hasn't learned anything on his personal issues of self-control yet, either.
For those who think you are better off now than you were 4 years ago, let's go shopping.
Yeah but I also make significantly more per hour. I’m doing fine. Plenty of disposable income

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