Have you considered what life will be like in post-democracy America?

First, when I say “democracy “I mean in the loose sense that we talk about it here in the United States, where we have a representative republic. By “democracy “I mean that the people get to make the decisions that the constitution allows us to make by vote.

This principle took a big hit when the leaders and senior advisors of the Democratic Party decided to overthrow the elected president and elected nominee for a second term.

Some of us may think that Trump winning the general election is the hope for democracy. Maybe. But there are several possibilities.

One Trump could definitely lose. nearly any mainstream Republican could easily be Kamala Harris. But with the media being so hysterical over Trump, they will pull out all stops and there is no telling what they will come up with between now and November.

Trump could win and not be able to accomplish the deep cleaning of the executive branch that would need to happen in order for democracy to have a chance to take route again. Trump could win and simply not live long enough to accomplish that. Trump could win, deep, clean the executive branch, but still be defeated by political parties, willing to go around voters as the Democrats did this time and courts willing to allow them to do it.

So… think about what life will be like.I have some ideas, but I’d rather this thread be an open discussion of how we would live when political parties and not voters choose our leaders.

Because my guess is that if Trump is not able to bring about this return to democracy, the Republican party will quickly jump on board with making the choices themselves. After all their senior leader ship was never happy with the voters choosing Trump in the first place.

I’d like to hear from Sirius posters and learn what they think.
If you want to imagine what our nation could look like if the left continues to do the corrupt crap, they did in the runup to the 2020 election, look no further than the most recent headline in the leftist rag, the New York Times. "Is the sacred Constitution also "dangerous?" Right there, they are planting the nugget of thought that the greatest document towards freedom and its Bill of Rights, should be considered as being. dangerous.
You can bet that, that is their goal, getting rid of the freedoms in our Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. They want an authoritarian, one-party only government. Once they get that, kiss our freedoms goodbye and worse.
First, when I say “democracy “I mean in the loose sense that we talk about it here in the United States, where we have a representative republic. By “democracy “I mean that the people get to make the decisions that the constitution allows us to make by vote.

This principle took a big hit when the leaders and senior advisors of the Democratic Party decided to overthrow the elected president and elected nominee for a second term.

Some of us may think that Trump winning the general election is the hope for democracy. Maybe. But there are several possibilities.

One Trump could definitely lose. nearly any mainstream Republican could easily be Kamala Harris. But with the media being so hysterical over Trump, they will pull out all stops and there is no telling what they will come up with between now and November.

Trump could win and not be able to accomplish the deep cleaning of the executive branch that would need to happen in order for democracy to have a chance to take route again. Trump could win and simply not live long enough to accomplish that. Trump could win, deep, clean the executive branch, but still be defeated by political parties, willing to go around voters as the Democrats did this time and courts willing to allow them to do it.

So… think about what life will be like.I have some ideas, but I’d rather this thread be an open discussion of how we would live when political parties and not voters choose our leaders.

Because my guess is that if Trump is not able to bring about this return to democracy, the Republican party will quickly jump on board with making the choices themselves. After all their senior leader ship was never happy with the voters choosing Trump in the first place.

I’d like to hear from Sirius posters and learn what they think.
The senior leaders might as well be Democrats. They are selling the country out too.
First, when I say “democracy “I mean in the loose sense that we talk about it here in the United States, where we have a representative republic. By “democracy “I mean that the people get to make the decisions that the constitution allows us to make by vote.

This principle took a big hit when the leaders and senior advisors of the Democratic Party decided to overthrow the elected president and elected nominee for a second term.

Some of us may think that Trump winning the general election is the hope for democracy. Maybe. But there are several possibilities.

One Trump could definitely lose. nearly any mainstream Republican could easily be Kamala Harris. But with the media being so hysterical over Trump, they will pull out all stops and there is no telling what they will come up with between now and November.

Trump could win and not be able to accomplish the deep cleaning of the executive branch that would need to happen in order for democracy to have a chance to take route again. Trump could win and simply not live long enough to accomplish that. Trump could win, deep, clean the executive branch, but still be defeated by political parties, willing to go around voters as the Democrats did this time and courts willing to allow them to do it.

So… think about what life will be like.I have some ideas, but I’d rather this thread be an open discussion of how we would live when political parties and not voters choose our leaders.

Because my guess is that if Trump is not able to bring about this return to democracy, the Republican party will quickly jump on board with making the choices themselves. After all their senior leader ship was never happy with the voters choosing Trump in the first place.

I’d like to hear from Sirius posters and learn what they think.

Post democracy?
Yes, I have...it will be like this...

civil war rose dem or rep.jpg

Trump or no Trump...reps won't do shit. Reps are useless cucks. They have watched patiently as the filthy commie dems have destroyed America with hardly more than a whimper out of the rep cucks.

reps dems lobster.jpg
If you want to imagine what our nation could look like if the left continues to do the corrupt crap, they did in the runup to the 2020 election, look no further than the most recent headline in the leftist rag, the New York Times. "Is the sacred Constitution also "dangerous?" Right there, they are planting the nugget of thought that the greatest document towards freedom and its Bill of Rights, should be considered as being. dangerous.
You can bet that, that is their goal, getting rid of the freedoms in our Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. They want an authoritarian, one-party only government. Once they get that, kiss our freedoms goodbye and worse.
I found that piece here:

The far left Democrats have always been openly contemptuous of our founding document. Good, in a way to see the NYT be honest about their disdain for it.

The first and second amendment is their true bogeyman in the Constitution. The idea of ordinary people being allowed to use something as powerful as guns or words is hateful to them.

They try to ban both, but they have been more successful in reducing the power of words by redefining them, just as Orwell predicted.
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