I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

You calling it a lie when the reports of it haven't been debunked yet, uhh is you being a hack with a lust for the Democrat acceptance of you.

The Venezuelans after their dear leader failed back in the day, had resorted to desperate measures as was reported on by the US media in order too feed themselves during those terrifying times in that failed state.

Now you have these same people coming here in a desperate situation, otherwise where they are being rejected because of their overwhelming number's pouring in from who knows where from within that failed state, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit as to what they think they need too do in order to survive in the shadow's while here.

Best to wait on the stories to be either corroborated or debunked before discounting them as fake news.
That particular story has already been debunked.
Here is the funniest thing about this "desperate, barbarian Hatians are eating your pets and the park's geese" story. It directly contradicts the ole "immigrants are living high off the hog on unlimited government handouts" story we get on most other days.
Think about it.
If you are an immigrant living "better than most citizens" on all these (fictional) government benefits and you can just walk into Kroger's, swipe your SNAP card and walk out with lobster and prime rib.....WHY in the holy hell would you be screwing around with gutting and cooking house cats and domestic geese?
So which is it?
Which MAGAt lie is least probable today?

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