Vance Admits He's Making Stuff Up

If Trump and Trumpers did not have lies they would have nothing at all.

It all starts at the top with Trump.

Remember this little gem.

If you can't get an endorsement in real life, make it up.

There are no bigger lemmings than Trumpers who fall for any shit that Trump says or any inane conspiracy theory.

So, yeah, J.D. knows who his target audience is and how to move those puppet strings.
Anyone who believes the media these days is a retard.

Cursing? Calling people names? Trying to embarass them?

That's not what I'd call proper mod behavior. You're an embarrassment to this forum because you represent it.

You should be reported by anyone that likes this forum. You're the only mod that makes me wish I could put more on ignore
He is so deeply and tragically afflicted with advanced TDS, he can’t contain himself.
Oh, really? Is that a fact? Let me clue you in on something. You galactic fucktards got your presidential candidate to claim on national television in front of millions of viewers that black people are eating cats and you think this is a win for you. This is how fucking stupid you people are. You are actually more stupid than the liberals. That is the level of dumb fuckery you people have achieved.

Harris was already doing well heading into this election. That 30 seconds of the debate sealed the deal for her.
But we think black people are smart enough to get an id. Democrats think their too stupid to get one.
What question was he answering when he said "If I have to create stories . . . ?"

Of course whoever posted that clip did not want us to know that, so I have to guess: The question was "why did you choose to create a story about haitians eating cats, based on anectdotal reports?"

I would prefer that Trump and other Republicans never make claims that they cannot immediately prove, becuase the media is sure to call them liars if they do. On the other hand, I know that Democrats are far more guilty of that, and the media never calls them on it.

I understand why the media dwells on this and keeps asking Trump and Vance about the cat-eating Haitions. It's a distraction from the well-known factual story that many so-called "assylum seekers" are committing crimes far more heinous against people, including children.

He didn't say he was making up stories from whole cloth, he's simply focusing media attention on stories that are already in the public sphere. But you commies just can't help lying about it.

“I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it, Vance clarified. “I didn’t create 20,000 illegal migrants coming into Springfield thanks to Kamala Harris’ policies. Her policies did that. But yes, we created the actual focus that allowed the American media to talk about this story and the suffering caused by Kamala Harris’ policies.”

What question was he answering when he said "If I have to create stories . . . ?"

Of course whoever posted that clip did not want us to know that, so I have to guess: The question was "why did you choose to create a story about haitians eating cats, based on anectdotal reports?"

I would prefer that Trump and other Republicans never make claims that they cannot immediately prove, becuase the media is sure to call them liars if they do. On the other hand, I know that Democrats are far more guilty of that, and the media never calls them on it.

I understand why the media dwells on this and keeps asking Trump and Vance about the cat-eating Haitions. It's a distraction from the well-known factual story that many so-called "assylum seekers" are committing crimes far more heinous against people, including children.
Later in the "interview" Bash asserts, WITHOUT EVIDENCE (doesn't that phrase sound familiar?), that Trump mentioning domestic pets being eaten was responsible for alleged death threats directed at a hospital.

How the fuck do these hacks keep getting away with this shit?
He didn't say he was making up stories from whole cloth, he's simply focusing media attention on stories that are already in the public sphere. But you commies just can't help lying about it.

“I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it, Vance clarified. “I didn’t create 20,000 illegal migrants coming into Springfield thanks to Kamala Harris’ policies. Her policies did that. But yes, we created the actual focus that allowed the American media to talk about this story and the suffering caused by Kamala Harris’ policies.”

So he did clarify what he meant, and the OP committed a lie of omission.

How sleazy can you get?
That’s not what he said. Your distortion efforts and spin are obvious.
Trump said Hattians instead of black.
And Trump also wrongfully called them "illegal", which they are not. They have temporary and work status.
But we think black people are smart enough to get an id. Democrats think their too stupid to get one.
The irony is that most US citizens, couldn't pass the citizenship quiz we give to people wishing to become citizens.
This child died from an accident.

Yeah, that's what all people driving without training or a license call it. Running over people, causing car wrecks and flipping cars in the road, yeah, all accidents buy people that should have never been allowed to remain in the country to begin with.

Most of MAGA shit is made up.

That's how MAGA wants it.
Why haven't we heard about Trump and the Arlington story in a while? Could it be because it was a made up lie? You loons are the ones constantly making up stuff about Trump. I'll have to hear in its entirety of what he said.

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