I’m curious. Why would Trump say Harris is a Marxist while also saying within the same minute she was copying his policies?

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The idea of someone changing their opinion on something is a total nothing , No one should care, very few people care and only stupid people would care. I live in a world like everyone else does and in that world everyone changes their opinion over time . The ones that can't , the ones that are incapable of changing their opinions are the ones to avoid and to laugh at in your case/ You are very stupid.
Of course you don't care, Jbander! If you cared about integrity you couldn't support Kamala Harris because she's got none. She'll be whatever she needs to be in order to get elected. Only I think people are beginning to see through Ms. Harris. I think they realize that she's been in the White House for 3 1/2 years and this administrations policies have hurt the Middle Class in ways that will take decades to recover from. Vague promises about something called an "Opportunity Economy" doesn't pay the bills. Trump's tax cuts for tipped employees and over time will help pay the bills. So will more oil and natural gas coming out of the ground because it will lower the price of energy.

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