What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

First of all, it's an interesting appeal to emotions to ask what the civilians who are dying did to deserve it. The answer is nothing obviously. Just like the civilians who died in the Battle of London, or the Battle of Berlin, Nagasaki or the burning of Atlanta. In a Total War, innocent people die.

If Ukraine had been calling for Russia to be wiped off the map for decades and then attacked Russia, starting the current campaign by Putin, your Ukraine/Gaza comparison would be more apt.
I would wager that I know far more about researching 'static' data than you do, however I'm asking for the opinions and sharing of knowledge from other members of this site in order to gain different perspectives on the matter. Perspectives other than the ones I might hold which help me to see a situation from a multitude of angles.

Instead of being abjectly one-sided as you yourself are, with the opinion that there is no room for improvement since you believe you already know it all.
It’s pretty simple that Putin believes Ukraine should be under his leadership. The primary language there is Russian. About 35% of the citizens consider themselves to be Russian. Zelenskyy allegedly embraced Nazis, who Putin despises and he doesn’t like Ukraine toying with the western allies. This isn’t complicated
My point is that Putin wants to rebuild the SU. Cuba was never part of the USA. False conflation.

Lastly, Haaretz and NYT are far left Jew hating news outlets.
BS. Haaretz is a Jewish news organization. They don't hate themselves. The fact is that you live over here and want to see Palestinians die. There just happen to be real Jews in Israel practicing the faith in earnest who oppose what Netanyahus evil right wing extremist government is doing.

People have had enough of you right wing extremist Jews whining. You are no better than neo nazis.
A US led coup in 2014 which ousted the Russian friendly president, resulting in civil war. The US has been supplying military support to Ukraine in that Civil War for the past decade.

Ukraine is a piece of meat and two dogs are fighting over it.
Putin thinks of Ukraine as his backyard, it's people like his people. If "his people" end up living better as part of democratic EU, then his life's work would go down in history as a regressive period for Russians. For someone who thinks of himself as a transformative historical figure like Peter the Great thats unacceptable.

Fall of Yanukovich who refused to sign EU integration was the final break in Putin's control over Ukraine. At that point he understood that Ukranians, unlike Russians, are never going to voluntarily live under his boot, so he moved on to millitary take overs.
Thank you so much, your explanation clarifies things a lot.
First of all, it's an interesting appeal to emotions to ask what the civilians who are dying did to deserve it. The answer is nothing obviously. Just like the civilians who died in the Battle of London, or the Battle of Berlin, Nagasaki or the burning of Atlanta. In a Total War, innocent people die.

If Ukraine had been calling for Russia to be wiped off the map for decades and then attacked Russia, starting the current campaign by Putin, your Ukraine/Gaza comparison would be more apt.
What Russia has done is pretty similar in many ways to what the right wing government under Netanyahu has done to Palestinians. They have annexed Palestinian land to expand settements against agreements they have made. We need to stop listening to only one side of the story in this matter.
A US led coup in 2014 which ousted the Russian friendly president, resulting in civil war. The US has been supplying military support to Ukraine in that Civil War for the past decade.

Ukraine is a piece of meat and two dogs are fighting over it.
And one side is trying to save the people there, and one side is trying to kill the people there.
BS. Haaretz is a Jewish news organization. They don't hate themselves. The fact is that you live over here and want to see Palestinians die. There just happen to be real Jews in Israel practicing the faith in earnest who oppose what Netanyahus evil right wing extremist government is doing.

People have had enough of you right wing extremist Jews whining. You are no better than neo nazis.
Open chattel slavery existed in the region of Palestine until the 20th-century. The slave trade to Ottoman Palestine officially stopped in the 1870s, when the last slave ship is registered to have arrived, after which slavery appeared to have gradually diminished to a marginal phenomena in the census of 1905. However, the former slaves and their children still continued to work for their former enslavers, and were reported to still live in a state of de facto servitude in the 1930s. Many members of the Black Palestinians minority are descendants of the former slaves…….

……..Many members of the Black Palestinians minority are descendants of the former slaves.[4] The community in northern Jericho have often been called "the slaves of Duyuk" even in modern times.[15] The African Palestinians who now live in the two compounds near al-Aqsa mosque have called the area home since 1930.[16] They have experienced prejudice, with some Palestinian Arabs[17] referring to them as "slaves" (abeed) and to their neighbourhood as the "slaves' prison" (habs al-abeed).[18] [19]

BS. Haaretz is a Jewish news organization. They don't hate themselves. The fact is that you live over here and want to see Palestinians die. There just happen to be real Jews in Israel practicing the faith in earnest who oppose what Netanyahus evil right wing extremist government is doing.

People have had enough of you right wing extremist Jews whining. You are no better than neo nazis.
NYT is an American news outlet and they sure seem like they hate America.
It’s pretty simple that Putin believes Ukraine should be under his leadership. The primary language there is Russian. About 35% of the citizens consider themselves to be Russian. Zelenskyy allegedly embraced Nazis, who Putin despises and he doesn’t like Ukraine toying with the western allies. This isn’t complicated
Okay, thank you. Finally, something concrete to ponder.

Would it be fair to say that Putin intended to "conquer" Ukraine and force them back into the fold? Because from what I've read, Ukraine was able to establish its independence without violence when the former soviet union was dissolved.

So this whole conflict and loss of life in Ukraine boils down to pretty much one man's ego?
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Okay, thank you. Finally, something concrete to ponder.

Would it be fair to say that Putin intended to "conquer" Ukraine and force them back into the fold? Because from what I've read, Ukraine was able to establish its independence without violence when the former soviet union was dissolved.

So this whole conflict and loss of life in Ukraine boils down to pretty much one man's ego?
something like that

You don’t understand the pain the Russians feel when it comes to WW2. Don’t forget that Ukraine embraced the Nazis and many Ukrainians served as guards at Nazi death camps. The hatred is real so many in Russia support this war.
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
as far as ukraine is concerned it would be long over if the democrats didnt get us involved,,

putin would have the donbas and his land bridge and the fighting would be over,,

but because the ukraine has been where a lot of high power democrats have been laundering their money they have to join the fight to avoid having their corruption exposed,,
as far as ukraine is concerned it would be long over if the democrats didnt get us involved,,

putin would have the donbas and his land bridge and the fighting would be over,,

but because the ukraine has been where a lot of high power democrats have been laundering their money they have to join the fight to avoid having their corruption exposed,,
The military industrial complex is making billions. War is quite profitable

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