Arab Imperialism Unmasked: The Hypocrisy Behind the Anti-Israel Agenda

Do you think the term 'colonialism' applies to Arab conquests?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Lebanon and Qatar's Kafala Slavery
Today, an investigative judge in Beirut has rejected the right of MH, the victim in the landmark slavery case challenging the Kafala system in Lebanon, to participate in court proceedings. MH requested reasonable time to return to Lebanon while she cared for her sick mother and to make complex travel arrangements to return from Ethiopia. The judge disagreed with the justifications provided and closed the investigation phase of the case without hearing from its essential witness. MH will appeal the decision, demanding that the investigative judge’s decision be overturned and a new hearing date set. Refusing the victim’s participation is an egregious miscarriage of justice, not only for MH, but for the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers living under the oppressive conditions that characterise the Kafala system.

At the last hearing date on 29 February 2024, the investigative judge also refused to allow MH to testify remotely, even though remote hearing procedures have been permitted in Lebanese courts, particularly during Covid. In rejecting the request for a remote hearing, the judge dismissed the immense hardships MH faces in traveling to Lebanon and insisted that she appear in person. The judge gave MH a mere two months and four days to solve these issues and be present in court in Lebanon without providing any provisions for her security. MH wanted to comply with the judge’s order, despite the difficulty that it entailed. Over the past two months, MH has taken every step to try to overcome the obstacles preventing her travel. But she faces very real threats of retaliation, including the threat of malicious prosecution.

“The Judge’s decision has denied MH, a victim of slavery, slave trading and racial and gender discrimination, the opportunity to speak in court. It is the equivalent of investigating a serious crime without speaking to the victim. MH is the first woman who has had the courage to speak out against the Kafala system and is representative of tens of thousands of women who cannot speak for themselves, not only in Lebanon but across the region,” said Antonia Mulvey, Executive Director of LAW. “The Judge has silenced the victim and has sent a message to others that their voices will not be heard. We cannot accept this and must stand up for all the MH’s worldwide and fight against this.”

Mutabaruka On Arabs, Muslims, And Colonization Of The Continent

In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator,
and radio host Mutabaruka speaks about the impact
of Arab imperialism and colonization of Africa.

Qatar's slave economy then and now
The Honest Truth about Qatar. Qatar has a controversial history and “come up” story. Explore Doha with us and learn hard and difficult truths about one of the richest countries in the world.

Qatar has been describing itself as a "modern Arab country" and yet even as it positions itself as an ally of the West, behind the scenes all is not what it seems.

Arab(Muslim) slave master, Black African slaves

Find out the latest from University of Michigan Black Student Union
issues with the Arab Muslims in campus


Why ABORIGINAL Australians Stand with ISRAEL

Join Nova Peris as she hikes Masada with Nate Buzz, sharing a powerful conversation about her unwavering support for Israel during the recent conflict. Discover the profound connections between the Aboriginal and Jewish peoples, as they discuss their shared struggles as indigenous peoples and enduring ties to their lands.

Nova Peris, an Olympic gold medalist, politician, and advocate for Aboriginal rights, draws compelling parallels between her community's experiences and the resilience of the Jewish people in the land of Israel. This is an inspiring conversation on solidarity, identity, and the unbreakable bonds forged through shared histories.


Slavery in the Arab League

Kafala in Lebanon - legal slavery?

The Kafala system is a form of worker sponsorship that allows private citizens and companies almost total control over the employment and immigration status of foreign workers.

Lebanon has some 250,000 foreign workers, most of them women from Africa and Asia. The labour laws don't provide any protections to the workers, like a minimum wage or pay for overtime, limits on their working hours, or a day off.

The Kafala system is one of virtual slavery and exploitation. In this episode, Michel Khneifes explores the dynamics of Kafala in Lebanon.


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