Why didn’t the ABC debate moderators bring up the assassination attempt of Trump?

I think RFK jr. explained his frustration.The Warren report was
purposedly halted for a 50 year time span.When that 50 year span
ended the Warren Report was not fully opened.I don't think Trump
had any power over it's being opened up entirely.
Trump just this summer said if elected he'd make sure
the Warren report would be fully opened.He made that
pledge to RFK jr. a couple months ago,
That is what he said, last time. While in office, he supposedly had the authority to declassify Federal documents. He even said he had the right, even when they involved other allied country's intelligence, He is truly clueless.
They should have also mentioned that 5 days before the shooting veggie joe gave a speech where he told america, "It's time to put trump in the bullseye." Incredible but true. Even snopes agrees biden said it.

What a story but the press has censored it.
I don't remember if he said "bullseye" or "crosshairs".
They should have also mentioned that 5 days before the shooting veggie joe gave a speech where he told america, "It's time to put trump in the bullseye." Incredible but true. Even snopes agrees biden said it.

What a story but the press has censored it.

Blaming Biden for the attempt on Trump is like blaming Palin for the attack on Giffords. It didn't hold water then, it sure as shit doesn't hold water now.
There was simply nothing about it to debate. I have watched and read many reports on it from two months ago. I am frankly not impressed with the government's investigative work on the event or the speed at releasing information, if that makes you feel any better. Of course, I am not impressed with the lack of full release of the information from the Kennedy assassination, Trump promised to fully release but did not, when he was president.
I dont believe that the Secret Service can be as incompetent as they would have to be if the whole incident was just bad luck
That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.

lol that would be an easy layup for Harris.
I dont believe that the Secret Service can be as incompetent as they would have to be if the whole incident was just bad luck
I sure thought more of them, their abilities, methods and commitment, than that, until then. As far as resources denied (if true), I had them figured as an unlimited budget and manpower for their protective services of any individual, they were tasked to protect.
Note: I am not saying, in any way, the shooting by that lil nutball kid was in anyway and inside job. I do think, their protective services should be far closer to the expectation, I mentioned than the reality of their effectiveness, now shown.
I sure thought more of them, their abilities, methods and commitment, than that, until then. As far as resources denied (if true), I had them figured as an unlimited budget and manpower for their protective services of any individual, they were tasked to protect.
Note: I am not saying, in any way, the shooting by that lil nutball kid was in anyway and inside job. I do think, their protective services should be far closer to the expectation, I mentioned than the reality of their effectiveness, now shown.
The SS and FBI arent talking

And the lib media have forgotten all about it

So when the Harris faithful demand that I present evidence, as an ordinary citizen I’m not in a position to prove anything

But a conspiracy seems obvious to me
That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.

You're an imbecile. Why would the moderators bring up the assassination attempt, when Harris had nothing to do with it???

By contrast, Trump was directly responsible for Jan 6. That's why the moderators asked him about it.

You have no critical thinking skills, you're just an uneducated MAGA bumpkin.
You're an imbecile. Why would the moderators bring up the assassination attempt, when Harris had nothing to do with it???

By contrast, Trump was directly responsible for Jan 6. That's why the moderators asked him about it.

You have no critical thinking skills, you're just an uneducated MAGA bumpkin.
Trolling and unhinged post.^ unprovoked personal attacks

The BLM riots were much worse. Everyone with common sense knows this only a political propagandist would deny it. January 6 so nobody killed by Trump supporters. Whereas on that day, the only person killed was an innocent Trump supporter.

I don’t agree with what the Trump supporters did on January 6, but you would be a lunatic and a blatant political propagandist would try and claim that there was ever a chance that the government will be overtaken.

The BLM riots 25 people murdered by left-wing fanatics. They were either supported directly by Democrat politicians to riot or the politicians on the Democrat side did not condemn them.

I’m not going over my points about the assassination attempt and I shouldn’t even repeat myself on the other points because it’s obvious you’re just here to troll. Your type will never respond with substance to these points It seems like. Frankly, I’m tired of wasting time with folks like you because you won’t respond to the core points and when you do respond to people it’s almost always trolling and unprovoked personal attacks. I’ve believe you folks post like this in an attempt to start a flame because you cannot win on substance.
Trolling and unhinged post.^ unprovoked personal attacks

The BLM riots were much worse. Everyone with common sense knows this only a political propagandist would deny it. January 6 so nobody killed by Trump supporters. Whereas on that day, the only person killed was an innocent Trump supporter.
Harris wasn't responsible for the BLM riots, gomer. Learn some freaking critical thinking skills.

I don’t agree with what the Trump supporters did on January 6, but you would be a lunatic and a blatant political propagandist would try and claim that there was ever a chance that the government will be overtaken.
It doesn't matter. It wasn't just the violence on Jan 6, it was also Trump's fake elector scheme. He tried to use fake electors to steal the election. He is a traitor who must never be president again.

The BLM riots 25 people murdered by left-wing fanatics. They were either supported directly by Democrat politicians to riot or the politicians on the Democrat side did not condemn them.
Again, gomer....Harris had nothing to do with it.

I’m not going over my points about the assassination attempt and I shouldn’t even repeat myself on the other points because it’s obvious you’re just here to troll. Your type will never respond with substance to these points It seems like. Frankly, I’m tired of wasting time with folks like you because you won’t respond to the core points and when you do respond to people it’s almost always trolling and unprovoked personal attacks. I’ve believe you folks post like this in an attempt to start a flame because you cannot win on substance.
You have no points!! Harris had nothing to with it, Kleetus! So why should she be asked about it???

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

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