Will Economy be the primary driver for voters?

Economy and the Border Wall

The illegals Began rapping and killing American females.
Toilet paper is $15-$25... it's paper.

It's making people pimp their kids out for money on tic tok; put them to work early in life. Kids can't get free toilet paper they have to dance, cook, or say something on tic tok for it. This little girl at the elementary school said her dad was teaching her how to scream a little, then yell loud as he recorded it for a youtube video. That's his kid.

I agree with Trump, if Kamala was going to do anything for anyone in the entire world.... "Why Hasn't She Done It??? As VP she has done NOTHING
That’s stupid. VPs have little to no actual power. They are placeholders.
Every person has their own experience. It’s definitely painful for many. For the first time since I ve known them, my kids friends parents are losing jobs and struggling. Suburban middle class is struggling as is the lower class. Wealthy are doing fine. Laughing at it doesn’t make it better.
By all statistical evaluations we are doing very well. Better than the rest of the world and people have record wealth, record income, and with that comes record expenses. People have psychological reactions to change and making more and spending more is poorly processed by people. That’s why we shouldn’t have fools like Trump in office.

By all statistical evaluations we are doing very well. Better than the rest of the world and people have record wealth, record income, and with that comes record expenses. People have psychological reactions to change and making more and spending more is poorly processed by people. That’s why we shouldn’t have fools like Trump in office.

Why the hell do you keep posting stats, that are useless? I am talking about real life experiences. If things are so great why is your party pushing debt forgiveness and why do polls reflect that people see themselves as worse now than they were in 2019? You can’t even respond like a human. A friend of mine lost his job. 28 yrs with the same company. Twins going to college. Should I post links for him and tell him he is doing fine?

Another lost his job after being with the same company for 15 yrs. Four kids.

Are you even human?

Why the hell do you keep posting stats, that are useless? I am talking about real life experiences. If things are so great why is your party pushing debt forgiveness and why do polls reflect that people see themselves as worse now than they were in 2019? You can’t even respond like a human. A friend of mine lost his job. 28 yrs with the same company. Twins going to college. Should I post links for him and tell him he is doing fine?

Another lost his job after being with the same company for 15 yrs. Four kids.

Are you even human?

I did explain it. There are sad stories in every economy.

IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE SERIOUS you’d actually address the real issue in America which in inequity. The Top 10% have consolidated $75T more wealth at the expense of the bottom 90%. In aggregate we are very prosperous but those at the bottom struggle in 2024 like they did in 2019 like they did in 2009 like they did in 1999.

The things that address inequity to help those at the bottom are pissed on by you and the GOP. You really think there isn’t enough pie when there is enough pie… it’s just all being eaten at the top.

Real solutions:
  • Minimum wage increases
  • Guaranteed healthcare
  • Childcare option
  • Affordable education and post high school skill development for non-grads
  • Significantly reworked tax structure to move more burden to the top

I did explain it. There are sad stories in every economy.

IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE SERIOUS you’d actually address the real issue in America which in inequity. The Top 10% have consolidated $75T more wealth at the expense of the bottom 90%. In aggregate we are very prosperous but those at the bottom struggle in 2024 like they did in 2019 like they did in 2009 like they did in 1999.

The things that address inequity to help those at the bottom are pissed on by you and the GOP. You really think there isn’t enough pie when there is enough pie… it’s just all being eaten at the top.

Real solutions:
  • Minimum wage increases
  • Guaranteed healthcare
  • Childcare option
  • Affordable education and post high school skill development for non-grads
  • Significantly reworked tax structure to move more burden to the top

Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Cuban, Swift. Democrats. Billionaires.

Rich people love Democrats. Since Democrats cause inflation, it allows them to raise prices on their businesses or businesses they heavily invest in and the rich get richer.

- Min wage increases cause inflation should be free markets

- Free healthcare for all. Causes inflation.

- Free childcare. Causes inflation.

- Affordable education. UMass Amherst. MA is a deep blue states. The bluest actually. $37k per year. How do you explain that? State school.

- Top taxpayers already pay the vast majority of taxes. Keep taxing em and it causes more inflation.

Now can we talk as humans or are you going to post more useless links. The examples I gave you were people who worked most of their lives. Many business owners will downsize people if Harris wins. My clients told me as such.
Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Cuban, Swift. Democrats. Billionaires.

Rich people love Democrats. Since Democrats cause inflation, it allows them to raise prices on their businesses or businesses they heavily invest in and the rich get richer.

- Min wage increases cause inflation should be free markets

- Free healthcare for all. Causes inflation.

- Free childcare. Causes inflation.

- Affordable education. UMass Amherst. MA is a deep blue states. The bluest actually. $37k per year. How do you explain that? State school.

- Top taxpayers already pay the vast majority of taxes. Keep taxing em and it causes more inflation.

Now can we talk as humans or are you going to post more useless links. The examples I gave you were people who worked most of their lives. Many business owners will downsize people if Harris wins. My clients told me as such.
You see the paradox you’re in right? You complain about those struggling but oppose anything to address their issues.

Inflation was caused in 2021 by supply shortages and labor shortages. Not any republican or democrat policy.

The GOP expects you to be dumb and believe anything that is good for the bottom and bad for the top is bad. You’re all in. I mean you have no idea what drove inflation you’re just sure it’s dems cuz fuck them. The gop owns you because you let them.

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