How MAGA Is Already Justifying The Use Of Military Force At Home If Trump Wins

Yet across the nation and at their "rallies", "protests", and riots/insurrections we frequently and near always saw their emblem;

May not be "universally organized" as in "dues paying, membership card carrying"; but do have common ideology and methods and also a form of communications network that co-ordinates actions and handles logistics of gathering in from outlying locales.

As for "typical rightwing militia units" these are even less "universally organized than the AntiFa Movement. The tend to be more localized and per your Leftwing propaganda organization, seem to be on the decline;

The militia movement in transition | Southern Poverty Law Center

Also, appears the term/label "militia" is being disused since it is a trigger word for the government law enforcement agencies involved in lawfare.
One local example in my state;
A1: Antifa is a contraction of the phrase “anti-fascist.” It refers to a decentralized network of far-left militants that oppose what they believe are fascist, racist, or otherwise right-wing extremists. While some consider Antifa a sub-set of anarchists, adherents frequently blend anarchist and communist views. One of the most common symbols used by Antifa combines the red flag of the 1917 Russian Revolution and the black flag of 19th century anarchists. Antifa groups frequently conduct counter-protests to disrupt far-right gatherings and rallies. They often organize in black blocs (ad hoc gatherings of individuals that wear black clothing, ski masks, scarves, sunglasses, and other material to conceal their faces), use improvised explosive devices and other homemade weapons, and resort to vandalism. In addition, Antifa members organize their activities through social media, encrypted peer-to-peer networks, and encrypted messaging services such as Signal.

Antifa groups have been increasingly active in protests and rallies over the past few years, especially ones that include far-right participants. In June 2016, for example, Antifa and other protestors confronted a neo-Nazi rally in Sacramento, California, with at least five people stabbed. In February, March, and April 2017, Antifa members attacked alt-right demonstrators at the University of California, Berkeley using bricks, pipes, hammers, and homemade incendiary devices. In July 2019, William Van Spronsen, a self-proclaimed Antifa, attempted to bomb the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, using a propane tank but was killed by police.

Like some other types of domestic extremists in the United States, Antifa follow a decentralized organizational structure. In an influential article in the 1992 edition of the magazine Seditionist, anti-government activist Louis R. Beam advocated an organizational structure that he termed “leaderless resistance.” As Beam noted, “Utilizing the Leaderless Resistance concept, all individuals and groups operate independently of each other, and never report to a central headquarters or single leader for direction or instruction, as would those who belong to a typical pyramid organization.” Beam argued that the tactic was just as useful for left-wing as it was for right-wing extremists. “The New American Patriot,” he wrote several years later, “will be neither left nor right, just a freeman fighting for liberty.” Leaderless resistance became a useful model for many types of extremists, including far-left networks like Antifa.
Yet across the nation and at their "rallies", "protests", and riots/insurrections we frequently and near always saw their emblem;

May not be "universally organized" as in "dues paying, membership card carrying"; but do have common ideology and methods and also a form of communications network that co-ordinates actions and handles logistics of gathering in from outlying locales.

As for "typical rightwing militia units" these are even less "universally organized than the AntiFa Movement. The tend to be more localized and per your Leftwing propaganda organization, seem to be on the decline;

The militia movement in transition | Southern Poverty Law Center

Also, appears the term/label "militia" is being disused since it is a trigger word for the government law enforcement agencies involved in lawfare.
One local example in my state;

That is made up MAGA crap.

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