Trump Promises Water To Thirsty Californians

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris promises to give $25,000 of your money so someone you give jack shit about, can buy a house. She promises to cancel $7 billion dollars worth of medical debt. She promises to cancel $430 billion worth of student loan debt. She promises to give abortion back to the federal government. She promises to enroll the US back into the unfair Paris Climate Agreement. She promises to give immediate citizenship to 20 million illegal aliens. She promises to continue pouring billions of dollars into a war in Ukraine. And the same Kamala Harris who was four years ago calling for "Defund the police", is promising to be "Tough on crime."

Promises promises. We all know who Kamala Harris is. Her promises aren't worth a spit in a bucket.

The Paris Climate Accord isn't unfair. She has NEVER promised "instant citizenship" to ANYONE. And she NEVER called for defunding the police. In fact, part of the reason her campaign failed in 2020 was because she was seen as TOO HARD ON CRIME, and unwilling to defund the police.

I certainly don't expect the man who was a one-man crime spree during his first administration, and is now a convicted fellon awaiting sentencing, to be tough on crime.
But no wall? Yeah and yet you want to vote for him again. So much for your exaggerated hysteria about illegal immigrants invading the border.

Do you see why I call you a hypocritical retard? :itsok:
Bless your heart, thank you.
Last I checked everyone fault the law so Trump went up and over the political wall built to open the border. Trump used, "The Art of The Deal" to drastically refuce illegal immigrants and criminals.

Trump forced our southern neighbors to stop illegal immigration.

We can enforce the border without a wall.
I certainly don't expect the man who was a one-man crime spree during his first administration, and is now a convicted fellon awaiting sentencing, to be tough on crime.
The trial is not over until the sentencing. At the sentencing Trump can move, to have the charges all dropped.

That is why they postponed the sentencing. The judge can save face and not go down in history as a corrupt tyrant.
Bless your heart, thank you.
Last I checked everyone fault the law so Trump went up and over the political wall built to open the border. Trump used, "The Art of The Deal" to drastically refuce illegal immigrants and criminals.

Trump forced our southern neighbors to stop illegal immigration.

We can enforce the border without a wall.
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Awww... you got all these nice pictures... but no pictures of a Trump wall. Because there isn't one! :auiqs.jpg:

No wonder you retards are so mad all the time. Thoughts & prayers.
Awww... you got all these nice pictures... but no pictures of a Trump wall. Because there isn't one! :auiqs.jpg:

No wonder you retards are so mad all the time. Thoughts & prayers.
Sad, I love children with down syndrome. Why do you think it is appropriate to use the ugly bigoted slur, "retard," as an insult. You can not use the "N-word" like you wish so yet you can still show your hate with the r-word. One day society will force you not to use the, "R-word."
Oh my, trump has brainwashed you well.

"I know more about Religion than Anyone." djt. LOLLOOLLL
"I care more about the Military than Anyone." djt..... Suckers and Losers.
Why do you claim to attack Democrats when you keep attacking Republicans?
How's that Obamacare replacement workin' for ya?

Oh wait...

Remember how Trump was going to pay off the debt? He doubled the deficit and added $8 trillion instead.

Trump achieved nothing except a tax break for himself.

Trump failed to pass a promised infrastructure bill. Biden got it done.

Trump failed to repeal and replace Obamacare with something "beautiful". The quickest way to piss off a Trumptard in the early years was to ask them to show me the Obamacare replacement. These dipshits never even asked Trump to produce one! Talk about BEGGING to be lied to! Trump knows his cult. He reads them like a map.

Trump failed to build the wall, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for it. And now he is telling the Republicans not to dare pass a border bill while he is out of power. It's the only thing he has to hammer Biden with, but now he and the GOP own the border in their refusal to pass a bill.

He failed to grow the economy by the promised 4 to 6 percent.

He failed to achieve his promised $4,000 pay raise for workers.

He failed to bring down drug prices as promised. Biden got it done.

He utterly failed to drain the swamp, and enlarged and widened it instead, creating the most corrupt Administration since Harding.

He failed to provide maternity leave, as promised, to women whose employers didn't provided that benefit.

He failed to bring back coal jobs as promised.

He failed to release his tax returns as promised. Now we know why.

He failed to protect American steel jobs as promised.

He alienated our allies and sucked up to communist dictators and thugs.

He added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, contributing to the current inflation.

He failed to decrease our trade deficits with China in Mexico as he promised. Instead, he widened the trade deficit with China and Mexico to record levels.

His far left protectionist tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers. And you can tell tariffs are far left because Biden is repeating this idiotic mistake and kept them in place!

Trump spent more time golfing than Obama, despite saying he would "not have time to go golf" during the campaign. He spent nearly a third of his term golfing.

He lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. An achievement not seen since the last businessman president, Herbert Hoover.

And for these reasons, the American people kicked his incompetent game show host balls over the moon.

Now THAT is what a scam looks like!

Worst. President. EVAH!

Because of his colossal stupidity, ignorance, incompetence, and ego, Donald Trump is responsible for the deaths of a million Americans.

And you want this maniac BACK!?!?!

Just look how unfuckingbelievably STUPID this dumbass is:

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Trump now says he wasn’t kidding when he told officials to slow down coronavirus testing, contradicting staff

“I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down please,’ ” the President had said.

Only someone as big an idiot as Trump would want this dumb shit back in the White House.


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.



Yeah, you prefer commieflation that's costing workers thousands. Run along hypocrite.

LOL. All them promises and when the orange douchebag fails? It is everyone's fault except his! :laughing0301:

Thanks for confirming you are a MAGA cultist retard. We already knew that but thanks.

Poor little commie, sounds like you would prefer another country. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Bless your heart. Hopefully there is a place for you somewhere in this world.
I was alarmed over lack of CA water when I was a director of the then called SACAR. SACAR was the name of the Board of Realtors covering 13 cities in North California. At a Directors meeting, I brought up CA lack of water and stated the Board needed to set up a committee to get CA going to supply the state with more Water. The members of the board were not interested. This took place around 1990. SACAR morphed to now the Bay East Association of Realtors. This group has really expanded in size since I was one of the Directors of it.
Home - Bay East
Matter of fact the current CEO of Bay East was brought to the group by the then CEO and as directors we approved her hiring. She is very good. Tricia Thomas is her name.

Did you say something?

Didn't think so.
I doubt your name is Winco so let me stick to that and say this to you.
I believe in your heart, you are a good person. I believe you hate to harp about Democrats. I know you love whining about Republicans. Will you tell me of a Republican president you really did like at all?
Are you deaf? Sure.
You think 'being deaf' has the ability to affect one's reading ability.

You know this is a visual site, and one doesn't need "Hearing" to read on USMB.
I'm sad I have to explain this to you.

You thought you were being clever, and I just exposed your ignorance....yet again.
You think 'being deaf' has the ability to affect one's reading ability.

You know this is a visual site, and one doesn't need "Hearing" to read on USMB.
I'm sad I have to explain this to you.

You thought you were being clever, and I just exposed your ignorance....yet again.
To defend my own point, hell no.

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