Vance Admits He's Making Stuff Up

It does not matter in and of itself as to who is legal, who is not, and how many of each are there.

It matters that Trump and Vance are making up stuff.

It matters that it is racist and ethnocentric.
It shows how much Trump and Vance are dedicated to the war against immigrants. Those two immigration warriors are not afraid to spread malicious lies to get people motivated.
When you keep claiming to know the intentions of others, I question your ability to walk and chew gum -- at the same time.

You remain linguistically as clear as mud.

Maybe get one of the attendants to assist you with your juvenile posting efforts, the dainty. Helpful hint. Try to post ON topic.

Despite your off-putting and stomach churning fascination with me, I am not the thread topic. The topic of this ridiculous thread is the false claim about what JD Vance “said.”

Muddle on, now, the dainty.
Amplifying what people are telling their city counsel is not making stuff up. It's creating attention to get the media to cover what ordinary people are saying and the media refuses to cover because it reflects badly on the current regime. You commies are pathetic liars.


Trump enjoys inciting violence. He's been doing that for forty years.
It's the OP that's fabricating stories, this has been proven to be a lie.


JD Vance Appears to Admit That the Conspiracy He’s Been Pushing Is a Conspiracy​

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do,” Vance said on Sunday before immediately backtracking.​

The truth is so overrated. What would you argue over if there were no lies?


But despite Vance’s goal to drive a convenient narrative that has caught fire on the right because of its focus on immigration, one of the GOP’s top issues, he also muddled the narrative when he seemed to admit the whole story is an act of political theater.

“The American unions totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes,” Vance, who represents Ohio in the Senate, said on CNN. “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

It’s the furthest Vance has gone in acknowledging that there’s little basis in truth in the race-based talking point, but Vance stopped short of owning that the narrative is a lie. When Bash pressed Vance on his comment, he walked it back.

“I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it,” Vance said.

I don’t believe it’s as much a uniparty as it is a cabal and those who acquiesce in fear of the cabal.
The Machine is made up of various factions with overlapping interests and includes players both here and abroad. They are not always in agreement but the sleeping public will never be made aware and their compromises and threats to each other never will be public. They are not some Mr Big like some would have you believe, but more like the Commission and the Crime Families. The drug cartels have the same sway as the Pharmaceutical companies and the energy monopolies. The feds and DHS and FBI and the NSA exist only to carry out the group directives.

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