Mexicans in LA, Somalis in Minneapolis, Haitians in Springfield…Placed by politicians in swing states. Are they improving the communities they inhabit

Since 1959 Hispanics in general, Mexicans in particular have been my neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, and acquaintances. I lived I southern California from 1965 until March of this year. Everything I know about Hispanics, they taught me.
That's her silly redneck theory. All Mexicans are criminals. She doesn't like Hispanics in general. That's fine, I don't care if an inbred, trailer-park hick, doesn't like me. I've been harassed more than once in the last six, or seven years, by ignorant, racist, MAGA-hat-wearing hillbillies, for speaking Spanish in public.

When I was taking a course at the University Of Arizona in Tucson, about seven years ago, I was standing in line at the Barmes & Nobles bakery, speaking Spanish with my father who had come to visit me and, I had a baby-brained MAGA-Hat hick, remind me that "This is America, speak English. If you want to speak Spanish, go somewhere else"..I told him that I could speak whatever language I wanted to and no one could legally stop me. He walked away grumbling insults under his breath. I would've stuck that red MAGA cap down his throat if he would've assaulted me or gotten in my face.

I have nothing against Caucasians, just the racist, stupid, vulgar, uneducated ones. I dislike them, not because of their skin complexion or Northern European ancestry, but their behavior. Cat lady is an ignorant racist bigot.
I was standing in like at a TJ MAXX at the Del Amo Center in Torrance. The checkout clerk became involved with a Spanish speaking family that went on and on and ON. I to a woman behind me "did you ever have the feeling you are the last English speaking person in the city?"

The clerk got very angry and called over the manager who told me in no uncertain terms that such racism would not be tolerated in his store. He shoved my stuff in a bag and escorted me to the door. It wasn't until I got to the car before I realized, he threw me out before I had paid.

That store isn't there any more. It's not hard to know why.
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I was standing in like at a TJ MAXX at the Del Amo Center in Torrance. The checkout clerk became involved with a Spanish speaking family that went on and on and ON. I to a woman behind me "did you ever have the feeling you are the last English speaking person in the city?"

The clerk got very angry and called over the manager who told me in no uncertain terms that such racism would not be tolerated in his store. He shoved my stuff in a bag and escorted me to the door. It wasn't until I got to the car before I realized, he threw me out before I had paid.

That store isn't there any more. It's not hard to know why.
Why isn't the store there anymore? You had me on your side, until you made the last dumb comment, insinuating some racist crap. Do you have the right to speak to someone about not liking Spanish, or people speaking Spanish in public in America? Yes, you have that right and I will defend your right to publicly express your dislike for Spanish and those who speak Spanish in public. You should have the right to say that. Do you have the right to attempt to stop me speaking Spanish in public? Get in my face, get aggressive, as one of the anti-Spanish whiners did to me a few years ago? No. I pushed him away, really hard and his friend had more sense and grabbed him, stopping him from assaulting me.

You have every right to express your dislike, contempt, disgust, whatever, against Hispanics and the Spanish language, but when you get in people's faces, trying to physically intimidate people, that's when you cross the line. What happened to you in that store, was wrong. You weren't even talking to the people who were speaking Spanish, and they accused you of being a racist and kicked you out of the store. That's an exaggeration and I would be on your side as an Hispanic American and veteran. You have the right to be an ignorant bigot, provided you don't violate anyone's rights. Do you understand? Capisce?
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Reality Check: You claim my sources prove your point? How so? Be specific.
  • Executive Orders 13808 and 13884 are clear: they sanction the Venezuelan government and its state oil company, PDVSA, not just individuals. These orders crippled Venezuela’s ability to access international capital and trade its primary resource, oil.
Here’s the link again, in case you missed it:
You’ve offered zero evidence that these sanctions only targeted individuals. Read it yourself, it’s all there. Show me where it says the sanctions were only on individuals. Again, BE SPECIFIC. Stop with the games.

Wrong again. I’ve laid out the U.S. role in destabilizing Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Honduras, Chile, and more. The U.S. imposes economic sanctions, orchestrates coups, funds opposition groups, and undermines any government that doesn’t align with its capitalist agenda. These are historical facts, backed by declassified CIA documents and credible sources.

Let me remind you of a few key pieces of evidence:

Where’s your evidence that socialism, and only socialism, is responsible for these problems? Again, you have none.

Fact: The entire case against Lula was a political hit job. His prosecutors admitted to collaborating with U.S. authorities, and Lula’s 2021 exoneration proves that the charges were baseless and politically motivated. Where’s your evidence of a “righteous” prosecution?

Here’s the proof again:

Your claim? Still no evidence.

False. The 2009 coup against President Manuel Zelaya was backed by the U.S. and facilitated by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. I’ve already provided sources confirming this. Clinton herself admits it in her own memoir.

Here’s the source again:

Show me any credible evidence that the U.S. had nothing to do with it. If you can’t, then you’re just making things up.

This is perhaps the most easily disproven lie. Declassified CIA documents confirm that the U.S. was involved in the 1973 coup that ousted Salvador Allende and installed the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The CIA spent millions funding opposition groups and actively encouraged the Chilean military to act.

Here’s the proof:

Where’s your evidence that the U.S. “had nothing to do with it”? I’m still waiting. Debunk my evidence. Repeating your claptrap bullshit, doesn't constitute a refutation. Claiming that my sources support you without detailing exactly how that's the case, is just you blowing fart-gas off your keyboard. Your posts amount to worthless stinky fart gas. Provide evidence and an actual argument.

This is pure fiction. The U.S. occupation of Haiti (1915-1934) looted the country, exploited its resources, and left behind a corrupt system that enriched American corporations at the expense of the Haitian people. Haiti was impoverished by U.S. imperialism, not socialism.

Here’s more evidence, since you seem to be ignoring it:

Where’s your evidence that the U.S. “helped” Haiti? And show me where socialism “destroyed” it.

This is easily the most absurd thing you’ve said. By definition, the exploitation of human beings is harmful. It involves unfair treatment, often through the extraction of labor, resources, or wealth without proper compensation. Your attempt to spin exploitation as “normal and voluntary” is laughable. Moreover, just because something is "normalized" doesn't make it ethical or good. Work or labor isn't voluntary, it's one of the requirements for existing. Without work, people die, hence your claim that labor is simply "voluntary", or that an empire expropriating the resources of another nation is "voluntary" is ridiculous.

Capitalist imperialism, thrives on exploitation, which is why countries like Venezuela, Chile, and Guatemala have been systematically destabilized by the U.S. to protect corporate profits. If you think exploitation isn’t harmful, maybe you should explain why workers around the world have been fighting against it for centuries. You actually deserve the illegal immigration in the US. I hope a bunch of illegals become your neighbors and start playing their salsa music really loud and open a taco stand in front of your home. I hope a pack of angry chihuahuas chases you when you go out for a walk. You deserve it.

Final Warning: Provide Evidence or Lose

I’ve provided ample evidence, references, and sources to back up my claims. You’ve provided nothing but empty insults and baseless statements. If you can’t provide actual evidence in your next response, specific sources, not just your personal opinion, then I’m done. I won’t continue wasting my time debating someone who refuses to back up their claims.

If you fail to provide evidence in your next response, you lose the debate, period. Your next move is up to you.

You do not give warnings you weak littlerr bitch

You are stating proven lies with no evidence to back them up so follow your own advice

You have not ptoviced evidence ample or otherwise. You have vomited empty claims and that is all. Your claims are nothing more than exptemist propaganda

By definition exploitation is NOT harmful it is normal. We ALL exploit ourselves and others. So long as it is voluntary it is a good and beneficial thing. Your socialist system would FORCE poeople to be exploited without choice THAT IS harmful
You're proving by your statements, how ignorant you are. Design, testing, qualifying, building, ordering, sells, transport, install, maintain, repair, and operate is exactly what advanced, 21st century automation and artificial intelligence does. It eliminates the need for the human operator. Never in human history have we had intelligent automation and AI, that can handle all of the operations and logistics of production.

Lying sleaze. From your post weasel as-if Trump to blame when automation overpowers labor. You dumb OX. I pointed out how it’s good, then you crawl back in. Sod off wanker.

“taking everyone's jobs. ”. Your line, you flat-earth, blame Trump for everything dirty fag.
Lying sleaze. From your post weasel as-if Trump to blame when automation overpowers labor. You dumb OX. I pointed out how it’s good, then you crawl back in. Sod off wanker.

“taking everyone's jobs. ”. Your line, you flat-earth, blame Trump for everything dirty fag.
It's good because it's the end of capitalism. Advanced automation and AI, eliminate wages and hence markets. Mass production is a social endeavor and it will be owned publicly. All of the resources, facilities, and machinery of production, which will include smart robots, supercomputers, and artificial intelligence, will become our commonwealth. We will organize mass production differently, than we do today, under capitalism. By necessity, society will be forced to adopt a marketless, non-profit, more democratic system of mass-production.
Why isn't the store there anymore? You had me on your side, until you made the last dumb comment, insinuating some racist crap. Do you have the right to speak to someone about not liking Spanish, or people speaking Spanish in public in America? Yes, you have that right and I will defend your right to publicly express your dislike for Spanish and those who speak Spanish in public. You should have the right to say that. Do you have the right to attempt to stop me speaking Spanish in public? Get in my face, get aggressive, as one of the anti-Spanish whiners did to me a few years ago? No. I pushed him away, really hard and his friend had more sense and grabbed him, stopping him from assaulting me.

You have every right to express your dislike, contempt, disgust, whatever, against Hispanics and the Spanish language, but when you get in people's faces, trying to physically intimidate people, that's when you cross the line. What happened to you in that store, was wrong. You weren't even talking to the people who were speaking Spanish, and they accused you of being a racist and kicked you out of the store. That's an exaggeration and I would be on your side as an Hispanic American and veteran. You have the right to be an ignorant bigot, provided you don't violate anyone's rights. Do you understand? Capisce?
I didn't say people shouldn't speak Spanish. I said Do you ever get the feeling that you are the last person in the city that speaks English. The store isn't there anymore, because the store isn't there anymore. I doubt if there was any racial context. Torrance is less than 40% white to begin with. I don't care what people speak. Spanish, Mandarin, Swahili, Farsi. Frankly, I don't even notice unless it goes on and on and on and the line is getting longer and longer. This doesn't mean I don't recognize that these are people I should not be associating with.
You do not give warnings you weak littlerr bitch

You are stating proven lies with no evidence to back them up so follow your own advice

You have not ptoviced evidence ample or otherwise. You have vomited empty claims and that is all. Your claims are nothing more than exptemist propaganda

By definition exploitation is NOT harmful it is normal. We ALL exploit ourselves and others. So long as it is voluntary it is a good and beneficial thing. Your socialist system would FORCE poeople to be exploited without choice THAT IS harmful

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