Increasing public unrest in Israel

What a wonderful egalitarian society the Zionists have created, admired the world over:

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City planning in Jerusalem is notoriously complex, and even more so in areas formerly under Jordanian occupation. It is not as simple as this claim makes it out to be. And while I am certain that there is discrimination, and equally certain that there is a disparity in planning, it is not appropriate to reduce the complexity down to black-and-white.
City planning in Jerusalem is notoriously complex, and even more so in areas formerly under Jordanian occupation. It is not as simple as this claim makes it out to be. And while I am certain that there is discrimination, and equally certain that there is a disparity in planning, it is not appropriate to reduce the complexity down to black-and-white.
There is no complexity that hasn't been created intentionally by Israel. The situation though is simple - "Israel is an apartheid state who's laws are applied discriminatorily against non-Jews". What's complex about that? nothing, the complexity claim is just apologetics.
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There is no complexity that hasn't been created intentionally by Israel. The situation though is simple - "Israel is an apartheid state who's laws are applied discriminatorily against non-Jews". What's complex about that? nothing, the complexity claim is just apologetics.
Yeah, no. The laws are applied equally to every Israeli citizen and permanent resident. Part of the complexity, specifically, is the illegal occupation of Jordan between 1948 and 1967 and the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem Jews and the resulting competing claims of ownership. The process is more complicated for Palestinian dominated areas in Jerusalem, not because of inequality of law, but because of the inherent differences in city planning and property claims.
Yeah, no. The laws are applied equally to every Israeli citizen and permanent resident. Part of the complexity, specifically, is the illegal occupation of Jordan between 1948 and 1967 and the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem Jews and the resulting competing claims of ownership. The process is more complicated for Palestinian dominated areas in Jerusalem, not because of inequality of law, but because of the inherent differences in city planning and property claims.

You support Hamas. They are Islamic terrorists.
You blamed Muslim aggression on US “lurking” everywhere. If the US is responsible for Muslim aggression, which you support. Then you are supporting US foreign policy.
Lol. While your beloved Israel is mass murdering women and children on an industrial scale, you’ve got some nerve posting this shit.

Ops! I forgot you’re a Zionist.
Yeah, no. The laws are applied equally to every Israeli citizen and permanent resident.
Well unfortunately for you that's not true, there's report after report after report that describes how Palestinians are rarely granted building permits in comparison to Jews. I can show you these reports and you'll dismiss them and that's all you do.
Part of the complexity, specifically, is the illegal occupation of Jordan between 1948 and 1967 and the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem Jews and the resulting competing claims of ownership. The process is more complicated for Palestinian dominated areas in Jerusalem, not because of inequality of law, but because of the inherent differences in city planning and property claims.
This is the language of the apologist the "Yes, this happens sometimes but..." prefix that I see on most replies from Zionist apologists. If you look at Nazi language and rhetoric they used the very same indoctrination techniques that you do.

So don't pretend that there's a lack of supporting evidence.
Yeah. So, you've got nothing. Because your arguments are empty repetitions of slogans you heard on Tik Tok. Have you read the city planning requirements for Jerusalem?
I never use Tik Tok.

I have no intention of reading planning requirements, I've told you before that looking at legislation alone isn't helpful here, one needs to also look at the interpretation of laws and regulations.

I can and have, shared reports from the UN from human rights teams detailing the prejudicial application of laws in Israel.

Now tell me, what "empty slogans" are you attributing to me?
Yeah, the some random liberal-academic doesn’t really carry the same weight as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Do actors operating on behalf of the state ever lie? are you able to think of any examples from other countries where officialdom has lied? or do you believe that this is not possible?
Lets see some long overdue condemnation for this report from today.

The video captures a raid by "settlers" on a Bedouin school, beating and abusing staff. No doubt these people want to "reclaim what's theirs" and are doing no wrong.

I've asked before (but the Zionists shied away from answering me) do these scruffy entitled filthy hippies not have jobs? how do they pay for things? wealthy parents? These are entitled racial supremacists and their ilk needs to be sent back to 1,000 BC where they used to act like this against the indigenous before.

Perhaps God did not give them the land after all, perhaps that's all just made up propaganda, I suspect the Israelites were uneducated entitled racists from day one. They were eventually sent packing by the local inhabitants precisely because of this kind of nationalistic extremism. The Babylonians obviously saw how these primitive amoral tribes behaved and decided to put a stop to it, we should consider doing the same because nothing else can stop this barbarity.

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Do actors operating on behalf of the state ever lie? are you able to think of any examples from other countries where officialdom has lied? or do you believe that this is not possible?
Likewise, do liberal academics ever succumb to their own biases? Your point applies to your position even more so.
Likewise, do liberal academics ever succumb to their own biases? Your point applies to your position even more so.
Yes they do. So citing "doesn’t really carry the same weight as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence" hardly means we can trust what he says.

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