Trump Promises Water To Thirsty Californians

Stewart Resnick is the richest, biggest farmer in California. Resnick is a lifelong Democrat. Campaign donations. Philantgropy, fiundations, all giving to left wind democrat causes.

Of course being worth billions, Resnick will do what is right for those billions and support whoever promises to open the water pumps on the Central Valley Project.

Those pumps need electricity though, so Trump's promise has one little problem.
I am talking about the mom and pop farmers in central California.
Yet you support those who like it when people are addicted to drugs and commit crimes constantly, like Camel Toe Harris, who allowed these actions to happen in HER state.
Don't be childishly ridiculous.
I Just know the simple things. That historically agriculture and industry uses 90% of all the water in california.

There are limits to natural resources. In phoenix, they should be told you can no longer add more people, you are done.

I inspected the Nuclear power plant outside of phoenix. New housing development had to secure water rights before they are allowed to build. They bought water rights from farmers. There are no more rights to buy.

It was relatively recent when Arizona and Nevada finished their respective colorado river water projects.

Before arizona and nevada finished, california used their share of colorado river water. Now california can not use their share.

Farming in california got hit hard, especially avocados.

It is not global warming or droughts causing the problem. The desert can only support a limited amount of society.
Thanks for the analysis. Apparently Phoenix attracts many people. I spent a week there once and like the city and the atmosphere. But I would not live there. I like this part of Idaho fairly well and here we don't hear complaints about water being in short supply.
Are there any, from what I understand they are all 10,000 acre farms and more.
I lived for a few months with my Aunt and Uncle on a cotton farm. I was not told that I recall how much land the owner had. I guess the cotton farm had maybe 20 acres.

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