High Court Rules Covid mRNA Jab Is NOT A VACCINE, So What Is It?

Vaccinated people wanted us unvaccinated ones to get the mRNA jab...
BUT it's not a vaccine! Exactly what is this strange jab they were not able to bully nor mandate us into getting? What Is It???

High court rules Covid mRNA jab is NOT A VACCINE, so what is it?​

Pro-jab zealots love the word “vaccine” because they believe it’s the only way for humans to survive the virus-filled planet where anything can kill you at anytime, like polio, measles and the Wuhan virus, a.k.a. Covid-19. Vaccines are said to be the holy grail of medicine and the CDC recommends all children get 70 injections before age 7, and starting on the day of birth (think hepatitis jab here). Now, come to find out, all 270 million Americans who got at least one Covid spiked-prion jab received not only a dirty vaccine, but something that doesn’t even qualify for the term “vaccine.” So what the heck did they all agree to?

There’s a twisted, demented experiment going on with 85 percent of all Americans, and it has to do with tricking human cells into creating millions of nanoparticles, forever, that clog the blood, disrupt the CNS and catapult cancer cells. Oops. Sorry about that, says the CDC, FDA, WHO, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, school systems and millions of employers across the nation. It’s the vaccine apologist bandwagon, and it comes too little, too late.

The Covid jabs are NOT vaccines at all, and a high court has ruled this, because the gene-mutating injections DO NOT meet the medical definition of vaccines, since they DO NOT prevent the spread of the virus.

Dirty vaccines contain and create contaminants inside the human body, propagating disease and disorder, instead of creating protection through immunity against it

Do you REALLY know what mRNA means? You’ve heard plenty of false-narratives about it, from when they first rolled out the non-vaccine jabs. Everyone was told they do NOT change your DNA. That was a bold-faced lie. Everyone was told that the spike proteins remain at the site of injection. Lie. Everyone was told they prevent the spread of the virus. Another jab fib. Everyone was also told you can’t catch Covid if you get the “vaccines.” More bunk.
An experimental drug.

Glad to see you quote the univerally admired and respected Dr Francis Boyle .
He made two videos in February 2020 (from memory ) showing that what started as SARS 2.0 had been weaponised and was a Gene Therapy .
It became SARS Covid '19. Work done at Chapel Hill Level4 Security bio-lab in North Carolina .

He then was Deep State cancelled everywhere in the world by all MSM and social platforms .

Of course he was and remains 100% correct .
And he showed precisely how it was all engineeered by the US starting with Fort Detrickin Maryland and later via Fauci and Obummer .
I remember Oprah Winfrey going to get that COVID-19 vaccine. It harmed her, then she began telling others to get it. Now she is having to go to the ER in 2024.

Oprah convinces others to get the deadly covid vaccine

Oprah tries to drag others into getting the deadly clot shot

Now in 2024, Oprah is being rushed to the ER for gastroenteritis.
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These billionaires have access to several nurses. They have doctors at their disposal who will come their homes to care for them.

If they end up in a ER it is very serious.

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