Last night at MSG, a voice of reason spoke out of the night...

When I saw the title of the thread I assumed it was about this from last night....

“There’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.”
That quote is made to order for partisan lib fence jockeys like you to run with

I cant imagine why Hinchcliffe thought it was funny
The Govt was going to quit no matter what, everyone with more than half a brain knew that as soon as we left the Taliban was going to take back over.
I don't think so. And leaving out the government to make a deal with the Taliban didn't help.
So tell me how that rally last night wasn't about race.
That's bullshit and you know it.. We would have held the ability to strike the Taliban, had the plan been conducted as it should have been. We would not have deserted Bagram airbase in the middle of the night as Biden did, there wouldn't have been so many people killed in the process of withdrawing, including thirteen American soldiers, and $85 billion dollars of US military equipment would not have fallen into the hands of the Taliban. Much of it would have been destroyed in place.

So knock it off the fucking gaslighting. You might be a goddamned fool, but you sure as hell aren't fooling anyone else.
Yes. Under the Trump plan, we never would have left period.
Trump signed the deal to end the Afgan war.. or were you thinking we forgot that?

.. and just like that you want us to pretend that Biden's foreign policy didn't embolden Putin or HAMAS or Iran.
I don’t think Russia is feeling all that emboldened. They are paying a pretty hefty price for invading Ukraine. Enough to think twice about further shenanigans. Not to mention giving China pause on any consideration of taking back Taiwan. Not that they’re in any position to do jack squat given their domestic economic troubles.
I assume the Trump followers since I made a comment about them and you used yourself as an example of how I was wrong
I was simply saying the PR is a beautiful place and I enjoyed my time there.

I’d never cast a vote for Trump
Trump wasn't POTUS and NEVER planned on abandoning our allies and equipment

Then why did he leave all the equipment there when he took the troop strength from 13,000 to less than 3,000?

He did not leave enough troops to get the equipment out. Did he plan to send more back?
A vote for Kamala is a vote for war.

“It’s important to those of us who serve, who have volunteered to put our lives on the line for the safety, security and freedom of our country and our people, and it’s critical to all of us,” she continued. “Here is the choice that we have a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney and it’s a vote for war, more war, likely World War Three and nuclear war.”

“A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a man who wants to end wars, not start them, and who has demonstrated already that he has the courage and strength to stand up and fight for peace,” she added. “A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for open borders, where known violent criminals and Islamist terrorists are streaming across our borders, placing us at risk. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for secure borders and safe communities and a confidence that he will seek out those who seek to do us harm and get them out.”

We have seen that the Biden administration, and by extension, a potential Harris administration, is willing to sacrifice born citizens of this nation in favor of illegal immigrants, hoping to gain enough power to naturalize them for votes. At the very least, they are betting that the children of these immigrants will, by extension, carry the goodwill of their parents and become a permanent voting bloc for the Democratic Party.

We've seen Dick Cheney's daughter sit down with, and take the side of, people who, just a few short years ago, wanted to jail her father. They still want to jail him, but they need to use her first.

The world is beginning to burn, and it is because of weak leadership from a lifetime career politician and a Marxist VP, whose goal is to destroy America as we know it and replace it with a Mao-style dictatorship.

The hour is getting late. If you cannot stomach Trump, at least vote against the destruction that will be Harris. That is what I will be doing.

Choose wisely.
Fat Orange Elvis is waging his war on America to become its first fascist leader.
Fake news. It was never announced she would sing

It was certainly implied that she would, and the mob of Beyonce fans lined up all day thinking she would.

Do you really believe that the people were lined all day up to go into an arena just to see dry leftist political speeches?
It was certainly implied that she would, and the mob of Beyonce fans lined up all day thinking she would.

Do you really believe that the people were lined all day up to go into an arena just to see dry leftist political speeches?

They have been doing it all over the country.

If they will do it to hear dry righty political speeches, why not the left?

Are you saying that your cult member are more dedicated than those on the left? I guess that could be true.

Kamala Harris

That FB post is a flat out lie as is proven every time we have an election, be it a primary or the general.
You're one silly person. :laughing0301:

Thanks for the laugh.
The Taliban never stuck to their side of the deal. Now, if we followed the “Trump plan”, that would result in delaying our withdrawal.

If we ignored the conditions based plan, which Trump already was doing since he was giving the Taliban concessions even after they violated it, then we would have withdrawn just as Biden did.

Either way, Trump had 4 years to end the war and he didn’t. That’s just a fact.

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