What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Well Cuba is in our back yard but we never used that as justification to attack them.

We came really close once, but it didn't happen thankfully:
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, and use them to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force planes,[2] a fabricated 'shoot down' of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[3] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] [4] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[5][6][7]
Cuba was never part of the United States. Ukraine was part of the SU. Israel isn’t bombing civilians you vile defect
Ukraine was never a province of Russia.
The Biden family recognized that they could give millions of dollars to Ukraine and Ukraine would kick back a few million in exchange. It's called money laundering. Now they have to keep it going.

Russia is not going to tolerate NATO on its doorstep any more than we would accept Iranian missiles in Mexico. Well, maybe the democrats would accept Iranian missiles in Mexico. But ordinarily, no American president would tolerate that. JFK threatened World War III over Russian missiles in Cuba. The Russian/Ukraine situation is no different.
So Putin considers Ukraine sort of as a way-ward child? Or in a way similar to how the United States didn't want the south to secede and fought a war to reunited the U.S.?

Putin thinks of Ukraine as his backyard, it's people like his people. If "his people" end up living better as part of democratic EU, then his life's work would go down in history as a regressive period for Russians. For someone who thinks of himself as a transformative historical figure like Peter the Great thats unacceptable.

Fall of Yanukovich who refused to sign EU integration was the final break in Putin's control over Ukraine. At that point he understood that Ukranians, unlike Russians, are never going to voluntarily live under his boot, so he moved on to millitary take overs.
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Ukraine was never a province of Russia.
You are doing a GREAT JOB of proving that you deserve a check. We are legally required to help severely retarded people out!!!

With that being said, Russia annexed Ukraine after the Russian revolution, and they gained their independence when the USSR dissolved.

Putin is trying to reestablish the Russian Empire they had under Communism.
Cuba was never part of the United States
The comment was about a communist country being in one's "backyard". Cuba is little more than 100 miles from the southern most point of the U.S. which is Key West, Florida.

Ukraine was part of the SU
And it is no longer. Your point?

Israel isn’t bombing civilians you vile defect

An investigation by The New York Times published on Thursday found that Israel has used one of its most destructive and largest bombs over 200 times in areas in southern Gaza it designated as safe for civilians over the course of its war against Hamas.​

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The comment was about a communist country being in one's "backyard". Cuba is little more than 100 miles from the southern most point of the U.S. which is Key West, Florida.

And it is no longer. Your point?

An investigation by The New York Times published on Thursday found that Israel has used one of its most destructive and largest bombs over 200 times in areas in southern Gaza it designated as safe for civilians over the course of its war against Hamas.​

My point is that Putin wants to rebuild the SU. Cuba was never part of the USA. False conflation.

Lastly, Haaretz and NYT are far left Jew hating news outlets.
Being an ignorant doorknob who doesn’t know how to use Google search or AI
I would wager that I know far more about researching 'static' data than you do, however I'm asking for the opinions and sharing of knowledge from other members of this site in order to gain different perspectives on the matter. Perspectives other than the ones I might hold which help me to see a situation from a multitude of angles.

Instead of being abjectly one-sided as you yourself are, with the opinion that there is no room for improvement since you believe you already know it all.
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In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
They failed to pay Joey bribem his cut.

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