Trump Promises Water To Thirsty Californians

Crime is way down.

Sorry, loser.

On the other hand, Trump and his "best people" are a giant crime wave.

The fastest growing sector of the US economy was Trump's lawyers. And they kept quitting or getting disbarred because they were criminals, too!

Then, of course, there was Trump's illegal-as-fuck traitorous coup.

So when I hear a Trumptard claim the GOP is the party of law and order, I have to duct tape my ribs so they don't crack from laughing so hard.

Look, if you are still so stupid enough as to bleev any of Trump's promises after he hoaxed you endlessly the first time around, well...I just don't know what to say except to shake my head in sadness.


LOL Like the promise the orange loser made about building a wall or repealing Obamacare? You haven't figured out that your fuhrer is full of shit? Thoughts & prayers.
Trump does build greatness, you are right on that point.
Water galore? Like I said, the water just isn't there and so far, Ca is only getting by on reserves. As usual, people have exploited a resource to the very limit of killing it. Current consumption cannot continue much longer.

I educated you. A quarter of America's food comes from the area that Trump will let water flow to.

It looks to me you will fight against creating more food.

Is Kamala that important to you, that you will fight against feeding more people
I educated you.
Get real.
A quarter of America's food comes from the area that Trump will let water flow to.
Good! I hope he does!

It looks to me you will fight against creating more food.
Now you are just being ridiculous. How many years have you been here?

Is Kamala that important to you, that you will fight against feeding more people
Kamala? Are you serious? You have a hole in your head. I'm just telling you the reality of the growing water problem facing California. Their damns are running so low, they will soon have trouble pumping water. And it is only going to get worse. You obviously read nothing that I linked you to.
You linked to the colorado river. The colorado river has nothing to do with what Trump is doing.
You were also wrong about the Colorado river from the dams that are near full to fertile farms in mexico

Look, I don't know if you are stupid or what, but as I linked you to it, the Colorado is vital to a vast region including California, and is only just a precursor of the growing, wider problem. But you must live in Ca and simply refuse to see the problem, so forget it. You'll find out the hard way over the next 5-10 years.

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