Kamala admits to making stuff up to win an election.

Project 2025 hasn't happened yet either.
And won't, because neither of the two of which one will become president is going to push it. Why, are you afraid that it will? If so, can you quote from it exactly what has you peeing yourself?
Didn't you say that about Roe V Wade in 2015?
I sure did. I was very surprised that there existed enough integrity on the Supreme Court to rule correctly that a previous decision was actually decided incorrectly. Good for them, bravo and keep it up. I love being happily surprised, don't you?
You do know Republicans want to allow insurance companies to deny you for pre existing conditions right?
Insurance companies have been doing that since there have been insurance companies. An insurance company is in business to make a profit. It has no other reason to be in business. And so long as the buyer is given what is covered when they buy an insurance policy there is nothing wrong with the insurance company tailoring policies to what the customer most needs and what the customer can afford. If insurance companies are required to cover everything without qualification, the vast majority of people could not afford insurance.

If the government thinks pre-existing conditions should be covered the GOVERNMENT should cover them with their own assigned risk policies they can make available to citizens for a cost. Health care for special circumstances would be no different than assigned risk companies to cover hard-to-insure motorists or provide flood and earthquake insurance that would make private company policies unaffordable to most citizens if the insurance companies had to cover such things.

Assigned risk policies generally cost more than regular policies whatever is insured because the risk and cost to cover it is so much higher.
I think Trump has a platform, a cause he believes in, while Kamala will make up anything because winning is the only real because she has.
And the other side would say the same thing. Besides, I don't know what that has to do with candidates promising the moon and then not being able to deliver because Congress won't let them do what they said they wanted to do. What happened when Trump was president before? We had resist 45 and democrats refused to let him build the wall. Same thing will happen if Harris is elected.
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Oh god. You've been brainwashed by Republicans I can tell you that. Shovel ready is a line from the Obama years.

You ungrateful fuck. You have no idea, NO CLUE how much you benefit from Bidenomics and Democrats and liberals.

It's because of people like you I secretly root for Republicans to win. Because I'm trying to look out for poor fucks like you.

People with college educations make about $35K more than the average uneducated schmuck. That means they make around $60K and I made $95K. So I'm completely fine with making cuts to things that help people like you. I need to stop being a caring liberal who is worried about poor Americans like you.

Fuck you make me want to vote for Trump.!!!
Insurance companies have been doing that since there have been insurance companies. An insurance company is in business to make a profit. It has no other reason to be in business. And so long as the buyer is given what is covered when they buy an insurance policy there is nothing wrong with the insurance company tailoring policies to what the customer most needs and what the customer can afford.

If the government thinks pre-existing conditions should be covered the GOVERNMENT should cover them with their own assigned risk policies they can make available to citizens for a cost. Health care for special circumstances would be no different than assigned risk companies to cover hard-to-insure motorists or provide flood and earthquake insurance that would make private company policies unaffordable to most citizens if the insurance companies had to cover such things.

Assigned risk policies generally cost more than regular policies whatever is insured because the risk is so much higher.
Medicaid does that.
And the other side would say the same thing. Besides, I don't know what that has to do with candidates promising the moon and then not being able to deliver because Congress won't let them do what they said they wanted to do.
Republicans lose more often than Democrats because they don't promise the moon but what is realistically possible. People vote for the fantasies. Even so for Republicans to get what they want they need both sides of Congress and no filibuster.
Republicans lose more often than Democrats because they don't promise the moon but what is realistically possible. People vote for the fantasies. Even so for Republicans to get what they want they need both sides of Congress and no filibuster.
Have you forgotten about resist 45, democrats stymieing Trump building the wall, and endless impeachments and investigations?
Medicaid does that.

How is this guy conning you? A facetious question is a question that is asked in an intentionally unserious way, often with the intention of being humorous and perhaps a bit inappropriate or provocative.

Did you hear Trump's answer when asked How would they bring down the cost of child care, which is a barrier to people having children and a major drain on parents?

"But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about — that, because look, child care is child care, couldn’t — you know, there’s something — you have to have it in this country. You have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to. But they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us. But they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care. We’re going to have — I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country.

"Because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care. But those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just — that I just told you about. We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars. And as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers will be taking in.

"We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people. And then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about make America great again. We have to do it because right now, we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.”
Medicaid does that.
Medicaid is different in that it provides insurance to low income people who can't afford private insurance at any cost.

Assigned risk is different. The guy with lots of traffic tickets and/or accidents that were all or partly his fault can get to the point no regular insurance company will take the risk to insure him. An assigned risk company can rescue him but he will pay a higher premium to get that coverage.

Healthcare insurers, by excluding pre-existing conditions and or certain coverages, can offer much more affordable insurance to those who make too much for Medicaid but still have to budget their money. The government could create assigned risk for special needs in healthcare as they do with property and auto insurance to provide insurance at higher but not unreasonable cost. Or form their own program to provide such coverage as they provide earthquake and flood insurance which by no means is cheap.

But by not requiring private insurance companies to insure that which is automatically unacceptable high risk you allow insurance to be much more affordable to most Americans.
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Republicans lose more often than Democrats because they don't promise the moon but what is realistically possible. People vote for the fantasies. Even so for Republicans to get what they want they need both sides of Congress and no filibuster.
You're not the only ungrateful ignorant person I know. I know a few of you in real life and a couple of you here on the boards. I can't believe you've got a pretty good answer for everything. I don't know if someone you know has programmed you or if you listen to right wing radio or if you've always leaned right and when you found yourself needing the programs you yourself take advantage of, you justify it. I've seen 1000 guys and gals just like you. Hypocrites. Of course they don't like welfare, until they need welfare. Of course you don't like EBT cards but as soon as you realize we give you $100 a month, you're going to go get that shit. That's my point stupid!!!

Republicans want to eliminate that $100 EBT card. Us liberals give you that shit. Makes your life better rigth? Republicans double the debt too dummy. They just give it to rich people. You cry about student loan forgiveness? The middle class people who get it and take advantage don't. Just like you don't when you go get your welfare YOU IDIOT! OMG I don't even know where to start with you. I want to smack people like you.

Even if you weren't taking advantage of ANY programs, and you said you would NEVER, I would call you a liar. You just prove me right.

I've heard Republicans say, and I will quote them. "if I were unemployed, I'd go to McD before I filed for unemployment." Heard it a million times. But we see THEY ALL file for unemployment as soon as they can. And they justify it. Just like you do. It's okay. You don't have to say a word. Other than thank you.

You're welcome.
Medicaid is different in that it provides insurance to low income people who can't afford private insurance at any cost.

Assigned risk is different. The guy with lots of traffic tickets and/or accidents that were all or partly his fault can get to the point no regular insurance company will take the risk to insure him. An assigned risk company can rescue him but he will pay a higher premium to get that coverage.

Healthcare insurers, by excluding pre-existing conditions and or certain coverages, can offer much more affordable insurance to those who make too much for Medicaid but still have to budget their money.
And it would bankrupt most Americans. So government regulates/mandates they can't deny pre existing conditions.

I'm pretty sure they CAN however raise prices on people who have pre existing conditions. And DO. It sucks when you are in your 50's and 60's and you have to work till you're 65. And Republicans want to make it 70. Meanwhile, fuck head here has it and he's probably younger than 60. A fat fuck. If that pic is accurate.
You simply promote lies.
Did you hear trump's answer to bringing child insurance costs down? He hasn't a clue. Just a rambly speech from a person who doesn't have a clue. I'm sure his handlers will have a great canned prepared response ready tonight. A lie basically.
Did you hear trump's answer to bringing child insurance costs down? He hasn't a clue. Just a rambly speech from a person who doesn't have a clue. I'm sure his handlers will have a great canned prepared response ready tonight. A lie basically.

You are an expert

At telling lies.
You're not the only ungrateful ignorant person I know. I know a few of you in real life and a couple of you here on the boards. I can't believe you've got a pretty good answer for everything.
You admit I have a pretty good answer for everything, so maybe you should stop debating me and join me.

My legs are paralyzed because of someone else's misdeeds. I sit in bed crocked because my abdomen muscles are not controllable and won't hold me up. I took what I needed because it was offered. If I was a Venezuela, I would want to come to America even if it's illegal. I understand why they want to be here. But I fight for what is good for my country, not what is good for immigrants or particular individuals. However, I did not take anything others could not have taken as well if they needed to.

I don't know if someone you know has programmed you or if you listen to right wing radio or if you've always leaned right and when you found yourself needing the programs you yourself take advantage of, you justify it. I've seen 1000 guys and gals just like you. Hypocrites. Of course they don't like welfare, until they need welfare. Of course you don't like EBT cards but as soon as you realize we give you $100 a month, you're going to go get that shit. That's my point stupid!!!
What I need or don't need is immaterial with what is best for our country. In teams, guilds, or alliances, you drop the weakest link to make room for those who make you stronger, not based on the needs of those who want to be on your team. My team is team America.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, I would be the fat guy you leave behind while the rest gets away.

I got in trouble when I asked those in charge of my nursing home if Medicaid would pay to transfer me to a facility where assisted suicide is legal.

My needs does not change what is best for my country.

Republicans want to eliminate that $100 EBT card. Us liberals give you that shit. Makes your life better rigth? Republicans double the debt too dummy. They just give it to rich people. You cry about student loan forgiveness? The middle class people who get it and take advantage don't. Just like you don't when you go get your welfare YOU IDIOT! OMG I don't even know where to start with you. I want to smack people like you.
Biden paid off my 52k student loan. I will be in this nursing home for the rest of my life. I have no wages or income tax to garnish, and I don't need good credit. Biden wasted the taxpayer's money paying off my student loan. It's also unfair for those who paid their own way or who did not go to college. It was simply a means to buy votes. He didn't care about helping anyone.

Even if you weren't taking advantage of ANY programs, and you said you would NEVER, I would call you a liar. You just prove me right.

I've heard Republicans say, and I will quote them. "if I were unemployed, I'd go to McD before I filed for unemployment." Heard it a million times. But we see THEY ALL file for unemployment as soon as they can. And they justify it. Just like you do. It's okay. You don't have to say a word. Other than thank you.

You're welcome.
I do what is best for me and my family. I vote and debate for what is best for my country.
And it would bankrupt most Americans. So government regulates/mandates they can't deny pre existing conditions.

I'm pretty sure they CAN however raise prices on people who have pre existing conditions. And DO. It sucks when you are in your 50's and 60's and you have to work till you're 65. And Republicans want to make it 70. Meanwhile, fuck head here has it and he's probably younger than 60. A fat fuck. If that pic is accurate.
When Social Security was originally created, most people died before they qualified to get it. We need to raise it so the same percentage now as then die before they get it.
I think Trump has a platform, a cause he believes in, while Kamala will make up anything because winning is the only real because she has.
Kamala is 100 times a better person then your rapist of 13 year old felon with 34 felonies to his name , a bigoted piece of shit who tried to overthrow this government to force himself in as a dictator for life. You people are nuts. A man who said he want so be a dictator , who wants to dump the constitution and want to jail anyone who is apposed to him. You are a traitor to this country, you are by far this countries biggest threat and enemy. Fuck you worm!
I get a kick out of these hate Nazis with their ding a ling sources proving their ding a ling hate based ideas. Ideas that are told to them in a 3 year olds language because they know how stupid you people are. They can look at the action of shitpants and attack Harris, they can listen to a Trumps speech and attack Harris for what she says. The guy can't pout a complete idea together without drifting off in some hate based stupidity. These Maggots are this countries biggest enemy , we can never forget that fact.

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