Trump Is Going To Lose North Carolina

There is no Republican Party coming back that will be RINOS and NEO CONS. Progs might as well win from now on. I understand some areas with more left leaning Republicans in power because they are from Communist leaning states or cities. There is no point electing people that will propel us further and further left. As we have seen they even helped Progs pass all of that legislation the first two years of Joe. All payouts to their special interests. So, unless a different breed of candidate arises Progs will win and win some more until they destroy the nation enough where something will have to be done.

Name some of these "communist leaning cities".
Correct, but the point was that democratic registrations were up a whopping 30%. That illustrates excitement and momentum towards those leaning to vote democrat and is way more significant than a poll. Something that Trump has absolutely none of.
Baseless claim.

There is a Governor’s race going on here which has gotten a lot of folks kind of riled up. The ads have been effective. I’d assume that the ramping up of voter registration has far more to do with that race than with any enthusiasm over Kamalalala.
Massive Democratic voter registration in North Carolina. --

Furthermore, the crazy Republican candidate for governor, Lt Gov Mark Robinson, is also weighing down Trump in the state. --

^The supporter of politicians who say that whites are privileged, a child can get a sex change operation, a man can play on a woman’s sport, I mean this is completely hilarious

Whatever you think you have, you have nothing. The economy is the top concern for Americans, according to pew. And all of us remember that Trump’s economy was much better than Biden for the working class.
Link?? Were you asleep from Jan - March during the Republican primaries?

The vast majority of Haley voters cannot stand Trump. They will not vote for him.
So you have no link. In the words of people like you who never go outside: "Thanks for playing." :laugh2:
^The supporter of politicians who say that whites are privileged, a child can get a sex change operation, a man can play on a woman’s sport, I mean this is completely hilarious

Whatever you think you have, you have nothing. The economy is the top concern for Americans, according to pew. And all of us remember that Trump’s economy was much better than Biden for the working class.
You're talking to a guy who's been here less than two weeks, and is closing in on almost 30 posts/day. Nothing suspicious about him at all!

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