the doctrine of religious liberty does not refer to the proposition that church and state are utterly separate; it refers rather to the proposition that the state should not coerce people to confess religious belief they do not hold.
The notion that the value or sanctity of human life begins at conception is an absolute religious belief. The Republican Party has tried for fifty years to coerce people to confess the religious belief that full rights of life begins at conception by banning the medical procedure of abortion in white Christian political majority run states.

Those Republican mostly white Christians are supporting a man to become president of the United States who stated on a debate stage on TV in front of close to 70 million people that Haitians in Springfield Ohio are eating their neighbors pets; their dogs and cats. I say to hell with these white Republican Christians who support a man for president who is repeating a social media lie that has been traced back to a Nazi white supremacy group called “the blood tribe“ it’s time to become aware of what Republican Party Christianity has become under the influence of grotesque Don Trump.
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So find the phrase 'separation of church and state' in it. You can't, it bars the govt. from doing anything for or against Christianity at the Federal level.

- for or against any and all, particularly the three desert religions .... as those that actually wrote the document intended.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...

the first sentence of the first amendment ... only a religious fanatic would insist the establishment clause is not a separation of church and state.

ever hear of utah - their problem as the other states is their religion ending at their border something desert dwellers are loathed to contemplate.
Picaro said: We should do a poll on how many people sniveling and crying crocodile tears over the numbers of firearms deaths committed by insane people also advocate and support the deaths of some 55,000,000 to 60,000,000 defenseless babies so far, and support a President who avidly supports infanticide. Don't crazies with firearms deserve a right to 'freedom of choice' and be allowed to decide for themselves who they kill too? After all, none of those babies have sued over their right to life so far , so they must be fine with being murdered by irresponsible mothers ...

NotfooledbyW said: Firearm deaths happen to people who are born and are no longer a part of their potential birth mother’s body. The individual right to life happens at birth.. The birthmother has the right to decide what happens inside her body whether or not she is willing to take the risk to her health and life when carrying a pregnancy to full term will impose on her life and body.

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