“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

And everyone is entitled to mock those who do especially as they are the same people who were blindly supporting an old white man running to re-elected President. One I might add was clearly in mental decline yet they pretended wasn’t until the debate when the truth could no longer be denied and if Biden had even a mildly decent debate they would still be supporting that old white man.
You're lost. It's not about mocking him just for being old. It's about mockng for being an old man who tweets I hate Taylor swift.

And a man running for president, no less.
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Since nobody has a clue what Harris's policies will be other than what she has told us which is all leftist nonsense, how do you know it will be good for America?
Trump has already demonstrated he’s unfit to be president after four years of incompetence, chaos, and corruption.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

For more than two hours Trump did nothing to stop the violent, lawless attack of the Capitol Building – an attack he himself incited.

There’s Trump’s disgraceful, reprehensible attempt to exploit fallen American soldiers for crass political theater.

And now we have Trump announcing his intent to subject his political opponents to criminal prosecution for the ‘crime’ of being his political opponents – which is fundamentally fascist.

For these and scores of other reasons, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.

Vice President Harris is the only candidate capable of affording the American people sound, responsible governance.
Which Kamala policy would be 'good for us?'
Trump is incapable of sound, responsible governance; Trump is unfit to be president.

We saw proof of this during the debate when he was incapable of addressing his policy positions – ‘concepts of policies’ is the type of response of someone unprepared to hold any public office; someone completely unprepared to be president.

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