What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Putin needs to run out of money and stop this war. China keeps feeding him and he controls vast amounts of energy. No chance he just quits. There will need to be some sort of negotiation. But while our military industrial complex is making billions they will continue to push for the war. Greed is good it seems
But pushing for the war is the means to the end of the war. It's how Putin runs out of money and steam. Not by surrendering.
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
I believe it was civil war in the Donbas Region.
But pushing for the war is the means to the end of the war. It's how Putin runs out of money and steam. Not by surrendering.
One would think. It’s more expensive to buy defensive weapons than offensive weapons. Putin can use WW2 weapons to destroy and kill. Russians are also headstrong. I have no idea how this ends other than a lot more people will needlessly die.
One would think. It’s more expensive to buy defensive weapons than offensive weapons. Putin can use WW2 weapons to destroy and kill. Russians are also headstrong. I have no idea how this ends other than a lot more people will needlessly die.
Indeed they will. I'm not so sure the Ukrainians would agree it is needless, since Putin isn't stopping. His invasion was needless.
He believes that he is some God given savior picked to reunite the Soviet Union. That’s not something a sane person believes.
The really insane people believe that Putin wants to reunite the Soviet Union.
But maybe he is sane and we are all crazy?
It looks that way. It depends upon who the "we" are? Are they the ones who believe that Putin wants to reunite the Soviet Union? Yes, those are the crazy ones for sure. Putin said, "Whoever feels no nostalgia for the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain"

The really insane people believe that Putin wants to reunite the Soviet Union.

It looks that way. It depends upon who the "we" are? Are they the ones who believe that Putin wants to reunite the Soviet Union? Yes, those are the crazy ones for sure. Putin said, "Whoever feels no nostalgia for the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain"
Bro, you are so far beneath me that all I can do is laugh at your stupid comments. You are a defect. I am pro choice because of people like you.
So Putin considers Ukraine sort of as a way-ward child? Or in a way similar to how the United States didn't want the south to secede and fought a war to reunite the U.S.?
I'm sure that Putin looked at the threat of NATO membership by Ukraine was similar to the way Kennedy felt about Cuba inviting Russian bases into the Caribbean in 1962.
If Ukraine had been calling for Russia to be wiped off the map for decades and then attacked Russia, starting the current campaign by Putin, your Ukraine/Gaza comparison would be more apt.
I find it worrisome the number of individuals who cannot differentiate between lawful self-defense, defense of others and defense of one's nation as opposed to naked aggression no matter what the pretext. It's especially worrisome when it's couched as "self-defense".

What's occurring in Gaza is entirely different than what is occurring in Ukraine. As far as I can determine, Putin had no provocation for attacking Ukraine. And while Israel has all the grounds in the world for hunting down and eliminating Hamas, that doesn't give reason for killing everyone in between them and Hamas, especially when their rate of success in killing and capturing their claimed target is so dismal:

Early on in the war, IDF gave clearance to allow 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas suspect, intelligence sources said: report​
Lloyd Lee​
Apr 3, 2024, 7:55 PM PDT​
More than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, according to the city's health ministry.​
A new report reveals some of the IDF's methodology for targeting militants — including an AI system.​
The IDF set a ratio for how many civilians could be killed for every Hamas member, the report said.​
Insider Today​
During the early weeks of the Israel-Hamas war, the Israel Defense Forces established a ratio for the number of civilian deaths in Gaza that would be permissible for every Hamas militant killed, according to a new report.​
A joint report from +972 Magazine, a Tel Aviv-based outlet, and Local Call unveiled some of the methodology behind the IDF's targeting of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza based on interviews with six Israeli intelligence officers. The Guardian was also provided exclusive access to the testimonies from the six officers.​
The sources, who remained unnamed, told the outlets that the IDF used artificial intelligence, a system internally known as "Lavender," in order to create a database of potential targets who may be linked to Hamas and PIJ. At one point during the early weeks of the war, the system identified up to 37,000 Palestinians, according to four of the intelligence sources, The Guardian reported.​
Once the AI identified a potential target, a human would devote less than a minute to check the machine's decision, a source told the outlets.​
"I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage and do dozens of them every day," an intelligence source said, according to The Guardian. "I had zero added value as a human, apart from being a stamp of approval. It saved a lot of time."​
Along with the AI-based targeting system, especially early in the war the IDF made it permissible to kill a certain number of civilians for every suspected Hamas militant assassinated, two of the sources told +972 and Local Call. In warfare, these civilian deaths are referred to as collateral damage.​
Two of the sources told the outlets that in the first few weeks of the war, the IDF allowed up to 15 or 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas militant assassinated.​
That number could increase to up to more than 100 civilians if the IDF were targeting a single senior Hamas official, the sources said.​
"There was a completely permissive policy regarding the casualties of operations," one source said, according to the report. "A policy so permissive that in my opinion it had an element of revenge."​
The number of allowed collateral damage has fluctuated since the beginning of the war, with one intelligence officer saying the rate was recently brought down again, according to The Guardian.​
An IDF spokesperson also told The Guardian that it "does not carry out strikes when the expected collateral damage from the strike is excessive in relation to the military advantage."​
Since the beginning of the Hamas-Israeli war about six months ago, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to Gaza's health ministry.​
Foreign aid workers and journalists also have been killed by Israeli strikes. According to the UN, more than 180 humanitarian workers have been killed in the conflict.​
Seven members of the World Central Kitchen, an international nonprofit, were killed on Monday after an Israeli strike hit their convoy. Before the strike, workers had just unloaded 100 tons of aid, The New York Times reported.​
"Unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of the strike, according to CBS News.

Early on in the war, IDF gave clearance to allow 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas suspect, intelligence sources said: report
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I find it worrisome the number of individuals who cannot differentiate between lawful self-defense, defense of others and defense of one's nation as opposed to naked aggression no matter what the pretext. It's especially worrisome when it's couched as "self-defense".

What's occurring in Gaza is entirely different than what is occurring in Ukraine. As far as I can determine, Putin had no provocation for attacking Ukraine. And while Israel has all the grounds in the world for hunting down and eliminating Hamas, that doesn't give reason for killing everyone in between them and Hamas, especially when their rate of success in killing and capturing their claimed target is so dismal:

Early on in the war, IDF gave clearance to allow 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas suspect, intelligence sources said: report​
Lloyd Lee​
Apr 3, 2024, 7:55 PM PDT​
More than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, according to the city's health ministry.​
A new report reveals some of the IDF's methodology for targeting militants — including an AI system.​
The IDF set a ratio for how many civilians could be killed for every Hamas member, the report said.​
Insider Today​
During the early weeks of the Israel-Hamas war, the Israel Defense Forces established a ratio for the number of civilian deaths in Gaza that would be permissible for every Hamas militant killed, according to a new report.​
A joint report from +972 Magazine, a Tel Aviv-based outlet, and Local Call unveiled some of the methodology behind the IDF's targeting of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza based on interviews with six Israeli intelligence officers. The Guardian was also provided exclusive access to the testimonies from the six officers.​
The sources, who remained unnamed, told the outlets that the IDF used artificial intelligence, a system internally known as "Lavender," in order to create a database of potential targets who may be linked to Hamas and PIJ. At one point during the early weeks of the war, the system identified up to 37,000 Palestinians, according to four of the intelligence sources, The Guardian reported.​
Once the AI identified a potential target, a human would devote less than a minute to check the machine's decision, a source told the outlets.​
"I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage and do dozens of them every day," an intelligence source said, according to The Guardian. "I had zero added value as a human, apart from being a stamp of approval. It saved a lot of time."​
Along with the AI-based targeting system, especially early in the war the IDF made it permissible to kill a certain number of civilians for every suspected Hamas militant assassinated, two of the sources told +972 and Local Call. In warfare, these civilian deaths are referred to as collateral damage.​
Two of the sources told the outlets that in the first few weeks of the war, the IDF allowed up to 15 or 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas militant assassinated.​
That number could increase to up to more than 100 civilians if the IDF were targeting a single senior Hamas official, the sources said.​
"There was a completely permissive policy regarding the casualties of operations," one source said, according to the report. "A policy so permissive that in my opinion it had an element of revenge."​
The number of allowed collateral damage has fluctuated since the beginning of the war, with one intelligence officer saying the rate was recently brought down again, according to The Guardian.​
An IDF spokesperson also told The Guardian that it "does not carry out strikes when the expected collateral damage from the strike is excessive in relation to the military advantage."​
Since the beginning of the Hamas-Israeli war about six months ago, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to Gaza's health ministry.​
Foreign aid workers and journalists also have been killed by Israeli strikes. According to the UN, more than 180 humanitarian workers have been killed in the conflict.​
Seven members of the World Central Kitchen, an international nonprofit, were killed on Monday after an Israeli strike hit their convoy. Before the strike, workers had just unloaded 100 tons of aid, The New York Times reported.​
"Unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of the strike, according to CBS News.​
Can you tell the difference between “civilians” and Hamas?
I'm sure that Putin looked at the threat of NATO membership by Ukraine was similar to the way Kennedy felt about Cuba inviting Russian bases into the Caribbean in 1962.
Ahh, okay, now I get some of it. Was the fear with Cuba being so close is that they could easily or more easily launch missiles that would reach mainland United States?

By the same token, is that supposedly what Putin fears? That Ukraine could militarily launch an offense against Russia?

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