Trump Promises Water To Thirsty Californians

Lets not tie this forum up talking that way.
Ok, just try to be nicer.
You attack me relentlessly.
I do respond to your attacks.

I "TRY" to speak in truths, and your response, not regarding my truthful statement, is ALWAYS.......This. ALWAYS. Try something different, Please.
Why do you claim to attack Democrats when you keep attacking Republicans?
Ok, just try to be nicer.
You attack me relentlessly.
I do respond to your attacks.

I "TRY" to speak in truths, and your response, not regarding my truthful statement, is ALWAYS.......This. ALWAYS. Try something different, Please.
I do not post to cause distress to other people. I believe I am pretty polite. I try not to step on others toes. Asking questions by me isn't to be considered attacks.
Well, when the users increased by 6.5 million, that has a huge impact.

  • Population growth
    The number of people in the United States who depend on the Colorado River for water has increased from 23.5 million in 1990 to 30 million today.

  • Also an invasive shrub consumes vast amounts of water as show below.'
    • Tamarisk shrub
      The tamarisk shrub, which was accidentally introduced in the mid-19th century, has spread along the river and consumes a large amount of water.

Yes, the topic is the Sacramento river.
I appreciate your concern about the 6 million old colorado river.

In the 3 seasons of rain since your article was wrote, the colorado is full. All the reservoirs the colorado feeds, are full.

We are dumping billions of gallons of water from the reservoirs on the colorado.

As we speak, Monsoons are pushing up from the Sea Od Cortez in Mexico saturating the Colorado river watershed.

With luck nobody will drown in the flash floods we are being warned of.

A three year old article is 100% out of date. The colorado is fat with water
Yes, the topic is the Sacramento river.
I appreciate your concern about the 6 million old colorado river.

In the 3 seasons of rain since your article was wrote, the colorado is full. All the reservoirs the colorado feeds, are full.

We are dumping billions of gallons of water from the reservoirs on the colorado.

As we speak, Monsoons are pushing up from the Sea Od Cortez in Mexico saturating the Colorado river watershed.

With luck nobody will drown in the flash floods we are being warned of.

A three year old article is 100% out of date. The colorado is fat with water
That is wonderful news.
I found this report.
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As of September 2, 2024, the Colorado River's water supply report was 25.61 MAF. Here are some other current conditions for the Colorado River:

  • Snow accumulation
    On April 3, 2024, snow accumulation in the Colorado River Basin above Lake Powell reached 114% of the peak seasonal median.

  • Reservoir storage
    As of September 2, 2024, the storage and percent full for some reservoirs in the Colorado River system were:

    • Fontenelle: 0.26 MAF, 78% full

    • Flaming Gorge: 3.20 MAF, 87% full

    • Lake Mead: 8.68 MAF, 33% full

    • Lake Powell: 9.37 MAF, 40% full

    • Navajo: 1.12 MAF, 68% full

    • Morrow Point: 0.11 MAF, 96% full

    • Blue Mesa: 0.59 MAF, 71% full

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