Increasing public unrest in Israel

Israel literally just wants to be left alone.
This is simply ridiculous, the settlers will not leave Arabs alone, it's like a sport to these maniacs:


I mean people openly behave like that picture above. They do this brazenly and openly while the world watches, completely unfazed. Yet they get all uppity about Oct 7th, I mean you couldn't make this stuff up! If people did that on someone's land out here in Arizona, they'd be shot and the owner would not face charges, we have castle doctrine here.

You have the opposite an armed intruder has the right to attack you in your home but you do not have any right to use deadly force to prevent them or shoot them dead as the kick your door in and set fire to your land and poison your farm animals.

Do any of these entitled hippy knuckle draggers actually have a job? do they earn a living? or do they just take what they want from those who do?
If HAMAS would just stick to beating their own women and murdering their own homosexuals there wouldn’t be a problem. But no, crazy Muslim extremists always got be on the offensive.
Whereas the people in the above image are the true victims? that's the kind of claptrap that a primitive minded Zionist thug might swallow but not an educated enlightened individual with a European based education and culture. Israel has no culture, it is defined by hatred of Arabs, that's pretty much all it ever was and all it offers.
The “Jews” in Israel are defending themselves. It’s the only place in the world that “Jews” are in an armed conflict with another group.
Yes and that group is called non-Jews who already lived in Palestine.
Muslims on the other hand are attacking different groups all over the planet. Your “genocide” fantasy is a delusion that is disproved with basic logic.
I think it's the United States and allies that are attacking people all over the planet. Likely most wars raging today are to one degree or another a direct or indirect consequence of US geopolitics. This includes Yemen, Israel, Ukraine and so on. In every one, the US is lurking somewhere in the scene.
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I think it's the United States and allies that are attacking people all over the planet. Likely most wars raging today are to one degree or another a direct or indirect consequence of US geopolitics. This includes Yemen, Israel, Ukraine and so on. In every one, the US is lurking somewhere in the scene.
LOL you blame the US for Muslims killing Muslims in Muslim counties. Well, then I guess your support for Islamic terrorists means you support US foreign policy……
LOL you blame the US for Muslims killing Muslims in Muslim counties. Well, then I guess your support for Islamic terrorists means you support US foreign policy……

I have absolutely no trouble finding this stuff, unlike you, you should try to stand in your own two feet more:


Let me ask, do you rely on some kind of weird Zionist search engine? one that filters all results to be pro-Zionist?
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All I wrote about UN Resolutions #242 and # 338 was:

"I would suggest that the boundaries be approximately what UN Resolutions # 242 and # 338 call for."

How are my representations of these UN Resolutions "inaccurate" when I said nothing about them?
The resolutions do not say what you think they say. We could discuss, if you'd like, but the relevant concept for this conversation is that no borders exist between Israel and a possible State of Palestine. The borders which do arise should do so by negotiation and treaty and NOT by pre-determination.
I don't know how someone can live in a country and know so little about its realities.
I don't know what country you think I live in...
You don't seem to know the nature of the violent, filthy and greedy "Settlers".

Would you want these violent, rabid and greedy miscreants as neighbors dumping their raw sewage in your well water?
First, I would note your characterization of Jewish people living in Judea and Samaria. You seem to appreciate calm, rational discussion, and have even called out unnecessary insults and requested more polite conversation. I have a great deal of respect for those who are able to discuss this topic without using negative descriptors of the people, but instead call out negative behavior.

Second, I would kindly ask that you especially avoid negative stereotypes or tropes such as "filthy", "rabid"(diseased), and "greedy". I feel this leads to a better discussion with accurate and objective facts and realities, rather than emotional demonization of other.

Area C in the "West Bank" (pre-October 7, but especially post-October 7) is volatile and violence is perpetrated by both sides. Both Jews and Arabs are committed to creating their own "facts on the ground" in taking over land permanently in Area C. Both use various tactics, including violence, waste dumping, legal shenanigans, illegal building and farming, and misuse of donor funds. That said, this is undoubtedly a result of the long-standing condition of war between Jews and Arabs in this territory, currently exacerbated by the rise in violence post-October 7.

Both of us can, I hope, admit that there is no inherent reason why Jews and Arabs can't live together peacefully. They do in Israel. And, as the pro-Arab Palestine "side", is likely to remind us over and over, they did during Ottoman times.
I have absolutely no trouble finding this stuff, unlike you, you should try to stand in your own two feet more:

View attachment 1012530

Let me ask, do you rely on some kind of weird Zionist search engine? one that filters all results to be pro-Zionist?
Don’t deflect. You got caught in your own circle jerk of BS. Since you claim the US is responsible for Muslims killing Muslims in Muslim countries, and you support the sma e Islamic terrorist, then you are supporting US foreign policy.
Don’t deflect. You got caught in your own circle jerk of BS. Since you claim the US is responsible for Muslims killing Muslims in Muslim countries, and you support the sma e Islamic terrorist, then you are supporting US foreign policy.
What manner of confusion is this? How can me pointing out facts about US geopolitics be construed as me supporting US foreign policy AND supporting Islamist terrorism? No wonder you've been so easily fooled by the Zionists.
I'd love an honest answer please:


Do any of these unkempt, scruffy, entitled, hippy knuckle draggers actually have a job? do they pay rent? do they earn a living? or do they just take what they want from those who do? Does anyone know where these kinds of delinquents live before they go on their domestic terrorism sprees? before they embark on their Jewish house hunting expeditions?

Does anyone here actually know people like this or socialize with people like this?

It's fascinating how the Zionists here will jump up and down when students protest genocide in the US yet applaud when marauding gangs of reprobate racists rampage and steal land from non-Jews, what's worse stealing a family's home, land and livelihood or protesting outside a university?
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This is TEN years old:

I fail to see how this supports your position.

We have got to figure out how to live together”

Good luck living with crazy islamists……

I do love how the left loves to throw around stupid phrases like “decolonization” but then opposes decolonization in Gaza……
I fail to see how this supports your position.

We have got to figure out how to live together”

Good luck living with crazy islamists……

I do love how the left loves to throw around stupid phrases like “decolonization” but then opposes decolonization in Gaza……
Ha, a great example of the word "Israeled" - steal something from someone and then blame them for stealing it originally from you!
What manner of confusion is this? How can me pointing out facts about US geopolitics be construed as me supporting US foreign policy AND supporting Islamist terrorism? No wonder you've been so easily fooled by the Zionists.
You support Hamas. They are Islamic terrorists.
You blamed Muslim aggression on US “lurking” everywhere. If the US is responsible for Muslim aggression, which you support. Then you are supporting US foreign policy.
You support Hamas. They are Islamic terrorists.
You blamed Muslim aggression on US “lurking” everywhere. If the US is responsible for Muslim aggression, which you support. Then you are supporting US foreign policy.
Hamas are no more terrorist that the state of Israel, go and look at the definition of the word - oh and don't be reaching for that Zionist dictionary...

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