Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen'

The two ABC Moderators, were biased, rude and anti-Trumpers all while helping out Comrade Kamala Harris. It was so obvious they could care less what her answers were, they were out there to argue with Trump.

The first question they asked Harris was is the country better off now than four years ago? Then she started giving a bull$&*# answer and they let it go, probably weren’t even listening to her response. She didn’t answer the effing question.

It is always the losers of the game that whine about the Refs.

Good you can admit your savior lost
Trump showed he is either unable or unwilling to do the work to prepare for a debate.
This is the kind of thing he does that makes me think he really does believe all the bullshit he says. I think he believes it the moment it leaves his mouth.

He thinks he's smarter, more informed, and a better debater than her. Absolutely classic Dunning-Kruger.

And when he said that polls showed that 92% said he won the debate? I'll bet he believed THAT the moment it left his mouth, too.

He's profoundly unwell.
The two ABC Moderators, were biased, rude and anti-Trumpers all while helping out Comrade Kamala Harris. It was so obvious they could care less what her answers were, they were out there to argue with Trump.

The first question they asked Harris was is the country better off now than four years ago? Then she started giving a bull$&*# answer and they let it go, probably weren’t even listening to her response. She didn’t answer the effing question.

The two ABC Moderators, were biased, rude and anti-Trumpers all while helping out Comrade Kamala Harris. It was so obvious they could care less what her answers were, they were out there to argue with Trump.

The first question they asked Harris was is the country better off now than four years ago? Then she started giving a bull$&*# answer and they let it go, probably weren’t even listening to her response. She didn’t answer the effing question.

I did not watch the debate as I already knew what was going to happen. We need a randomly selected LIVE AUDIENCE(keeps the fraud down) of verified American citizens, say 50/100 of them selected by computer then seated in a small auditorium. Question would be taken randomly by raised hand. What we just witnessed with the Kamala/Donald Entertainment Hour was a staged event brought to you by the RNC/DNC Duopoly Party Corporations. As long as our American constituency is 'owned' by these two political corporations then the best my fellow Americans can expect is just more of the same.

Really Sad..

Harris was challenged with some tough questions too but she was prepared and able to handle them. She was prepared.

Trump was trying to blatantly lie his way out positions and the moderator just said you are not obviously lying to me.

I know you find that tough but that is pretty obvious journalism worldwide... You can't go on to a show or debate and spout a lie and not get challenged..

The real trick Harris did was when she got a tough question, she answered what she wanted and then baited Trump. Some were pretty obvious, before the moderator could comeback and say that she didn't answer, Trump would be piling in , taking the bait.

That is Trump's screw up, not the moderator.

Trump was clearly unprepared and got schooled. You can argue all you like but that was a signature to his presidency, show up unprepared not knowing the background and unread on issues and then spputing something from the top of his head.

Well we saw how that works against professionals who work hard and prepare.
What's sad is that there is apparently nothing interesting going on in your own country that you have to be obsessed with American politics when it has no bearing on your life. 🤡
Well they are desperate...

Trump showed he is either unable or unwilling to do the work to prepare for a debate.

But really tells us what his administration would be like... Trump not read up on topics and been led around by the Project 2025 crew because he knows no difference.

The Trump Cult members here are pro Project 2025 so they don't care but the rest of America does...

How would you know what "America" cares about? If it's based off of what you read here, you're clueless.
This is the kind of thing he does that makes me think he really does believe all the bullshit he says. I think he believes it the moment it leaves his mouth.

He thinks he's smarter, more informed, and a better debater than her. Absolutely classic Dunning-Kruger.

And when he said that polls showed that 92% said he won the debate? I'll bet he believed THAT the moment it left his mouth, too.

He's profoundly unwell.
It's a principle of first convincing yourself, and that will allow you to convince others.

Reality Denial

A subconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge (or rationalization of) unwanted or unpleasant facts, realities, thoughts, or feelings.
So when Harris said Trump will institute a Federal ban on abortions nationwide she was telling the truth?
Well yeah, as Trump has said that. It's one of the many positions he's taken on abortion. There's no reason to think his most recent flipflop is his real position. Trump will do whatever his fascist masters tell him to do, and they want a federal ban.
She said he would try. She is far more truth telling than Trump. A federal ban? Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Since Trump's only plan is retribution, we know for everything else, Trump would go along with what the republicans put on his desk. When it came to healthcare, we saw Trumps plan, was to do whatever the republicans came up with.
It's a principle of first convincing yourself, and that will allow you to convince others.

Reality Denial

A subconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge (or rationalization of) unwanted or unpleasant facts, realities, thoughts, or feelings.
Just asked ChatGPT about this. It lists two possible conditions:

Self-Deception: In some cases, people might tell a lie and quickly convince themselves it’s true as a way to avoid confronting uncomfortable truths or realities. This is often a subconscious process.

Pathological Lying (Pseudologia Fantastica): People with this condition habitually lie, and over time, they may begin to believe their own falsehoods. Unlike typical lying, which is deliberate, these lies can seem compulsive and sometimes self-deceptive.

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