Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen'

Moderator: what didn't you stop the January 6th protestors

Trump: I tried but Nancy pelosi is in charge of that she wouldn't call the national guard and there is a video of her saying it

Moderator : we aren't talking about Nancy pelosi. Next question

Not word for word but still that's how it went. That lady was a nasty twat. Honestly this is the behavior I was expecting out of CNN when he went up against Biden.
CNN wanted Biden out of there so they didn't protect him. You saw the REAL liberal media at work in this debate. It was three against watching a college sports team go up against another team at their field, officiated by their most rabid fans!
What's really sad about that debate is that the Main Stream Media seems to have totally lost the concept that their purpose in a democracy is to inform the populace. Not cheer for one side or the other. We don't have journalism in the US anymore...maybe a few like Matt Taibbi...but they are few and far between. There are far too many that are willing to be mouthpieces for those in power. They've lost sight of what a journalist's job is in a democracy...namely to keep the wealthy and powerful in check.
The two ABC Moderators, were biased, rude and anti-Trumpers all while helping out Comrade Kamala Harris. It was so obvious they could care less what her answers were, they were out there to argue with Trump.

The first question they asked Harris was is the country better off now than four years ago? Then she started giving a bull$&*# answer and they let it go, probably weren’t even listening to her response. She didn’t answer the effing question.

The commission should give ABC a lifetime ban on hosting debates.
The two ABC Moderators, were biased, rude and anti-Trumpers all while helping out Comrade Kamala Harris. It was so obvious they could care less what her answers were, they were out there to argue with Trump.

The first question they asked Harris was is the country better off now than four years ago? Then she started giving a bull$&*# answer and they let it go, probably weren’t even listening to her response. She didn’t answer the effing question.

Fake news bullshit OP's linking to breitbart ought to be put in with the junk threads.
From your own bullshit link....

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Founder and Co-Chair Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., who also was Chair of the RNC, stated..... :laughing0301:

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