Wildlife officials in Ohio have revealed that a picture of a man holding two geese was actually taken after road kill LOL ya sure

Stuid Ixyen they dont go harvest them out of the public park in city limits and walk home cayying them. They don’t capture white swan regulars in front of little children and snap their necks you dumb OX. Get off the boards with that twisted trolling BS.
You think one form of death is more honorable than others? How queer ye be.
Wildlife officials in Ohio have revealed that a viral picture of a man walking down the street while holding two geese was actually taken after the birds were hit by a car.

Ohio wildlife officials reveal details behind SHOCK photo of man dragging dead geese through streets​

Look, I live along the Snake river and straw fields a wild life abound here. And Ive never come close to even hitting a goose. Let alone 2 of em And geese darken the skies around here theres so many. Ive seen sparrow and hawks and mice road kill but never a goose

If it's a Canadian geese they are against the law to kill. At least in south Carolina, so whoever hit them should be arrested. But we know it didn't happen and the illegal immigrant will get away with it.
It is, but like deer, Geese have a season.

You also have to have a license to harvest one.

But, don't worry, there's no evidence of any wrong doing.


Solon resident David Eder was driving in Oakwood, Ohio, near Dayton, with a couple of friends when they came upon a deer that had been hit by another vehicle. It was still alive, but its injuries proved fatal, and the animal died as the young men watched.

What to do? Eder’s crowd decided to keep the deer for themselves. That’s legal in Ohio, where state law dictates that not only drivers, but another person may take possession of roadkill deer as long as they report the accident to a wildlife officer or other law enforcement officer within 24 hours.

The officer presented Eder with the required deer carcass tag, and the young men got the deer home. It was time to work.

Here are the 30 states that are roadkill-friendly and what you have to do to keep that highway venison legally:...

While some states prohibit the salvaging of roadkill entirely, there are 30 states that let folks keep a roadkilled animal, free and clear, no matter what; others let people claim certain animals if they have a valid hunting permit or license.

Essentially, regs are in place to protect against and hopefully prevent the inevitable behavior of the lowest common denominator, which would be people purposely hitting animals. Yeah, those kinds of people are driving around among us.

  • Ohio: No restrictions.
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democrats are in full cover up mode and the MSM will gladly carry their water.

Their policies suck.

The outlet was informed by authorities that there is no evidence to suggest the man is either an immigrant, Haitian or had plans to eat the birds.

View attachment 1012429
Yep, the Democrats less than 10 percent hold on state elected offices puts the fix in. What a ducking moron you are! Hilarious 😂

Solon resident David Eder was driving in Oakwood, Ohio, near Dayton, with a couple of friends when they came upon a deer that had been hit by another vehicle. It was still alive, but its injuries proved fatal, and the animal died as the young men watched.

What to do? Eder’s crowd decided to keep the deer for themselves. That’s legal in Ohio, where state law dictates that not only drivers, but another person may take possession of roadkill deer as long as they report the accident to a wildlife officer or other law enforcement officer within 24 hours.

The officer presented Eder with the required deer carcass tag, and the young men got the deer home. It was time to work.

Here are the 30 states that are roadkill-friendly and what you have to do to keep that highway venison legally:...
  • Ohio: No restrictions.
Shit happens, now let us eat.
The fact that you MAGAts are so obsessed with this story shows how deranged and fucked up all of you are. Seriously.

Trump is going to lose so badly in November. You imbeciles better prepare for the worst.
Actually get your pussy hat ready, because these stories are true no matter how hard you try and cover for Biden's failed border policy.
Exactly, NO PROOF OF WRONG DOING. You perpetuate a lie. There is no actual, physical evidence, no proof of dogs, cats, ducks or geese being killed and eaten. You need an easily identifiable and BLACK enemy. NO City Official has found any evidence of dogs, cats, ducks, or geese being killed and eaten, all you have is a lie.
No there is, but if you admit it's happening. That will prove Biden and Harris are total failures. Luckily there are more people that know we cannot continue with Harris and remain a nation of laws.

Which one is you?
The fact that you MAGAts are so obsessed with this story shows how deranged and fucked up all of you are. Seriously.

Trump is going to lose so badly in November. You imbeciles better prepare for the worst.
I get it.MAGA's are obsessed and deranged.Ever been to Haiti.
I think that is where Hannibal Lector { Silence of the Lambs }
went at the end of the movie.He is seen walking rather cocky and
self-satisfied down a dirt road in what appears to be Haiti.
Wearing what most Diplomats usually wear when in Haiti
dating back to the 50's.A light white sports jacket and summer hat.
Man was he even in for a surprise.
Because Trump said so, kleetus.

Here it is again, slow-learner --

Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social network: “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”
He was blowing hot air to appease the media and their sheep. Project 2025 in its essence is a typical conservative primer. It’s been used as a bullshit red herring, promoted as such to keep you sheeple occupied.
You’re a democrat fool. A lemming, hell-bent on bringing everyone and everything off of the cliff with you.
If it's a Canadian geese they are against the law to kill. At least in south Carolina, so whoever hit them should be arrested. But we know it didn't happen and the illegal immigrant will get away with it.
If it's a Canada Goose and you are able to approach it, grab it and kill it, you deserve to keep it. We don't call them Canadian Cobra Chickens for nothing.
Yep, the Democrats less than 10 percent hold on state elected offices puts the fix in. What a ducking moron you are! Hilarious 😂

Stupid much? Deep State is deep in it no matter what they pretend to be to get elected you dumb OX. GA WI MI PA AZ loaded with phony R as we all know.

Just SHUP you country killing Arsejack. They dont even claim party anymore as you’ve no doubtedly witnessed yet you still chirp? Vote for Lopez, I’m for sealing the border they say.
He was blowing hot air to appease the media and their sheep. Project 2025 in its essence is a typical conservative primer. It’s been used as a bullshit red herring, promoted as such to keep you sheeple occupied.
You’re a democrat fool. A lemming, hell-bent on bringing everyone and everything off of the cliff with you.
Blowing "hot air"....because Trump backs down when someone confronts him with his fucked up MAGA Nazi policies.

He's too much of a pussy to defend his policies.

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