Questions for Kamara supporters

I thought you liked facts? Guess not.

Where’d you get that graph from?

Why did you run from my question? Do you deny that Trump initiated that policy?
Half of what you've just said is blatant bullshit, the other is just bullshit.

Biden does not run specific cities and states, he heads the Federal government.
enforcement of our borders is the responsibility of the federal government. Welfare, SS, etc are federal programs funded by our tax dollars.. The only bullshit here is your constant ignorant defense of dem/lib policies that are destroying our nation.
When illegal immigrants got into US and were not deported under Trump, did that also mean he "failed to stop illegals at the border, failed to deport illegals" like all presidents before him?

When he killed the bipartisan Deport More bill did he encourage illegal immigration?

...or do all these arguments you are making apply only to politicians you don't happen to like?
It has to do with the total numbers of illegal border crossings and allowing the huge numbers of illegals to remain in our country, if you think those numbers were equal, or even close, when Trump was in office, then you are more ignorant that we thought. Face it, the dem policy on illegals has always been to let them in and turn them into dem voters, because they know they cannot win with only Americans voting.
So you want credit to Trump while you shit on Biden for the same Title 42 enforcement?

How are you so oblivious to your bias and double standards?
Ignoring what Biden did when he walked into the office trying to pander and appease the leftist radical wing of the Democrat party has had a tragic effect on this nation and it's people. BIDEN has been alleged to be in the pocket of the CCP, and you know what them bastards did to us with that Covid...

The timing on Covid was highly suspicious, because the Democrat's had exhausted every means in their play book trying to take Trump down, then comes Covid. The CCP if were in the pockets or was padding the pockets of the Democrat machine, and Trump was causing the CCP some huge headaches in trade trying to make it fair for America, makes me think that anything was possible considering all that was in play at the time.

American's beware. A lot of crazy going on in this country these day's, so don't buy into the snake oil stocks so quickly. Use your head's, and never forget.

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