Wildlife officials in Ohio have revealed that a picture of a man holding two geese was actually taken after road kill LOL ya sure

Stupid much? Deep State is deep in it no matter what they pretend to be to get elected you dumb OX. GA WI MI PA AZ loaded with phony R as we all know.

Just SHUP you country killing Arsejack. They dont even claim party anymore as you’ve no doubtedly witnessed yet you still chirp? Vote for Lopez, I’m for sealing the border they say.
Lol, tell me some more retard stories ass wipe. The story is ohio. Ohio is controlled by Republicans period.
The freaking world is in chaos. Illegal alien gangs are robbing and murdering and raping Americans but a Brit media outlet uncovered what they think is a conspiracy to malign Haitian illegal alien criminals. WTF?
The geese looked like they were mangled by a car...oh wait they didn't.
I killed 11 geese in the past week. Did it with two guys wearing Trump shirts under their cameos. Would have shot more this morning if I hadn't killed to many tin soldiers last night. Really wish I had gotten up cuz today was the last day of early goose season. Soon I will kill a shit load of ducks. Then I will kill Bambies mom. You a vegan? You have blue hair? I have killed cows, sheep, pigs abd just about any thing else that walked, crawled, or slithered. Where do you think that meat on your plate comes from ass wipe? You one of those hypocrite that needs a real man to do your dirty work for you?
The freaking world is in chaos. Illegal alien gangs are robbing and murdering and raping Americans but a Brit media outlet uncovered what they think is a conspiracy to malign Haitian illegal alien criminals. WTF?
The Springfield and Columbus papers also carried articles debunking these stories. Here's just one I cited almost a week ago. There are many more recent ones.

Vance pretty much admits making shit up.

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”


Solon resident David Eder was driving in Oakwood, Ohio, near Dayton, with a couple of friends when they came upon a deer that had been hit by another vehicle. It was still alive, but its injuries proved fatal, and the animal died as the young men watched.

What to do? Eder’s crowd decided to keep the deer for themselves. That’s legal in Ohio, where state law dictates that not only drivers, but another person may take possession of roadkill deer as long as they report the accident to a wildlife officer or other law enforcement officer within 24 hours.

The officer presented Eder with the required deer carcass tag, and the young men got the deer home. It was time to work.

Here are the 30 states that are roadkill-friendly and what you have to do to keep that highway venison legally:...

While some states prohibit the salvaging of roadkill entirely, there are 30 states that let folks keep a roadkilled animal, free and clear, no matter what; others let people claim certain animals if they have a valid hunting permit or license.

Essentially, regs are in place to protect against and hopefully prevent the inevitable behavior of the lowest common denominator, which would be people purposely hitting animals. Yeah, those kinds of people are driving around among us.

  • Ohio: No restrictions.

What does that have to do with Haitians carrying dead geese down the road?

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