Kamala Harris has a degree in Economics!?

In 1990, (well before Harris became friends with long ago separated Brown), Harris was hired as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, California, where she was described as "an able prosecutor on the way up".

Then in 1994, Willie Brown (who separated from wife in 1982) appointed Harris to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and California Medical Assistance Commission. Harris dated Brown later in 1995.

In 1998, San Francisco district attorney Terence Hallinan recruited Harris as an assistant district attorney.

In 2000, Harris was hired by Louise Renne to run the Family and Children's Services Division.

In 2002, Harris was elected district attorney of San Francisco.

In 2010, Harris was elected California Attorney General.

In 2014, Harris was re-elected as California Attorney General.

In 2016, Harris was elected as a U.S. senator of California.

In 2020, Biden/Harris defeated gold spoon US president Trump.

In 2024, Harris is leading Trump in the polls for President of the USA.
LMAO so a long list of taxpayer MOOCH jobs with zero accomplishments in the jobs. The left are truly retarded.
Where she attended and graduated from high school.

Middle class kids don't travel to visit family in India.

While growing up, Kamala Harris maintained close contact with her Indian family and frequently traveled with her mother and sister to Chennai, the capital of the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
And so what is this supposed to mean? Am I now supposed to pretend that trump is the middle class warrior now? I don't care whether she travelled to India or not.
She's a hack with no experience leading anything. Not even a state as governor let alone a country. She's the DUMB version of no experience Obama.
She led the second largest DOJ in America. Elected twice. She led more stuff than Trump did in his first attempt.
LMAO so a long list of taxpayer MOOCH jobs with zero accomplishments in the jobs. The left are truly retarded.
She was elected several times to high public office . She did not inherit daddys business.

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