Trump safe after 'gunshots in his vicinity,' campaign says

Funny, I don't see Biden on any ballots--including the DNC's Run along scumbag, Trump is still here in spite of democrat's desperate attempts on his life. He doesn't scare.
Trump is scared of everything. Stop making Trump what he's not.
You don't decide this. There is -another choice.

We have all heard Trump threatening violence. And what he said about Haitians is creating violence. He incited violence on 1-6.

The violence? Yeah, those poor ducks.
Are there reports of other violence other than against geese?
Your precious FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE shtick is getting old; that gaslamp is OUT.
Same to you, Trump humper. As far as hate is concerned Trump has spread plenty around such as his rants against innocent Haitans in Ohio, you POS.
Oh Screw you.

You ever prove tgat Dossier.

Did BinBiden get all his kick backs from Ukraine??

You are just a buncg of LYING BITCHES


Wow, they are still trying to murder Trump because "THEY KNOW"

God has chosen Trump as the next president of the United States of America no matter how much they salivate over Kamala. "THEY KNOW" Trump is going to win.
Several obvious question, listed in no particular order.
  • If "God" has chosen Trump as the next POTUS, why does he allow people to choose to try and kill him? To improve his support?
  • Why did "God" select an AK/AR-15 type of firearm as the weapon of choice for the perp to use?
  • Why does "God" let innocent kids and teachers (over decades) in school get massacred in schools while he protects Trump? Is this part his His plan?
  • Why does "God" allow some selected murderers get labeled as 'folks with mental issues' while others are not given 'that luxury' because.
  • Why does "God" graciously grant allow our country our citizens people here the freedom to contribute to us having the highest gun-related homicide and mass murder rate in the developed world?
  • et cetera
  • et cetera
All rhetorical questions, with "God" graciously giving us the freedom and ability to yammer about "Thoughts and prayers" and "It's too soon to talk about laws" with abandon. Oh, yes, because he gave us freedom.
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The violence? Yeah, those poor ducks.
Are there reports of other violence other than against geese?
Your precious FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE shtick is getting old; that gaslamp is OUT.
And here you show an example of the violence trump has created on a group of people with his lies.
Looks like another republican:

View attachment 1012685

Not hardly. He's a leftist like you.

The guy must have been shooting at a dog on the Golf Course

People get hungry
  • Funny
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