Do you find it offensive how racist and bigoted Trump and vance are.

Do you find it offensive how racist and bigoted Trump and vance are.
Trump is saying all black people and people that live south of the border are murders, thugs and monsters. I don't believe they're. A lot of them have families and are more moral and pro-family then most white people I know.

Donald Trump jr is going around posting about literal nazi iq bs that states all black people in Haiti have iq's in the 50's and 60's.

How the living fuck can we accept this bullshit? These assholes should drop out and self deport out of our country. We're a country of immigrants for fucks sake. They're supporting the Klan.

Do you ever provide anything to support your little teenage rants ?

I find it offensive that you put up stuff and don't lead with the disclaimer:

I am just a pissed off person who can't seem to deal with life so forgive me for wasting your time.
K. But we're not going back
Yes you have been.

Biden was clearly a racist and a sexist.

Biden announced he was going to name a woman VP and very llikely a black woman. That is basing a choice on sex and race. NOT QUALIFICATIONS.

He did the same thing on the SCOTUS.

Stop being such a moron.
And even if that is a real flyer, which I seriously doubt, it would be put out by some tiny group of radical extremists who represent nobody at all and is blatantly dishonest and offensive to drag into the discussion.
Who cares if some racist like you gets offended?
I read alot of political articles and the leftist all use broad language and never (if ever) name sources or incidents.

"It had been reported OMB has insulted a black waitress that works for him by call her his FL compound."

Now down the line x 10: Yeah...Trump called a black woman a racial slur that washes dishes at his FL home.'
Trump is saying all black people and people that live south of the border are murders, thugs and monsters. I don't believe they're. A lot of them have families and are more moral and pro-family then most white people I know.
Shame on you for spreading lies
Do you find it offensive how racist and bigoted Trump and vance are.
You can't be serious.

Trump is saying all black people and people that live south of the border are murders, thugs and monsters.
You can't be serious.

Donald Trump jr is going around posting about literal nazi iq bs that states all black people in Haiti have iq's in the 50's and 60's.
Actually, there is hard data to support that the mean average IQ for African nations is in the 40s, 50s and 60s. This is news to you? Why do you think so many blacks languish in the hood? Because they like it there? Because they are oppressed?

How the living fuck can we accept this bullshit?
The only BS here is apparently you.

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