I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Yet, here you are doing the exact opposite of what you say Biden did

Here you are insulting me with vile and hate when I did not do that to you

I been nice and civil, democrats are what democrats call me

Is it my turn to strike back at your first strike against me. Nothing I could say can show you in a better light than your comments.

You about as stupid as a democrat gets, spewing vile and hate while claiming it is me.

Democrats, change the party name, you are not a democrat, Kamala is not a democrat.

Maybe it's just hard for him to keep track of you you Trump-humpers?

Maybe y'all look the same
Anyone that claims Trump is a "deranged monster" is a delusional idiot.
Is that too kind for the former president who tried to disenfranchise 81 million voters by committing fraud against the people of the United States. That’s a fucking monster.. maybe monsters aren’t that deranged.

Did an illegal Haitian immigrant eat your dog or cat yet? Only a freaking monster would spread a lie like that.
Is that too kind for the former president who tried to disenfranchise 81 million voters by committing fraud against the people of the United States. That’s a fucking monster.. maybe monsters aren’t that deranged.

Did an illegal Haitian immigrant eat your dog or cat yet? Only a freaking monster would spread a lie like that.
Oh, I see. It's The Narrative that is the mOnStEr under your bed.
Good grief.
I am sure we all do look the same from your vantage point, pulling your head out of your ass and staring at mine


That's funny since I was actually mocking you...

It is hard to keep track of all you anti-trumpers, you all sound the same
I already showed you I was calling Biden senile since 2020.
... which means your description of my vantage point really applies to you.

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Are you telling me that YOU totally ignore All these accomplishments from 2017-2020?

Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy.

  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
This is TOO funny!
You've just cited fake news propaganda from none other than......
wait for it......
none other than the Trump Whitehouse archives!
Do you LIKE being lied to?
Trump racked up the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover.
That's a FACT.
Plus repatriation of $1 Trillion... not my calculations but The Congressional Budget Office CBO.
WTF is this even supposed to mean?
Are you talking about Trump overseeing the 3rd largest national debt increase (7.8 trillion) of any U.S. President?
The ONLY president to donate his 4 year salary of $1.6 million... (Yes JFK and Hoover did...but not $1.6 million!)
He didn't need that paltry pocket change. He had his mind on a bigger grift.
He used the office of POTUS to enrich his coffers by 2.4 billion. No other president in American history grifted so much while in office.

The first president in 60 years to make the USA energy independent
Fake news. Just like Trump trying to claim credit for the economy he inherited from Obama, he has tried to claim credit for an energy trend that actually began before he even took office.

However, if we consider the first definition, in 2019 the U.S. produced more energy than we consumed for the first time since at least the 1940s. It had been a steady march since 2005, when net U.S. energy imports hit a record high. But the shale boom unleashed huge amounts of domestic oil and gas, and by 2012 U.S. net imports had fallen to half the 2005 level.

By the time President Trump took office in 2017, U.S. net energy imports had fallen 75% from the 2005 level. In 2019, net energy imports turned negative, meaning the U.S. had become energy independent. So, while it is technically correct to say that the U.S. became energy independent while President Trump was in office, the reason was the shale boom that had begun in earnest in 2005

and today Biden experiences the most production in spite of Biden cancelling Federal leases that produce 24% of oil!

Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change​


And you like me don't like Trump because he is an ass-hole, a braggart, AND DEFINITELY NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT!
Also I don't like him because he is a two-bit, idiot con-man who is a great danger to our nation and someone who in all reality shouldn't be even seriously considered for this job.
But he has been the most Executive President of any prior Executives who WERE all politically correct!
Bullshit. That's just a fake, con-man, made for reality TV persona.
This clown bankrupted a f-ing casino for God's sake!
A successful businessman he is not.
Consequently childish people like you are like grade school kids who whine.."Trump is mean"! "Trump doesn't like me"!
Actually I am not in the cult of personality that you MAGAt cultroaches run in.
I don't give a shit one way or the other. Whether the convict "likes" me or not is irrelevant.
And I know he's not REALLY mean...he's a fragile, whiny-bitch little snowflake.
That's why Kamala kicked his ass Tuesday night.
Oh and by the way that's how the majority of the extremely biased MSM feels!
So much so 90% of the MSM donated to Biden.
So much so ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million from 07/20 to 10/20 with 30 hours of negative news.
Funny, that can be said about anyone claiming there was so much election fraud in 2020 that it cost Trump the election.
/—-/ We’re making progress, fellow conservatives. Libtards have moved from “no fraud” to not enough fraud to cost Trump the election.
Even worse for Trump, before the 2020 election, a former advisor of Trump's said Trump was going to say he won if he lost and then cry about election fraud. Which of course, is exactly what Trump did. Sadly, rightards are too stupid to see they've been duped no matter how glaringly obvious it was. Even sadder, hundreds upon hundreds of them are now convicted felons, many still in prison, because they're too dumb to see reality, even when it slaps them in their face...

Have to go back to the Trump record in order to counter the bull shite in what you say here, but of course that is what you people hope will not happen, because it destroys your bull shite being spoken in these ways, and it exposes the leftist narratives for what they are.. (Garbage).

If y'all could just erase Trumps accomplishment's here and abroad, then you could fool the world with your fake bull shite, but you can't and so you lose.
Let's go back to what YOU ignored, shall we?
Before you got your panties all in a ruffle about a minor typo that really didn't amount to much, the subject was how much more dangerous convicted felon Trump would be in a second Term without the guardrails (like Mike Pence) that kept him (for the most part) on the right side of the law during his first term.
The guy is so stupid, so boorish and incurious, so incompetent and disinterested in learning and improving himself, a second term of his would probably be a disaster our nation would never recover from.
It would literally be the end of us.
Perhaps that is more important for rumination than other people's careless typos?
Just sayin'.
You saying this with all that you know about the leftist agenda is absolutely astonishing really.... 😆

Nothing is destroying this nations fabric as bad as the leftist radical agenda is. Best thing for you too do is to stop making a fool of yourself because you think that the agenda is inclusive and positive for you. In the long run it won't be unless you are fill in blank here, but if you aren't then buyer beware.
Is that too kind for the former president who tried to disenfranchise 81 million voters by committing fraud against the people of the United States. That’s a fucking monster.. maybe monsters aren’t that deranged.

Did an illegal Haitian immigrant eat your dog or cat yet? Only a freaking monster would spread a lie like that.
You calling it a lie when the reports of it haven't been debunked yet, uhh is you being a hack with a lust for the Democrat acceptance of you.

The Venezuelans after their dear leader failed back in the day, had resorted to desperate measures as was reported on by the US media in order too feed themselves during those terrifying times in that failed state.

Now you have these same people coming here in a desperate situation, otherwise where they are being rejected because of their overwhelming number's pouring in from who knows where from within that failed state, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit as to what they think they need too do in order to survive in the shadow's while here.

Best to wait on the stories to be either corroborated or debunked before discounting them as fake news.
Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy.

  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
ALL of these were Just following the TREND set from the previous administration. Fact.

There is NOT a single trump policy that led to these claims.

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You calling it a lie when the reports of it haven't been debunked
You are a liar. It’s all debunked. the Springfield police, the Springfield mayor, Springfield city Council, the Republican governor of Ohio all debunked Trump’s racist lie. . The original Internet rumor comes from White Supremacist Nazis the “blood tribe”. . I must assume at this point that you belong to them. You are defending their lie. You’re a sick pathetic Christian racist Saint Beagle9. Horrible Republican human being..you are.
Have to go back to the Trump record in order to counter the bull shite in what you say here, but of course that is what you people hope will not happen, because it destroys your bull shite being spoken in these ways, and it exposes the leftist narratives for what they are.. (Garbage).

If y'all could just erase Trumps here and abroad, then you could fool the world with your fake bull shite, but you can't and so you lose.

He ran on his accomplishments in 2020 and America fired him...


He became the biggest sore loser in the history of sore losing.

He inspired an attack on our government.

Committed fraud, trying to steal the election he lost with fake electors.

Got impeached.

Was found liable of committing sexual assault.

Shared classified documents with a journalist.

Got indicted 4 times.

Found guilty of committing 34 felonies.
You calling it a lie when the reports of it haven't been debunked yet, uhh is you being a hack with a lust for the Democrat acceptance of you.

The Venezuelans after their dear leader failed back in the day, had resorted to desperate measures as was reported on by the US media in order too feed themselves during those terrifying times in that failed state.

Now you have these same people coming here in a desperate situation, otherwise where they are being rejected because of their overwhelming number's pouring in from who knows where from within that failed state, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit as to what they think they need too do in order to survive in the shadow's while here.

Best to wait on the stories to be either corroborated or debunked before discounting them as fake news.

You got that backwards.

No one is burdened with having to prove this nonsense is false. It's your job to prove it's true.
You are a liar. It’s all debunked. the Springfield police, the Springfield mayor, Springfield city Council, the Republican governor of Ohio all debunked Trump’s racist lie. . The original Internet rumor comes from White Supremacist Nazis the “blood tribe”. . I must assume at this point that you belong to them. You are defending their lie. You’re a sick pathetic Christian racist Saint Beagle9. Horrible Republican human being..you are.
You run your leftist mouth, but you don't ask yourself some very important question's that might make you go hmmmmm 🤔

Why haven't the police or whoever you support went after the defamatory creator's of the lie if it was a lie ?
Jessie Smollett lied about being attacked by Trump supporter's, and the left ate the story up, but in the end Jessie goes to jail for his lies for 150 days (should have been way longer).

Let us know when the alleged lie is debunked, and someone goes to jail over it.
Why haven't the police or whoever you support went after the defamatory creator's of the lie if it was a lie ?
It’s not against the law for fucking Nazis to lie about Black people eating their neighbor’s, cats and dogs.

It’s not against the law for your fucking Donald Trump to repeat that lie. But it’s pretty fucking sickening that after Donald Trump told that lie during a presidential debate to 70 million people and then double down on it afterwards and you stick up for that racist bastard,

Jesse Smollett is a fuckhead for what he did, I don’t defend it. He’s a jerk. He’s a moron.

Will you say the same thing about Don Trump?

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