Questions for Kamara supporters

From NBC:

The president campaigned on easing immigration controls, including a moratorium on deportations, an end to former President Donald Trump’s “wait in Mexico” policy for asylum-seekers and halting construction of the border wall. That platform gave migrants good reason to believe it would be easier to get into the United States if he were elected.

Since taking office, Biden has also given them good reason to think they might be allowed to stay, as his immigration bill would offer legal status and a pathway to citizenship to much of the U.S. undocumented population.

Biden needs to admit that his eagerness to roll back Trump’s immigration policies without a meaningful plan to deal with the predictable migration increase has led to chaos at the border. While many voters wanted a kinder, gentler approach than Trump’s, Democrats cannot simply wish away the need for effective border security and immigration regulation short of declaring open borders — a deeply unpopular idea carrying numerous economic and security risks.

The problem with "Stay In Mexico", is that the MExicans figured out that Trump had lied to them about processing claims. So they weren't playing along with it after a certain point.

The fact is, Biden continued Title 42 long after Covid had subsided and has deported more people than Trump ever did.

But these folks are still coming.
Under Biden's term, +/- 3.5 million asylum seekers have been let in. All other encounters at the border were denied entry or deported.
From NBC:

The president campaigned on easing immigration controls, including a moratorium on deportations, an end to former President Donald Trump’s “wait in Mexico” policy for asylum-seekers and halting construction of the border wall. That platform gave migrants good reason to believe it would be easier to get into the United States if he were elected.

Since taking office, Biden has also given them good reason to think they might be allowed to stay, as his immigration bill would offer legal status and a pathway to citizenship to much of the U.S. undocumented population.

Biden needs to admit that his eagerness to roll back Trump’s immigration policies without a meaningful plan to deal with the predictable migration increase has led to chaos at the border. While many voters wanted a kinder, gentler approach than Trump’s, Democrats cannot simply wish away the need for effective border security and immigration regulation short of declaring open borders — a deeply unpopular idea carrying numerous economic and security risks.

Biden had a plan and Republicans onboard.

Trump killed it because he can’t have Biden getting credit from fools like you and needs an issue at the border for his electioneering.
Kamala has opposed ICE: MSN

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Compared ICE To KKK, Said Agency Should Be Restarted ‘From Scratch’​

Any informed person realizes the Democratic leadership is desperately denying their devotion to mass illegal immigration.
Well then quote her bullshit peddler.
look up what she said on these topics in 2019 and 2020. Its easy to find them. She has changed her position on fracking, border wall, medicare for all, price controls, and virtually everything else. Bernie Sanders said yesterday that she was only saying those things because it might help her campaign, She is a far left radical socialist. wake up Anton
Biden had a plan and Republicans onboard.

Trump killed it because he can’t have Biden getting credit from fools like you and needs an issue at the border for his electioneering.
that bill needed killing, it would have allowed thousands of illegal entries per week with the proviso that the president could increase that number on his own with no congressional action.
that bill needed killing, it would have allowed thousands of illegal entries per week with the proviso that the president could increase that number on his own with no congressional action.
Is that what your orange jesus told you dupe? When are you going to learn that he fucking lies to you every waking day?

All the lying is rational from Trump's perspective - he is doing what he can to stay out of jail. But how are you so damn gullible to keep bying that trash?

That bill was a vast improvement over status quo at the border and Republicans hailed it as the strongest border bill that would pass in decades.
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Is that what your orange jesus told you dupe? When are you going to learn that he fucking lies to you every waking day?

All the lying is rational from Trump's perspective - he is doing what he can to stay out of jail. But how are you so damn gullible?

Because it's pure bullshit, the bill was a vast improvement over status quo at the border and Republicans hailed it as the strongest border bill that would pass in decades.
read the bill dipshit, its available if you really care to know the truth.

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