“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

Given. your answer, I am not on this board for entertainment or to entertain. As such, I have lost interest in communicating with you as you have nothing to offer.

By the way and for the sake of making myself clear. I do not believe that my posts will change anyone's view either, especially with the cult mentality seen here. Nonetheless, I have a goal in life and that is to try to impart knowledge to others. It is a goal of mine that is not based on whether the knowledge will be absorbed or not, it is about my doing what my purpose in life is and that is to gain knowledge and impart knowledge so that we can all (as a nation) improve as knowledge is power.

I am a writer and a communicator and my personal goal is to be the best person I can be. I have had a tough life and experienced more than most people and what I have experienced has helped me. I am by nature a person that cares (I am a giver and not a taker) and given that my physical problems do not allow me to go out and meet people, I can only do it through the computer and online. I am not looking for understanding or success. Like you, I do it for my own satisfaction in giving to others. Whether that information will be taken and absorbed is not under my control.

By the way and as far as being a writer. You should go to the writing section here in the forums and I have give some samples of my writing. If you are looking for entertainment, some of them may entertain you.

Good Luck
I try to be the best person I can be, that is a given. I thought you were done communicating with me then you go on with three paragraphs about you. Interesting game you have going.
Post them then.

You picked the wrong battle, and you know it.
Post who? The DNC is an organization of globalist Democrats who tell you who you will support for president.

You and the Democrat voting base have ceded your participation in the democratic process and have simply devoted yourselves to a higher calling. You obey your overlords and do as they say, no questions asked. You have faith in their decision.

That’s way more cultish than support for Trump, an elected candidate

And what battle?
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I try to be the best person I can be, that is a given. I thought you were done communicating with me then you go on with three paragraphs about you. Interesting game you have going.
You make more of it than is there. You stated that your are in it for entertainment and I sent you to where I have written entertainment stuff. I also took the time to explain to you what my objectives in life are. It was not meant for us to keep communicating, it was just to give you information about what drives me the same way you gave information about what drives you. My statement about not communicating anymore is real but it is not a debasement of you, just a statement that we have nothing to talk about because we have different reasons to being here. That is all. I am surprised though, that you did not pick up on that. I thought it was clear.

It’s okay though… you just don’t realize you’re in it. But experts say you are. ;)
DNC? Are you crazy? are you that blind. Have I not stated REPEATEDLY that I am simply against Trump and not necessarily for the DNC? I defend the DNC simply because it is a better choice than Trump, but I was never a fan of Biden and I am not a fan of Harris. I just am a fan of surviving rather than dying. If that makes me a cult member, I am one. I will do anything to survive. Trump is death.

I thought you had a bit more brains. I guess I was wrong. Next time we communicate, I will treat you as if I am talking to an ignorant child.
You make more of it than is there. You stated that your are in it for entertainment and I sent you to where I have written entertainment stuff. I also took the time to explain to you what my objectives in life are. It was not meant for us to keep communicating, it was just to give you information about what drives me the same way you gave information about what drives you. My statement about not communicating anymore is real but it is not a debasement of you, just a statement that we have nothing to talk about because we have different reasons to being here. That is all. I am surprised though, that you did not pick up on that. I thought it was clear.
I don’t have anyone on ignore but you now. Bye!
I couldn’t name one Swift song, however most teens love her and she keeps her workers happy, what others think I Have no idea nor is it important to me when I vote.

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