Trump Promises Water To Thirsty Californians

California has rejected desalinization plants on real estate of the coast in the past. Where is Donny getting the water? Who is he going to take it from? I have heard him disparage Native Americans. I can't see him doing a rain dance.
The water would come from the aqueducts that California shut off to save the snail darter fish.

The lack of water that destroyed so many California farms was engineered. The snail darter isn't endangered any mire. The only reason for keeping that land fallow is democrats in the legislature. If Trump could get that water turned back on he would be a saint to California farmers.
Water galore? Like I said, the water just isn't there and so far, Ca is only getting by on reserves. As usual, people have exploited a resource to the very limit of killing it. Current consumption cannot continue
Trump spoke specifically about the central valley project.

The current consumption, which began in 1933 certainly can not go on another 9 years when we will celebrate a century of irrigation.

A century of irrigation!
Water galore? Like I said, the water just isn't there and so far, Ca is only getting by on reserves. As usual, people have exploited a resource to the very limit of killing it. Current consumption cannot continue much longer
Very sad indeed
The Owens River Valley Project which supplies Los Angeles county barely made it to the century anniversary. 11 years ago!

In 1913 the owens valley river project delivered water to southern california and continues to do so today.
California has rejected desalinization plants on real estate of the coast in the past. Where is Donny getting the water? Who is he going to take it from? I have heard him disparage Native Americans. I can't see him doing a rain dance.
The Sacramento River delta. Millions of acre-feet of water are allowed to run into the ocean to preserve the habitat of the “delta smelt”. The Delta Smelt is not native to California, it’s an invasive species. The amount of wasted water would irrigate all the farms and eliminate the water shortage in Southern California. That is the short-term solution. The long-term one is to built catch basins for all the seasonal runoff from the rains and build desalination plants.
The Sacramento River delta. Millions of acre-feet of water are allowed to run into the ocean to preserve the habitat of the “delta smelt”. The Delta Smelt is not native to California, it’s an invasive species. The amount of wasted water would irrigate all the farms and eliminate the water shortage in Southern California. That is the short-term solution. The long-term one is to built catch basins for all the seasonal runoff from the rains and build desalination plants.
I agree. I worked for 9 years as a Pile Driver guy in the crew mostly. A Foreman a few times. I happened to work on that project to prevent the Smelt from getting into the San Joaquin Valley around Tracy, CA. At the time I was not aware what damage it would do. But CA suffers because it cares more about tiny fish than human beings.
In another brilliant move. Trump promises water to those dying of thirst.

Water for the biggest farms in the world that feed the entire world.

Water for the suffering people in Southern California
“You have so much water, and all those fields that are right now barren, the farmers would have all the water they needed. And you could revert water up into the hills, where you have all the dead forests, where the forests are so brittle. … The land would be damp, and you’d stop many of these horrible fires that are costing billions and billions of dollars by the federal government,” he said.
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Trump promises more water for your crops, more bacon for your BLTs, more porn stars for your golf outings, more rain for the Middle East, more better service at your favorite restaurant, better and faster cable reception, and more healthcare than Obamacare.
Trump promises more water for your crops, more bacon for your BLTs, more porn stars for your golf outings, more rain for the Middle East, more better service at your favorite restaurant, better and faster cable reception, and more healthcare than Obamacare.
You promise rape and murder, seems like an easy choice.
Trump promises more water for your crops, more bacon for your BLTs, more porn stars for your golf outings, more rain for the Middle East, more better service at your favorite restaurant, better and faster cable reception, and more healthcare than Obamacare.
I gave you a participation thanks.
Trump promises more water for your crops, more bacon for your BLTs, more porn stars for your golf outings, more rain for the Middle East, more better service at your favorite restaurant, better and faster cable reception, and more healthcare than Obamacare.
These dopes will believe anything.
You promise rape and murder, seems like an easy choice.
Crime is way down.

Sorry, loser.

On the other hand, Trump and his "best people" are a giant crime wave.

The fastest growing sector of the US economy was Trump's lawyers. And they kept quitting or getting disbarred because they were criminals, too!

Then, of course, there was Trump's illegal-as-fuck traitorous coup.

So when I hear a Trumptard claim the GOP is the party of law and order, I have to duct tape my ribs so they don't crack from laughing so hard.

Look, if you are still so stupid enough as to bleev any of Trump's promises after he hoaxed you endlessly the first time around, well...I just don't know what to say except to shake my head in sadness.
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There will be more rainbows because Trump is the Chosen One. Just ask him.
Crime is way down.

Sorry, loser.

On the other hand, Trump and his "best people" are a giant crime wave.

The fastest growing sector of the US economy was Trump's lawyers. And they kept quitting or getting disbarred because they were criminals, too!

Then, of course, there was Trump's illegal-as-fuck traitorous coup.

So when I heard a Trumptard claim the GOP is the party of law and order, I have to duct tape my ribs so they don't crack from laughing so hard.

Look, if you are still so stupid enough as to bleev any of Trump's promises after he hoaxed you endlessly the first time around, well...I just don't know what to say except to shake my head in sadness.
A 1/4 of all our food comes from the area Trump will give water

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