For those of you who think they are better off

Just because you're poor and struggling more now because you only got a tiny raise and your landlord raised your rent bigly, doesn't mean that's the reality of most Americans.

Most Republicans are doing great. Especially the rich ones. They're trying to appeal to you poor idiots. Don't fall for it. Republicans do NOT care about the poor. Their idea of helping you is tough love. And they don't want your boss to pay you move stupid. And they want to make cuts to your ss and medicare.

Do you want the perfect example of how Trump fooled you guys? Remember he said he was the best president ever for blacks? Well based on the reasons he said that, Biden is now the best president ever to blacks.

You can't have it both ways.
^Pure lying bullshit.
Groceries are politically neutral. They don't care about your politics, no one wants to pay $50.00 for a piece of meat. Republicans and Democrats alike like low inflation better than high inflation. Both parties use gas and don't want cars of the future, that catch fire and don't work. Republicans and Democrats rent or pay mortgages. They hate paying 3 times as much under Obiden. And if you think Trump is racist, then according to Joe, you need to get out of our schools and go back to the jungle. He has done absolutely nothing for the black communities. Nothing.
^Pure lying bullshit.
Groceries are politically neutral. They don't care about your politics, no one wants to pay $50.00 for a piece of meat. Republicans and Democrats alike like low inflation better than high inflation. Both parties use gas and don't want cars of the future, that catch fire and don't work. Republicans and Democrats rent or pay mortgages. They hate paying 3 times as much under Obiden. And if you think Trump is racist, then according to Joe, you need to get out of our schools and go back to the jungle. He has done absolutely nothing for the black communities. Nothing.
Yes, but since most of us make significantly more money it has evened out

What’s so hard to understand about that?

No one in America is going hungry
Yeah but I also make significantly more per hour. I’m doing fine. Plenty of disposable income
Well, since it's all about you, tell us how your income was raised by OBiden. Do you have the same job that you had when Trump was in office? Did they raise your hourly wage when Biden took over to offset inflation? Do you use a car to get to work? Do you buy gas? Do you buy a lot of groceries? My husband and I are both carnivores, and I pay as much for meat now than I used to pay for my whole grocery list. Do you pay property tax, or do you rent? I own a good bit of property, and my taxes have doubled! I hate disposing of my income because of greedy politicians.

Plan on retiring soon? Let's say you want to cover $3,000 in monthly bills once you stop working. That's $36,000 per year. So, using a rough back-of-the-envelope estimate, you'll need $360,000 if your retirement time horizon is 10 years and roughly $720,000 if you need your money to last 20 years
How many people do you think have a savings account? Credit card debt has gone through the roof.
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So, he is just lousy at navigating the waters of public opinion, due to lack of personal leadership ability or courage of convictions? Is that the narrative you seek? He couldn't help himself and lacked the ability to chart a conservative leadership position, when people got to see him live on every network? Judging by his debate performance, he hasn't learned anything on his personal issues of self-control yet, either.
Public opinion is swayed by corrupt communist media.
What should Biden have done to curb inflation?
--He should have kept Trump regulatory policies in effect.
--He should have vetoed insane trillion plus spending bills that benefitted pretty much nobody but a small targeted few while being extremely inflationary.
--He should have kept Trump's border policies in place and strongly discouraged migrants from coming here where they drain expensive resources from Americans and increase the cost of doing business due to increased crime.
--He should have put the so-called "Green New Deal" on the shelf and assured American business owners/managers that there would be no government initiatives to discourage business expansion and production.
--He should have appointed competent people to be in charge of transportation and other components that affect the overall economy.
--He should have chosen competent people to be Secretary of State and head of Homeland Securities so that we had a chance not to be embroiled in multiple wars that are costing us mega billions.

That's just for starters. . .
So, according to that I am out an extra 1300 a year for food. Between my wife and I we make more than 20k more than we did at the start of yep we are better off.

Thanks for asking
Add gas to the mix. Rent or mortgages, insurance increases, tax increases. How much did your and your wife's employers give you raises to offset what you now have to lay out?
--He should have kept Trump regulatory policies in effect.
--He should have vetoed insane trillion plus spending bills that benefitted pretty much nobody but a small targeted few while being extremely inflationary.
--He should have kept Trump's border policies in place and strongly discouraged migrants from coming here where they drain expensive resources from Americans and increase the cost of doing business due to increased crime.
--He should have put the so-called "Green New Deal" on the shelf and assured American business owners/managers that there would be no government initiatives to discourage business expansion and production.
--He should have appointed competent people to be in charge of transportation and other components that affect the overall economy.
--He should have chosen competent people to be Secretary of State and head of Homeland Securities so that we had a chance not to be embroiled in multiple wars that are costing us mega billions.

That's just for starters. . .
Trump could have done the same.
Trump could have done the same.
He did. And the economy was great, the border was under control, we didn't have millions of people invading our country and we had the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever known.

He cannot be blamed for 2020 that was an anomaly in anything any administration has ever faced/

And I strongly believe given a chance he will do that again.
He did. And the economy was great, the border was under control, we didn't have millions of people invading our country and we had the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever known.

He cannot be blamed for 2020 that was an anomaly in anything any administration has ever faced/

And I strongly believe given a chance he will do that again.
No, the border had people coming over just like it has always been since Reagan.
Trump was president in 2020 so he does get the blame for the shitty economy since he led the call for a national health emergency.
Yes, most Americans feel better off now than Trump's last year.

All of my investments, annuities, portfolio, properties ~ I am better off every year.
Well, since it's all about you, tell us how your income was raised by OBiden. Do you have the same job that you had when Trump was in office? Did they raise your hourly wage when Biden took over to offset inflation? Do you use a car to get to work? Do you buy gas? Do you buy a lot of groceries? My husband and I are both carnivores, and I pay as much for meat now than I used to pay for my whole grocery list. Do you pay property tax, or do you rent? I own a good bit of property, and my taxes have doubled! I hate disposing of my income because of greedy politicians.

Plan on retiring soon? Let's say you want to cover $3,000 in monthly bills once you stop working. That's $36,000 per year. So, using a rough back-of-the-envelope estimate, you'll need $360,000 if your retirement time horizon is 10 years and roughly $720,000 if you need your money to last 20 years
How many people do you think have a savings account? Credit card debt has gone through the roof.
This may come as a shock, but my employees have never based by raises on who was currently in office as president

It’s based on a combination of performance, years of experience and cost of living. Like everyone else.
If you didn't get a raise, and you are still buying groceries, then your money isn't stretching as far as you think. You may have enough to buy groceries, but under Trump you could buy groceries at an affordable price and keep the extra money in your pocket. No matter what you make, low inflation is better than high inflation.
Add gas to the mix. Rent or mortgages, insurance increases, tax increases. How much did your and your wife's employers give you raises to offset what you now have to lay out?

I work from home so use less gas than at the start of 2020.

We had a house built in 2022. Our total payment of mortgage, insurance and tax is less than what we paid in rent prior to building.

Our house is new and smaller and more efficient so my power bills have been less.

We did not get paid more to offset anything, we got paid more because we both got promotions.

We are doing far and away the best we have ever done.

Sorry that you are suffering, but we are thriving.
If you didn't get a raise, and you are still buying groceries, then your money isn't stretching as far as you think. You may have enough to buy groceries, but under Trump you could buy groceries at an affordable price and keep the extra money in your pocket. No matter what you make, low inflation is better than high inflation.
If you haven’t gotten a raise since 2020 you’re doing something wrong, and it has nothing to do with who’s sitting in the White House
I work from home so use less gas than at the start of 2020.

We had a house built in 2022. Our total payment of mortgage, insurance and tax is less than what we paid in rent prior to building.

Our house is new and smaller and more efficient so my power bills have been less.

We did not get paid more to offset anything, we got paid more because we both got promotions.

We are doing far and away the best we have ever done.

Sorry that you are suffering, but we are thriving.
lol. I'm not suffering. But my money was made before the mess we have now. I sit back and collect rent. My kids are also doing well, but not as well as they were doing 4 years ago.
But most people in this country are not doing well at all. Credit card debt is through the roof. People aren't making ends meet.
Obiden has taken one source of income from me already. My monthly oil royalties have all but stopped. And now Heels up wants to decide what I can charge for rent. My property taxes have doubled. So have my daughter's, and they aren't quite in the position that I am. They much prefer Maganomics to Bidenomics.

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