Repubicans Lie Again

Sorry. Trump is creating an excuse for his next loss. Remember. In 2016 he claimed 3-5 million illegal immigrants voted.
How many illegal aliens do you think voted? What is your estimate?

Why did the DNC place ads in Spanish when migrants must learn English to get US citizenship? They were blatantly courting the illegal alien vote. Those ads were directed at non-citizens.
How can it be 16 million, they’ve been using the 11 million figure for decades, over 7 million have entered in the last 4 years, meaning the minimum is about 18 million, nobody knows the true number but it has to be close to 30 million.

Considering 10,000 can swing a state, even a small amount, relative to the number of illegals here, can have an impact
16 million is the high estimate of anti immigrant blogs.
The number that MAY have voted is infinitesimal

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