Trump safe after 'gunshots in his vicinity,' campaign says

People are sick and tired of Trump and all the drama that surrounds him.

Time for Trump to realize America fired him, and will never rehire him.

Was the detainee a crisis actor? The American pubic has a right to know. Did some MAGA actor stage an event to try and bolster Trump's poll numbers?​

It’s pretty absurd to suggest this was a crisis actor. Shit like this is how Trumptards think. The left has to be more objective and rational. They have to be the adults in the room.
GOD yes!

He was!:clap2:
His writings of 1984 and Animal Farm were the last things he did in his life, after living it.
The hive-mind Bolshevik Marxist communist mindset that has creeped into "western" culture is nothing short of EVIL, and an obvious flaw deep within us too smart for our own good primates.
I don't think there is a parallel example "in nature" other than chimpanzees eating their defeated rivals, or ants in battle.
Perhaps, but I don't think so.
Of course. Some of us have our heads screwed on straight.

Btw when I said that your lifestyle might be degenerate all I meant is that it isn't the norm for most people and my religious beliefs speak out against it but that doesn't mean that I think that you're all untrustworthy.
A second attempt has been made on the President's life today at his golf course at MarALago. The assassin made his way onto the grounds with his rifle and a camera in order to record the event.
Fifty Eight Year old male, Routh by name, has been taken into custody after his failed attempt...but it sounds as if he got off a few rounds before apprehended. SS agents (lol) tackled the president to 'get him out of harm's way'.

photo at above link. blue haired fifty eight year old leftist.... and they say with age comes wisdom.

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in dire need of testosterone.
with age comes wisdom... except for blue haired leftists .
And the Dems and their complicit media is engendering it by their vilification of a very good president.

I actually had a Democrat say that she is “terrified” of Trump winning, and she would support any action to prevent him from becoming president again.
We should be.

The guy was a fucking disaster the first time with guardrails.

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