Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

My mom told me today that she was going to delay her COVID booster until after her upcoming trips because the COVID shots always make her sick for a couple of days.

Like you, she can't be convinced that we all got COVID anyway, the shots don't work, and frequently cause harm.

Biden, Fauci, HHS Secretary Becerra, CDC Director Walensky, all got COVID at least twice after maxing out on COVID shots.

It's all about Big Pharma making money. Big Pharma is the largest funder of politicians, BTW.

You'd be a fool to submit yourself to an mRNA shot which made your own body produce spike proteins which your own body then makes antibodies against and has a 25% likelihood of getting sick enough to miss work the next day.

Not only are they dying from lack of shots, but more so from poor hygiene…….Republicans are just filthy


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