Trump safe after 'gunshots in his vicinity,' campaign says

First assassin was a school shooter gun nut.

Second shooter is a soldier of fortune gun nut.

What do they have in common?
I've read that the shots actually came from secret service, but who knows at this point. It's just another looney right wing gun nut looking to make a name for himself, just like the last guy.
Like he constantly reminds his domestic enemies what he is going to do to them if he's elected. Maybe he needs to dial back his violent rhetoric.
Maybe you and your commie scumbag friends need to dial back your assassination attempts on the republican party. Scalise, Kavanaugh and Trump twice. Hmmm, no assassination attempts or political persecutions of democrats--scumbags.
Looks like another republican:


Answer the question asshole.

Do you feel assassination attempts on Trump's life by his enemies are ok? Is this really what we want our political system to be?
His enemies? The assailant was probably a lone wolf, that is unless you or the FBI can show that there were others involved.

But what will hear from the likes of Trump & his MAGA cult is conspiracy theories & lies. The usual M.O. of losers. No doubt Trump will rile up MAGA with his usual hate filled rhetoric in an attempt for sympathy from the ignorant.
Dripping with TDS as usual. :cuckoo:

Trump has already sent out fundraising emails based on the assassination attempt. How can you believe anything this guy does is real????

First he faked Taylor Swift's endorsement. Why wouldn't he fake another assassination attempt as his polls are dropping like a stone? He's got an entire town in Ohio under terrorist threat just to boost his polls.

There truly is no limit to the depths he will sink to.

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