“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

Another boatload od inane subjective codswallop . You offer absolutely nothing concrete to indicate that she is inclined to be an authoritarian, leave alone a Marxist You cannot point to a single thing that she has said or proposed that supports your bizarre claim that she is a confirmed Marxist. You claim to teach Marxism but your drivel says that you have scant understanding of what Marxism actually is . If you do teach Marxism, I suspect it’s in Sunday School and limited to “Marxism bad…they are Atheists “ And her father left the family when she was about 7 years old . Hardly an age when political values are developed. And, she has had minimal involvement with him since
There are none so blind as those who will not see. Do have a great day.

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To think there are actually adults who have and will vote for this lunatic boggles the mind.
So he will try to kill her or put her on jail. Simple point you can't support a anti Christ and call yourself a Christian.
This election is over, it ended when they put a black women in front of a bigoted women hating party. But that's not the end , when Trump realizes he has no chance he will ask his good christian backers to kill for him and they will. He will be asking these great Christians to kill their Neighbors that don't agree with them. They will. he has nothing to lose, if he isn't the president he will be spending the rest of his life in jail where he belongs. and he knows that. This doesn't end till MAGA is buried right next to Trump. If they get the chance they will try to overthrow our democracy and country again. Every patriots know that and every patriot has to protect their family their friend our democracy and country. Be prepared.
You can delude yourself all you want. It is normal for Trumpers to do that. They live in a world of their own. Typical cult mentality.

By the way, "no", I am not a fan of Taylor Swift. I am 79 years old and I am a fan of people like Johnny Mathis, George Benson and as far as current artists, I am a fan of Adele.

Having said that, in this day and age and considering people like you( that buy what Trump is selling), the reality is that artists, athletes and other well-known media people (like Trump) help sell an idea or a product big time.

For example, do you have any idea of how much Michael Jordan helped Nike to become a well known and successful brand? Let me just say that Michael Jordan Brand of Nike shoe has earned Nike $19 billion is just 5 years.

In addition, do you know how much the candidates for presidency spend on advertising their own images? well, lets just say that at least 1/2 Billion dollars are spend in advertising. Most people do NOT think or evaluate things as they are (you are a perfect example of that). Most people buy what they are sold without thinking of whether it is best for them or not.

As such, getting an endorsement from TS will give Kamala a bump up and Trump saying he hates TS will give him a bump down.

That is just fact, even though you try to wash it away. This is reality and there are hundreds (if not thousands) of examples I can give you, where people were sold a "bill of goods" and they bought it without thinking twice.
Well, okay. I don’t think it’s going to be much meaningful to independents and uncertain voters… you seem to think it’ll be a big deal.

We can agree to disagree.

And if you want to go the “cult” route, just remember, my candidate was democratically elected as the nominee, yours wasn’t. You were told by authoritarian overlords who to support, and by your devotion to the Democrat party you obey. You don’t even have the spine to demand democratic participation, so any smoke from you holds no weight. There’s no dignity in someone who gladly gets walked over just appease others, and people without dignity are not model people

You’re much more in a “cult” than any Trump voter. But the use of the term in Politics is very dumb and hyperbolic to begin with IMO.
Well, okay. I don’t think it’s going to be much meaningful to independents and uncertain voters… you seem to think it’ll be a big deal.

We can agree to disagree.

And if you want to go the “cult” route, just remember, my candidate was democratically elected as the nominee, yours wasn’t. You were told by authoritarian overlords who to support, and by your devotion to the Democrat party you obey. You don’t even have the spine to demand democratic participation, so any smoke from you holds no weight. There’s no dignity in someone who gladly gets walked over just appease others, and people without dignity are not model people

You’re much more in a “cult” than any Trump voter. But the use of the term in Politics is very dumb and hyperbolic to begin with IMO.

That is a very ignorant comment given that I do not follow or state anything that anyone in the Democratic party states. As such, I am far from being a cult member and I follow no one.

In addition, there is no one in the Democratic party that any Democrats are married to. On the other hand, you guys are married to Trump. You live and die by him, whereas the Democrats live and die by their Democratic platform and ideals and not to anyone person. Case in point, Biden quit and Kamala rose. Had Trump quit, who would the Republicans choose? No one as they are married to Trump and no one else.

You are in a cult and you are a cult member

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This is about a LEADER promoting hate. You don't care if he is a creating a "stupid clumsy moronic soap opera"? You think that is what a LEADER is supposed to be doing?

One stupid question for you to answer. Do you want a leader that keys on hating Taylor Swift, up and above the economy, to be your president? a leader that keys more on the size of crowds than on immigration?
Yep, don’t care, he isn’t a leader, I don’t look at him or her as leaders, they are just power hungry and will promise what they need to do, to win.
You are deflecting from the OP. Why do you deflect to Harris or Biden when this is something that Trump did that will not cause more votes for him, but will stimulate less votes for him.

Since you do not want the Harris in office, doesn't that mean that he has to win in November. If he doesn't win, you will be getting a "stupid" Harris in office. So you think alienating voters against you is intelligent?
I don’t care if Trump gets votes or not, I don’t care who wins, debt will go up, my life will go on and not really change at all.
Yep, don’t care, he isn’t a leader, I don’t look at him or her as leaders, they are just power hungry and will promise what they need to do, to win.
One question for you "personally"

Why are you here on a political board if you don't care either way?

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To think there are actually adults who have and will vote for this lunatic boggles the mind.
Did he call half of America deplorables?
Really, You think a comment like that is worthy of an adult much less a presidential candidate? Do really think that someone who would post something so juvenile is fit to be commander in chief?
Like I said, did he call half of Americans a basket of deplorables?
As there is zero instance of Trump weaponizing government or otherwise going after political opposition in his first term and absolutely nothing he has said that suggests he would do that in a second term, I will assume you are spewing irresponsible an hateful propaganda and wish you a nice day.
You're nuts. trump is always calling on his cult to commit acts of violence. Ex J6....now he is calling on his cult to attack Swift.

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