I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Again pure bullshit. Trump does NOT love this country. Proof is in the pudding. He HATES anyone that disagrees with him. That means that the ONLY people he cares about are the ones that kiss his ass. The rest, he wants to throw them away. He wants to put each and every Democrat in jail. You think all Democrats should be in jail because they simply disagree with him?
/—-/ Thanks for your worthless TDS opinion.
Dodging the most important question of the debate ("are you better off now than you were 4 years ago ?") is not exactly whipping somebody. She lost the debate right then and there. Ho hum. yawn****

Only scatterbrained Democrats claim that she won the debate.
Only losers complain about the refs.

Dodging the most important question of the debate ("are you better off now than you were 4 years ago ?") is not exactly whipping somebody. She lost the debate right then and there. Ho hum. yawn****

Only scatterbrained Democrats claim that she won the debate. :laughing0301:
The Democrat's wanted the win so bad that they were trying to bend steel with their bear hands while watching it... 😆

The steel won.
/—-/ Thanks for your worthless TDS opinion.

Oh Wow, I am impressed by Trump. He sent a letter to a child congratulating him on his birthday and he made it public.

Let's see, he did not send money and he did not send a gift. The cost of a letter and the stamp to send it might have cost him $5 to $10. The publicity he got was free and people like you are warmed to the heart by this gesture and are not only willing to vote for him but probably are going to buy his gold shoes for $399, his Bible for $60 and the cards with pictures of him for $75. And all he had to do was send a letter.

I am impressed.

Having said that, here is a stark reality of Trump's caring

Oh Wow, I am impressed by Trump. He sent a letter to a child congratulating him on his birthday and he made it public.

Let's see, he did not send money and he did not send a gift. The cost of a letter and the stamp to send it might have cost him $5 to $10. The publicity he got was free and people like you are warmed to the heart by this gesture and are not only willing to vote for him but probably are going to buy his gold shoes for $399, his Bible for $60 and the cards with pictures of him for $75. And all he had to do was send a letter.

I am impressed.

Having said that, here is a stark reality of Trump's caring

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/—-/ The kids has cancer you cold hearted libtard.
Oh Wow, I am impressed by Trump. He sent a letter to a child congratulating him on his birthday and he made it public.

Let's see, he did not send money and he did not send a gift. The cost of a letter and the stamp to send it might have cost him $5 to $10. The publicity he got was free and people like you are warmed to the heart by this gesture and are not only willing to vote for him but probably are going to buy his gold shoes for $399, his Bible for $60 and the cards with pictures of him for $75. And all he had to do was send a letter.

I am impressed.

Having said that, here is a stark reality of Trump's caring

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/——/ Yeah, children are always separated from their criminal parents. The Trump administration separated thousands of migrant parents from their children as it moved to criminally prosecute people for illegally crossing the southwestern border. Minors, who could not be held in criminal custody with their parents, were transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services. They were then typically sent to live with a sponsor, often a relative or someone else with a connection to the family.
/——/ Yeah, children are always separated from their criminal parents. The Trump administration separated thousands of migrant parents from their children as it moved to criminally prosecute people for illegally crossing the southwestern border. Minors, who could not be held in criminal custody with their parents, were transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services. They were then typically sent to live with a sponsor, often a relative or someone else with a connection to the family.
Hold on a second........separated from their parents is somewhat understandable but not keeping records of where they were sent so in the future they could reunite is something you deem acceptable? caring for children?
/—-/ The kids has cancer you cold hearted libtard.
Oh, did Trump pay for treatment? sent him to the top doctor in the U.S. to help?

and, no comment on separating kids from their parents and not even keeping records of where they were sent so they could reunite is caring for people?

and you feel the need to call me cold-hearted? Cold hearted is Trump that all HE SENT was a card so that he could get free publicity out of it. That is COLD HEARTED................but you do not criticize that, do you? It is a great thing that Trump was caring enough to send a card!!

Wow, that is truly caring of him, isn't it?
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Plus more concerning is how Biden { is he still a Potus }
is off vacationing and not available.Is that how a President
handles his position.Of course not.Short of an illness like
Woodrow Wilson.
Again ... Kamala Harris was undemocratically Installed as
The Democrat Candidate for President.Again ... Not
the way a Candidate gets nominated.So the Evil Democrats
just gave the middle finger to We the People ... yet again.
And we're just supposed to shut-up and do as we're told.
Forget any First Amendment Right of Free Speech.
This is in short Stalinism.Plus a Pravda-styled Legacy media.
Oh, did Trump pay for treatment? sent him to the top doctor in the U.S. to help?

and, no comment on separating kids from their parents and not even keeping records of where they were sent so they could reunite is caring for people?

and you feel the need to call me cold-hearted? Cold hearted is Trump that all HE SENT was a card so that he could get free publicity out of it. That is COLD HEARTED................but you do not criticize that, do you? It is a great thing that Trump was caring enough to send a card!!

Wow, that is truly caring of him, isn't it?
If Trump was any more a Man an Defender of Righteousness
Clark Kent { Superman } would have to demand God give him
some time off and get back down to earth and do what Superman
did so well.That being to knock heads with Bad Americans or
Bullies.Like How many Comedy's handled bullies.
From Laurel & Hardy to Buster Keaton to the Keystone Kops.
What this country needs is another Mack Sennett.
A master at slapstick and the art of humor-based venting.
These Democrats are attempting to make ordinary americans
seem delusional.
DeSatan is attacking Disney.... you can't get more satanic than that.

Two points.
1) He didn't do a good job. 1 million people died.
2) By using the "Hoax" Language, by opposing mask mandates and vaccinations, Trump made Covid response a partisan issue when it never should have been.
Yer just incoherently lazy and delusional.Trump actually went overboard
insuring not one but as many Covid Vaccines got made and in fast order.
He must have mentioned on an almost bi-weekly
basis the latest progress of those trying to produce a vaccine.
Which normally takes around 5 years.
Trump had daily pressers to inform us Americans.
Allowing Little Schnook Liar Anthony Fauci to state his
opinions { many of which were guided by his years at the
National Institute of Health.} He was also The highest paid
american working publically { around $ 420,ooo a year }.
Conversely Trump at the same time Donated his Presidential
Salary each Fiscal year to a named charity.
Ya Frickin' Putz
Oh, did Trump pay for treatment? sent him to the top doctor in the U.S. to help?

and, no comment on separating kids from their parents and not even keeping records of where they were sent so they could reunite is caring for people?

and you feel the need to call me cold-hearted? Cold hearted is Trump that all HE SENT was a card so that he could get free publicity out of it. That is COLD HEARTED................but you do not criticize that, do you? It is a great thing that Trump was caring enough to send a card!!

Wow, that is truly caring of him, isn't it?
/——/ Trump did more than Commie Harris and Tampon Timmy did. It made the kids day.
If Trump was any more a Man an Defender of Righteousness
Clark Kent { Superman } would have to demand God give him
some time off and get back down to earth and do what Superman
did so well.That being to knock heads with Bad Americans or
Bullies.Like How many Comedy's handled bullies.
From Laurel & Hardy to Buster Keaton to the Keystone Kops.
What this country needs is another Mack Sennett.
A master at slapstick and the art of humor-based venting.
These Democrats are attempting to make ordinary americans
seem delusional.
If Trump was more of a Mann and Defender of Righteousness?

You see Trump as a God? A man of morals, ethics principles and humanity? A man that would give his life for the benefit of others?

Are you sending this post from the insane asylum that you live in?

I won't even bother to show proof to the contrary as you would throw it into the garbage.

Having said the word "garbage", let me tell you about garbage

/——/ Trump did more than Commie Harris and Tampon Timmy did. It made the kids day.
Here you go

Kamala Harris surprised an Oakland childcare nonprofit with a major grant

The vice president, born in Oakland, gave $20,000 to the childcare organization BANANAS.

I think this was more than sending a card to a kid, no?

Oh, by the way:

  • Kamala Harris and her husband, lawyer Doug Emhoff, have an estimated net worth of about $8 million, according to Forbes.
  • The net worth of former president Donald Trump is not publicly known. Forbes has estimated his wealth for decades and estimates it at $3.7 billion
Trump is worth 462 times more than Kamala. You think he could have done a bit more than sending a $10 card to the kid?
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
He's an insurrectionist traitor to his country who should have been tried, convicted and locked away forever. And, when you get the time, take a gander at Project 2025. Lots of good far, far, far, far right Trump wish lists.
Here you go

Kamala Harris surprised an Oakland childcare nonprofit with a major grant

The vice president, born in Oakland, gave $20,000 to the childcare organization BANANAS.

I think this was more than sending a card to a kid, no?

Oh, by the way:

  • Kamala Harris and her husband, lawyer Doug Emhoff, have an estimated net worth of about $8 million, according to Forbes.
  • The net worth of former president Donald Trump is not publicly known. Forbes has estimated his wealth for decades and estimates it at $3.7 billion
Trump is worth 462 times more than Kamala. You think he could have done a bit more than sending a $10 card to the kid?
/—-/ Trump gave away his presidential salary and
Former President Donald Trump’s joint tax returns with his wife, Melania, for 2015 through 2020 reported deductions for cash contributions to charity that ranged from $0 in 2020, when the couple reported no taxable income, to a high of $1,860,963 in 2017, according to the documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday.

The couple’s total cash donations from 2015 through 2020 were $4.19 million. - wsj.com
If Trump was more of a Mann and Defender of Righteousness?

You see Trump as a God? A man of morals, ethics principles and humanity? A man that would give his life for the benefit of others?

Are you sending this post from the insane asylum that you live in?

I won't even bother to show proof to the contrary as you would throw it into the garbage.

Having said the word "garbage", let me tell you about garbage

View attachment 1012480
Stop being a conflated demobrat putz.Saying Trump is a
defender of " righteousness " in no way implies he's
thinks of hisself as if a God.Or God.
This is the game you viral rotten Evil Demobrats ply.
It's gone on way too long.Even delusionally Infirmed Joe Biden
had to take a break.
Each day passing more and more Americans are stating they
feel Trump actually won last Tuesdays Presidential debate.
Without a belligerently Infirmed { in mind } Legacy media
that is an Express opinion.Meaning it is only gonna get more
popular.Like the Man { Trump }.
Deal with it.Before you are asked to leave Mommy's basement.

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